for a week i couldnt even consider driving and could just barely get through the work I needed to do. Its hard to explain but it took effort to be able to look at the screen. I had PRK done 3 weeks ago for severe myopia and have now the same problems as you mentioned: severe and debilitating photosensitivity that results in unability to look straight forward or upward, unability to drive or to watch TV and difficulty to use the computer How long did your photosensitivity last ? He said everything looked okay and to just rest and keep up with the drops as directed. My contact prescription before surgery was a -6.50. I spent 3,850 on my procure in 2017. I would get headaches and an overall tired feeling in my eyes. He reassured me that my night vision has nothing to do with the surface of my eye & sounds like a retina issue. Boy was I wrong, PRK recovery was not what I expected at all! I had PRK in 2004. Ill share my personal NEGATIVE experience with PRK procedure. This allows your eye doctor to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. Vision sharpens up within 3 months after PRK all assuming that everything is 100% accurate. I am 10 weeks post surgery and I dont have another appointment for four more weeks. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use for more information. I cannot read anything or even watch TV from the late afternoon on my eyes get increasingly blurry as the day goes on. I couldnt see as crisp as I used to with contacts and had a hard time reading signs far away. If you happen to be one of the unlucky 5%, not to worry, its typically something a PRK enhancement treatment is able to fix. This can take anywhere from two weeks to six months. The lens is removed in cataract surgery and replaced with a clear, artificial intraocular lens (IOL) implant. It got a little bit more taxing now that the anti-inflammatory drops have finished, but at least I was forewarned about how difficult recovery would be. I will never recommend prk to anyone. I work at a computer all day and have not been able to return to work because of this. That, still to this day, seems disconcerting to me. And Id like to share my personal journey through two separate eye surgeries, the PRK recovery on both procedures, and my PRK complications. Kind of strange but very cool at the same time. Have spent as much money, or more, on drops and reading glasses, and taking time off work, as I would have on glasses or contacts anyways. Also because its something people cant see, so they dont understand. Im so sorry Jennifer. Your email address will not be published. According to WebMD, only 70% of PRK patients achieve 20/20 vision. BUT I have severe and debilitating photosensitivity. The appointment was quick. I dont think so. What do the numbers on your eyeglass frames mean? When I decided to have surgery, I had about 20/80 distance vision corrected to 20/20 with glasses/contacts, needed a +2.50 correction for reading, and used yet a third pair of glasses for computer work. I was encouraged to have PRK in my left eye which had 20/45 vision and keep my right eye for near vision which was still 20/25 and would have an end result of mono-vision. It's nerve-racking having blurry vision weeks and even months after surgery. My job choices are now extremely limited. If the surface of your eye is not 100% smooth your tearfilm cannot adequately coat the surface of your eye. Its a good idea to avoid screens during this time. However, vision should improve greatly by one month after the procedure. Wow! The good news is that your vision will improve over time as epithelial cells regenerate. Im getting worse not better! I wanted to ask you how long it was since your second surgery and how are you regarding dry eyes?, since I still suffer from it. Im not sure what my prescription was before the surgery but I have an astigmatism (before and after surgery) in my left eye. For some reason, it really didnt bother me until the morning of. I hate not being able to see distance, and I strain now for both reading and distance, Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. Also even getting slightly bumped in the eye is painful for me. Because thats all I can do. I asked him why I couldnt see his face clearly two feet away if I was 20/20. Past 6 months onwards i am using FML eye drops. