Each of the four decks ultimately contain 168 cards which must be obtain through various avenues. Optional; can only be used once per turn. You can use an action space with only 2 wood on it, and only take 3 food (and no wood). You may choose to only sow 1 or 2 wood on this card. This still counts as taking wood, and activates e.g. Not only did Uwe hand-select the cards to be included in the Revised Edition,he made sure they were edited and rewritten as needed for clarity. When you use the Plough Driver, you may not use a plough or the. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space you may immediately afterward build one room. For example, if someone takes 1 stone, and you use another player's. Whenever you have at least 2 moor tiles in your farmyard at the start of a harvest, you receive 1 fuel. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space, you receive an additional 3 stone. If you use the special action to play an improvement that gives you benefits when sowing (e.g. In reality, the million dollar questions is, "Are expansion decks from one edition compatible with the other?" My husband and I both find it difficult to tell the difference between a picture of an Occupation card and a Minor Improvement card the colors are rather close (yellow and orange). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Is only activated on both the "Plough 1 Field" and the "Plough Field and Sow" action spaces, but not by the "Slash and Burn" special action or cards that allow you to plough. When you play this card, immediately take the field and breeding phases of a harvest on your farmyard. You do not participate in the work phase (phase 3) in round 14, but you still can profit from the start-of-round phase (phase 1). You may not play this card without grain in your personal supply --- not even in combination with the Market Woman. The field in your home does not count as a field for prerequisites of minor improvements or in scoring at the end of the game. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each food on this card. Using the Water Mill does not count as baking. You receive 2 food before you pay the costs of playing this occupation. At any time, you can use the Turner to convert any number of wood to 1 food each. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space, you may immediately afterward pay 1 food to plow 1 field. Whenever you plough 1 or more fields, you receive 1 wood from the general supply for each field you just ploughed. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each other player in the game, as long as you have at least 1 animal of each of the 4 types. Whenever another player uses it, they receive 3 food. You also place extra grain or vegetables when using the, The additional grain or vegetable from the Liquid Manure is added to additional goods from the, You also place extra grain or vegetables on the. Yes its small. Whenever another player has family growth, he must pay you 1 food (or beg the food, if necessary). The score for the missing type of animal still counts as negative for the, The Horse does not need to be placed in the farmyard. Whenever you extend your home, you receive 2 food for each new room. Once you only have 1 remaining moor tile, you can exchange it for a field tile at any time. You must have room in your home. Whenever you take exactly 3 wood from an action space, you can pay 1 food to receive 1 additional wood. Whenever another player bakes bread using this space, you receive 1 food from the general supply. A guest does not count as family member in the final scoring, even if you use the guest in the last round. These do not lose you points in the scoring. Is activated when you use an action space on which clay is placed each round. Whenever you use an action of a person to take wood or clay, you also receive 1 additional clay. You immediately receive a loan of one of each type of animal. for the, You may use the Wet Nurse more than once in the game. Sowing the vegetable is optional. Is not activated when someone uses the "4 Wood" action space in the 5-player game. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each stone on this card. If you win, pay your food to the general supply. So take resources wisely, develop your land carefully and create the best medieval farm! At the start of each round, announce whether or not you will sleep late. Agricola: Family Edition (2016) is a standalone game. [. Agricola 15th Anniversary Edition Board Game | Limited Edition | Farming Game for Adults and Teens | Advanced Strategy Game | Ages 12+ | 1-4 Players | Avg. If you place a converted animal on the Taxidermist, you may not use the. You may not add it to your supply or sow it. with a plough), you may only take grain from previously existing fields that contained grain before you started ploughing. You can keep sheep, wild boar and cattle in the same pasture. When you play this card, you receive 1 sheep. This allows them more actions but remember you have to grow more food to feed your family as it grows! Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you receive an additional 1 food and 1 reed. Collecting the food does not count as taking the "Fishing" action, and does not activate the, You can not take other resources that may be on the "Fishing" action space, e.g. for minor improvements, when scoring the, If you return this card to your hand, you may play it again later. You may immediately convert the animals into food with an appropriate improvement, without having to make room for them in your farmyard. Because of how the Revised Edition cherry-picked through the original cards, mixing original decks and Revised decks would possibly (if not likely) result in duplicate cards within the same game. The Reed Buyer cannot interfere when reed is taken for the second time in a round. In 5 player games, this also applies to stone action spaces. You cannot exchange this card for a room and renovate to a clay hut with the same renovate action. This does not include the "Slash and Burn" special action. It is allowed to play this card after round 4, in which case it has no effect. You must choose whether to sleep late before the start of the work phase. Once you have played this card, you may not take part in the next harvest. Placing the additional field does not count as ploughing. Id go with the Revised Edition, particularly if youre new to the game. It is irrelevant whether the person has a bed marker or not. If you have the. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point each for your 5th and 6th vegetables. You cannot get more than 1 bonus point per harvest. Place 1 fuel on each corresponding round space. They count as 1 field during the final scoring. This is a 5-card promo deck to be mixed with 5 random Minor Improvments at the beginning of the game. Whenever you use the Traveling Players action on an action space, you can leave 1 food on the space and receive 1 vegetable instead. The card represents 2 additional, normal farmyard spaces. When counting moors, e.g. You can even use this card to take a special action when no other player has a family member left (or in the solo game). Your first family member can never take the "Starting Player" action space. During the feeding phase of each harvest, you may trade 1 vegetable for 1 of any type of animal that you already have in your farmyard. You can still keep animals in the pasture, as if the stable did not exist. However, you may not use that food to buy more animals with the Animal Trainer. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread, you receive 2 additional food. You may only play an occupation if you have food --- even if it would provide immediate food. When you convert animals to food, you can place some or all of them on this card instead of returning them to the general supply. This activates e.g. When building a room, you may choose to use 1 reeds and 1 wood instead of the 2 reeds required. You and a spouse must grow your 2-room hut and empty farmyard into a produ Patchwork is a form of needlework that involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design. When you play this card, you receive 2 wood. The occupant of the Reed Hut is placed after your family members [. You may build fewer than 4 fences, but you still pay 2 food if you build at least 1 fence. Once all the people have been placed in this round, you may place a guest marker to carry out an additional action. Wood or food planted on. Is not activated when you receive wood because of a minor improvement or occupation. There is no discount for renovations and room building, but only for minor and major improvements. Take the food from the action space, and the same amount from the general supply. The Agricola base game is a revised edition of Uwe Rosenberg's celebrated classic. If you dont already own Agricola, which should you choose, assuming you can still get your hands on a copy of the original. This card gives you 2 additional spaces which you can use as normal farmyard spaces. . Is also activated when another player uses an improvement or occupation, e.g. If you have fewer than 4 unbuilt fences, you place them all on the earliest of the two affected round spaces. Whenever you use one of the "1 Stone" action spaces that become available in rounds 5--7 and 10--11, you receive 1 additional stone. You cannot reclaim it for use as a fence. At the start of these rounds, you receive the stone. If you choose not to build a free room at the start of round 11, you cannot build it later in the game. You may not remove wood from this card, or use it again in any way. Uwe Rosenberg chose just 48 Occupation cards and 48 Minor Improvement cards from among the gazillion hes created for the game since its inception. You put extra grain on grain fields, and extra vegetables on vegetable fields. [, Cards that change the costs of minor improvements, such as, Playing the Stone House Extension counts as building a room, and activates e.g. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. These animals are counted in scoring. When you play this card, you may bake bread with all of your ovens and other suitable improvements. Whenever you build at least 1 fence, you also receive 1 stable which you must build immediately. You receive a baking action that you can and must use for this grain only. Pets and live animals on improvement cards also counted. Harvest resources from your room as normal and additionally at the end of rounds 6, 8, 10 and 12. Sheep provide 1 food, wild boar 2 food, cattle 3 food. It can be played as a standalone deck or shuffled into other decks. Current Stock: At the end of the game, any player who has no negative points receives 5 bonus points. If you use this card yourself, you receive 2 food. 1 Getreide nehmen Take 1 Grain And place it in your personal supply. You can immediately exchange 2 sheep for 1 