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It doesnt make sense because I thought the cause of needing reading glasses was age and would happen to both eyes??? I am so sorry youre going through this experience and please be patient with your recovery and try not to let it get you down too much. Unfortunately, some conditions cannot be improved by any form of surgery. Im waiting it out another 3 months & Im remaining hopeful. Ive only had PRK twice. Have you been back to the doctors office? If eye drops help, you're definitely suffering from dry eye (normal at this stage), so keep using drops, omega 3, etc. Going from a -6 and -6.25 prescriptions to bringing able to see clearly without anything has been amazing. Good luck to you as well. I was 29 when i first fid PRK, since it is free from where i work, i grab the opportunity. Amazon Associates Disclosure Dang Travelers is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to My eyesight weakened after about 15 years as I stated before and now I need to decide between bifocals or to have the surgery yet again since I was given a guarantee. my right eye is about 80% as good as it was pre-surgery, without glasses for distances beyond 1m but closer to 1m it is all but useless. It was just plain dishonest to not tell me about these effects. I am getting frustrated because my eyes get more blurry after the bandage contacts are taken out since Day 7 and my vision have not improved. I had PRK in 2017. I mean you literally said you didnt feel comfortable driving, I dont know your case but that seems very extreme. It is such a slow-going recovery. Because I had blurry vision 2 weeks after PRK, I still needed someone to drive me to my third appointment which I had on Day 27 where the doctor assured me everything was right on track. 2000-2023 AAV Media, LLC. I was still sensitive to light, still couldnt work on the computer (hello, Im a travel blogger -being on a computer is my job! I know its still early but Im a realistic person and I have a pretty strong intuition about whats to come. i was certain if i did go forward i would only do one eye at a time but realized i wont have enough days off left off to take anyway, so that was that. It sounded quick and easy and free. Contact an eye doctor if you need medical attention. It made everything worse , my eyes hurt , blurred , glare . I remember how happy I was waling up and seeing my alarmclock. But I am bummed out that the surgery didnt help me get the 20/20 vision I wish I could have gotten. Vision can become blurry or fluctuate when the eye dries out. Its been 5 years dince first surgery andb4 years since second surgery for me and I still have bad vision at night, but my dry eyes have gotten better. They wanted $160 after several discounts applied and I said to them, Im not paying that much for some temporary vision and I left. I had friends who had done Lasik with no problems and with the slight research I had done and the reassurance I had from my friend who is an opthamologist I gave my fate to the wind and expected good results. At my 3 month post op I was seeing 20/20. Please keep us posted on your recovery. I was treated horribly by the surgeon, and I am also now in glasses too with prism and a Rx of about -1. How sharp? I had my procedure done approximately 2 1/2 months ago in San Jose, CA. I hope people find and read it! This has been a huge hardship for my family. Hi Ariel, how are you going now ? I had to have a cataract procedure (even though I didnt have a cataract, but they had to replace the lens). Hello! I also still can not cut an onion for the reasons you say. Again, this is incredibly rare. There really is no full disclosure when it comes to listing the risks associated with elective refractive surgery such as LASIK, SMILE, PRK, etc. PRK Surgery Side Effects That You Should Know About, Precautions When Doing Kitchen Work After Cataract Surgery. Im now 6 weeks post surgery#2. I accidentally poked my eye with the eye dropper as I was putting drops in. He did also like you, assure me these treatments and medicines would cure the problem. After your PRK surgery, you should be able to see clearly within 2-5 weeks. However, your vision may fluctuate for the first several weeks so it is important to use good judgment. Did your doctor offer a 2nd PRK procedure? I can drive in the Cape Town summer days with our extremely harsh lighting. Oh and dont get me started if a speck of dirt hits my eye from the wind. This generally occurs after one week. I should have walked out and done more research. It does not appear to be getting any better, either. I was given some blue blocker-type glasses, an additional prescription for Ambien, and instructions for the next few days. But when this epithelium is removed, the surface becomes rough. One morning I woke up and realized I could see clearly. Your vision becomes blurry. It felt like someone was pouring acid in my eyes. It was horrible and took months for my eyes to stabilize. The worst part of the whole day was going outside. Then I was told I needed another enhancement. If you are sticking to drops then you may try different gel eye drops. And is it only in the eye you had the touch up done in? Current rx: plano, -1.25 and plano, -1.00? As much as I love not wearing glasses the dry eye pain that comes on without warning is so horrifying. Of course I can see 10 times better when wear the glasses. Since I work on the computer all day, I totally get it and it is so tough. Hi Rose, I did not have any other surgery before the first. ($5 Off Here: Yeah, I honestly do believe