cattle and 1 horse. You may choose to sow fewer fields than you're able to sow. Board Topics. You do get the regular points for both cards: 2 for the Joinery, 3 for the Sawmill. So, if seeing the card backs and having duplicates in the same game doesn't bother you, then mix away. The revised edition has had the Artifex, Bubulcus and Corbarius decks published and the Dulcinaria deck is the next in the series. The grain that is to be converted into 3 food may not be on fields; it must be taken from the player's personal supply. The stone still counts as taken for the other player; they can still use their. Speaking of boards, the boards and tokens are as sturdy as ever. After you've used the Carpenter, you may then also use any card that changes the cost of a room (e.g. The guest worker can use the most recent round card even if it has already been taken. If you enjoyed the Agricola Revised Edition strategy app, check out our list of apps like Agricola Revised Edition. You may immediately convert the animal into food with an appropriate improvement, without having to make room for it in your farmyard. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you receive 1 additional reed. Place 1 wood on each corresponding round space. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Sometimes more isnt better. Is not activated when you receive stone because of a minor improvement or occupation. Place, alternately, 1 fuel or 1 food on each remaining round space, beginning with 1 fuel. When returning the cards to the deck, you need not return the cards to their own stage. You can not use this ability in consecutive rounds nor in round 14. Lot easier for when you are playing with kiddos or family that arent as into board games. You may return food from this card to your personal supply at any time. If the other player cannot afford to play his other occupation cards (for example, If you force another player to play a different occupation card, that does not count as playing a second occupation, so e.g. The number of bonus points you get is equal to the number of scoring categories for which you would otherwise have scored negative points. You can use the Clay Seller at any time to convert 2 clay to 1 sheep or 1 reed, 3 clay to 1 wild boar or 1 stone, and/or 4 clay to 1 cattle. You must take the wood as soon as there are 5 wood on the card; you may not wait until there is 6 or more wood on the card. [, The number of used spaces is counted before using the, If you have already upgraded the Joinery to the. Regardless of its size, you need at most 1 fuel to heat your entire home. This applies to all your pastures except the. At the start of these rounds, you receive food. Players are farmers building up their farming infrastructure while also having to feed their families. In the next round, the person from this space can be placed before the starting player places his first person. Sofia, Bulgaria. You can also bake bread if you play an occupation during the turn of another player. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. When you play this card, you receive 1 vegetable that you may sow immediately if you have an empty plowed field. You may also do the other action on this action space when you move your family member, even if you do not do the sowing action. On a turn, players place a family member token on a location in town in order to collect resources or to take actions to improve their farm. In addition, there are a fewextra action space boards. The guest worker is placed as one of the ordinary family members, before the occupant of the. This activates e.g. Write down the bonus point(s) on the scoring pad immediately. You must pay the costs of the new improvement and, where appropriate, meet the conditions for playing it. When you play this card, you receive 2 food. All of my games from play-agricola.com tournaments! Whenever you have sheep during the field phase of a harvest, you receive 1 food for each third sheep. (MOOR) If there are two major improvements on top of each other, place 1 food on each of them. For each fence on the field you receive 1 food immediately and 1 bonus point at the end of the game. If there is another tile underneath it, you must also return it. Placing a vegetable on this card does not count as sowing. for requirements, only the top tile on a space is counted. This card is an additional action space. [. Whenever you have an animal in your home (including House Goat), move all resources planted in this room to the general supply. You can immediately pay 1 to 4 wood to place that many fences on one of your empty fields. If your next family growth is the "Family Growth and Minor Improvement" action space, you can play a minor improvement as usual. Is activated when you use an action space on which stone is placed each round. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space you receive 1 additional stone. Food on this card is part of your personal supply, and counts for e.g. You can use the Animal Farm at the latest when it's your next turn after the one in which you placed your last family member (including the occupant of the. All players must still pay any additional costs for their occupation (for Chief, Lover, etc). When you play this card, you receive 1 cattle. Any player who uses this action space must pay you 2 food. At harvest time, the Milking Shed is processed before the, This Paved Road is more valuable than the, This card always scores 2 bonus points. Vegetable fields are fields on which there is at least 1 vegetable marker. At the start of these rounds, you can buy the animal for 1 food. It is allowed to choose an action space with a sowing action, only to sow wood on the Copse. The food has to be paid before using the action space; if a player has no food to pay before taking the grain, he cannot use the action space. This costs you 1 reed, 1 of the old construction material of your home before renovating (wood or clay), and 2 of the new construction material (clay or stone). In a 1-player game, you can only build the Outhouse if you have fewer than 2 occupations yourself. The space does not count as a pasture while there is still a tile in it. Issues can include a duplicate database entry, wrong price shown, or any other information issues that can't be resolved by editing the game page. When you play this card, mark a revealed action space with an arrow marker. When the card is played, put a room tile on the round 11 action space as a reminder. You may immediately sow each grain that you receive outside the field phase of a harvest and would otherwise place in your supply. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space or receive reed on an action space, you receive 1 additional food. Discard the Jack-of-all-trades when you play another occupation. The bonus point is also awarded for 4 fenced stables. Resources may be obtained at the start of the round (phase 1) as well as in the work phase (phase 3). Players begin the game with two family members and can grow their families over the course of the game. The bonus point is in addition to the 1 regular point of this card. If the first person you place is a guest marker, it counts as the first family member. (Of course, it still counts as a single improvement.). If you already have fields, you can only exchange the moor tile if it borders an existing field. When you play this card, you can also bake bread immediately. At the start of each round, you receive the wood or fuel. $64.99. They loosely translate to E=Beginner, I=Intermediate, K=Advanced. In total, you receive 4 points per room instead of the usual 2 points. You may sow fields even if they already contain resources. Once you live in a stone house, place 1 sheep on each remaining round space. At the start of these rounds, you receive the wood. Growing your family gives you more actions but means you have more mouths to feed!The player with the most productive and advanced farm at the end of 14 rounds is the winner. 30-120 Minutes Popular #83 Community 75 The 17th Century was not an easy time to be a farmer. Minor improvements that are upgrades of major improvements count as major improvements for this card. In fact, a few of the mini-expansions are 100% compatible between editions regardless of the card back issue. The vegetable that you want to convert into 5 food may not be on a field; it must be taken from your personal supply. [, If your next family growth action is "Family Growth without Room", or when playing the. with the. The Revised Edition, or Revised as it is commonly called, is the third edition of the Magic core set. Negative points from this card count as negative for the, For the requirement, farmyard spaces on improvement cards such as. Place 1 food on the round space for each remaining round. At the start of these rounds, you can buy the animal for 1 food. The chosen player may use their improvements normally. You can keep 1 animal in each room of your home. You lose all effects of your old occupations when you play this card. The idea was to go through the hundreds of original Minors and Occupations and cherry-pick the best and/or most popular cards to create two tightly edited, streamlined sets. Whenever you use a person's action to take wood, you receive an additional 1 food. Pay the costs of the improvement normally. If you use the Master Forester yourself, you do not need to have or to pay any food. At the start of each round, draw two animals. You receive wood immediately when you play this card: if played in round 12 or 13, take 1 wood; if played in round 9, 10, or 11, take 2 wood; if played in round 6, 7, or 8, take 3 wood; if played before round 6, take 4 wood. Pingback: Glass Road board game review - The Glass Meeple, Your email address will not be published. You can play this card even if you do not have a family member token left in your supply, but you don't get an extra person. When you play this card, immediately carry out a Family growth even without room action (similar to the round card from stage 5). The vegetables on this card are counted in the scoring at the end of the game. You cannot sow different resources on a single field. Do you need Agricola Revised Edition if you already ownAgricola? The fenced space must be adjacent to your pastures. Placing a vegetable on this card does not activate the. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space, you can take all the stone markers from one of the "1 Stone" action spaces (stage 2 or stage 4) in the returning home phase (phase 4). Play it again in any way build fewer than 4 unbuilt fences, you choose... Wood '' action space with only 2 wood email address will not published. And can grow their families point ( s ) on the round space you... Regardless of its size, you receive 2 food, if necessary ) improvements that upgrades! 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