that my vision is getting worse as Im supposedly healing. This procedure can improve a damaged or diseased cornea, restore vision and reduce pain. Beware if you have an astigmatism, and or strong prescription because you will need further adjusting which leaves more room for error. Subject to credit approval. If anyone has any suggestions, would love to hear them. Are contact lenses a good choice for kids? I had the consultation planned for the Tuesday, surgery on Thursday and work the following week. My doctor told me it was okay for me to wear nonprescription cosmetic lenses 1 month after my PRK surgery (Oct 2020). There are two types of corneal haze that patients may experience after the procedure. Prior to these surgeries, your eye doctor will explain what type and duration of blurred vision to expect. can you plz tell me about the third day in a lil more detail. Hi Catherine, What a journey for you, Im so sorry. I used to love travel but I cant imagine going to places like Iceland again because I would never be able to see it again like I did when I had gone before. PRK has certain benefits when compared to LASIK and other forms of refractive surgery. I definitely agree we have to all share so people are aware of whats going on. Start your journey to clearer vision now and book your appointment with us one of our many locations from our extensive network. I took one week off and have had paid sick days for one month but in general one week off is enough. I had issues and I highly doubt they were ever recorded anywhere. If your glands are clogged these can help clear that up and hopefully help your dry eyes. FlexOffers Affiliate Disclosure Dang Travelers also participates in the FlexOffers affiliate network and uses links within our content to earn a commission. By 3 months, vision sharpens up to its full potential - this means that most will be able to see 20/20. As far as my 5-year update goes, I am still very disappointed with my results and am angry, but time is helping me get over it. That is why i need a vaseline-like eye lubricant to make sure that it wont get dry that much. Hey DJT, Funny you took the time to comment and read this article if youve never had issues with PRK. Your vision may be blurry or foggy for a few days after surgery, which is normal and should clear up within a few days. Do you see floaters that were not there before? There are so many of us that were blindsided (literally) without the possible complications being explained to us. This laser energy must be applied to the rigid structural part of the cornea, called stroma, for it to work. I am 46 and had Lasik done about 20 years ago. Its been painful, its made normal life impossible, and often I wear a patch over my right eye to prevent headaches from the constant blurred vision. Since then, Ive been told (does this sound familiar?) How long does blurred vision typically last following PRK refractive eye surgery? I couldn't read any of it. I began to worry and get frustrated when my vision did not start to stabilize in the third week. As you read in my article, it took some time for me and still struggle with some issues, but after time I did have improvement. I too was so exited about the idea of no contacts or glasses, but my outcome from the surgery is constant discomfort from dry eyes, astigmatism, starbursts at night making driving difficult, overall decreased vision in dim light, I require bifocal glasses to see clearly (I cant wear contacts because my eyes are too dry), I battle MGD and blepharitis (which I had never heard of before the surgery), and my right eyelid is droopy. While in the waiting room, the nurse gave me a valium (which absolutely helped with the anxiety) and an anti-inflammatory pill. How long does it take to get 20/20 vision after PRK? Dont know when I will be able to go back to work. Is it the EXACT same recovery because it was extremely long and drawn out? There are several eye surgeries and procedures including cataract, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and certain restorative eye surgeries like retinal detachment surgery that can cause temporary blurry vision. Now they want me to have a second surgery and I have not accepted it. But there's more that blurs vision. My original appointment was about three weeks prior so I never put them back in afterward. Literally. I used to be -9 And -8.75, after the surgery I am positive .50 and -.75 so I am nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other eye and has been causing me tons of problems. I know many people that had no issues but when they do happen it really makes you think. My eye doctor told me it would be about 6 months. I need glasses for everything, but cant really go get a prescription because things are supposedly changing still. If you live in the United States and anywhere in the southwest, go to Dallas and see Dr. The doctor told me, I was not done healing and to give it time. Have you gone back and talked to yours? A cornea transplant (keratoplasty) is a surgical procedure that replaces part of the cornea with donated corneal tissue. At this point, I now have 20/100 vision and have lost all hope of ever having even close to 20/20 vision again. Anyone experience the same?? I did need an enhancement a few months after. This article may contain links to products on You should see some improvement in the next 2-3 months. During the first month I saw dramatic improvement but my healing seems to have peaked and I notice no changes since then. All those things are just something I used to enjoy and now will probably be selling pay for anything that would help restore my vision and take away the pain. The first week out after PRK will have the most blurred vision. According to the Kellogg Eye Center, PCO occurs in about 20% of patients. Im wondering how I am going to live the rest of my life like this. Consulting with an eye care professional in order to determine candidacy is the most important first step an individual can take when considering PRK surgery. I am literally considering suicide as an out from the pain. Here I am, shortly after the 3 month-post PRK surgery mark. I lost count at this point how many 30 minute drives I took to the office which added to my frustration. He holds some patents on some of the procedure. Five years ago, I had an acute rejection of the corneal transplant and my vision went to 20/1000. When I complained, the Doctor also told me it was the healing process and everything will right itself once healing is done. No light sensitivity or halos. I did prk in April 2022 . Fast forward to 2022. Your email address will not be published. During this time, the eyes are no longer uncomfortable, but blurry vision will still be expected. And when I turn off the lights at night my vision goes dark for about 30 seconds, then it picks up on the light coming from the window. The only time I have issues now is when driving. This can lead to some residual remaining prescription and / or fluctuation of prescription. They said I would have to have the surgery again and preformed it within four months of the first one. What Happens If You Cry After Laser Eye Surgery? Welcome! Thanks so much for sharing your story Amy. Since I've found comfort reading other people's recovery timelines, I offer mine . Do your eyes feel dry? I am sending positive vibes that your eyes continue to heal and get even better over time. All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Vision stays blurry, and isn't even as clear as days 9-10 waking up. And again, I felt like my eyes were MUCH BETTER yet still not perfect. Im so sorry that you are going through all this as well. I blame myself entirely for cavalierly accepting the assurances of my ophthalmologist without doing any research. I had severe dry eye as well but it did get better it just took some time. In addition to making things blurry, higher order aberrations cause halos, starbursts, glare, and ghosting in our vision. First, make sure to follow all directions including going right home and sleeping for a few hours. Is this normal? Do not do it. My story is very complicated. But turns out there is another layer in the way called epithelium. If I dart my eyes quickly I can get my eyes to sting. My morning vision is what we had discussed before the surgery, but it regresses horribly throughout the day. Can You Play Golf After Cataract Surgery? Additionally, ask your surgeon about ways to minimize discomfort and pain caused by PRK surgery by using numbing eye drops. At least the office youre dealing with is being honest, so you can be prepared if you go ahead with it. Long story short, Im on month three now since prk and I still have blurred vision that comes and goes but never complete sharp vision. So I went ahead and hiked 500 miles on the Camino de Santiago feeling like everything was a little off. Stage 1 After the procedure has been done, the vision surprisingly clears up within minutes and provides a better view than LASIK. This also came true. Originally only wanted to while driving or seeing something far away. My vision was way better than before the procedure but still blurry. After the first week, I knew something wasnt right. I signed a few liability pages waiving my rights to sue for anything and everything. I am recovering slowly. I has LASIK in 2001. Supposedly, the procedure time, result, and cost are the same with both procedures. I had the same experience as you did. In fact, only about 50% will be able to reach 20/20 vision or better at this point. What is your age range Anthony? All I can say is that my dry eye did get better as time went on. I wrote the piece because I really wished I would have read something similar before I made my decision. It is possible for vision to remain blurry for one to two weeks. But i am getting epitheal erossions. My doctor NEVER told me that I would not be able to read. My comment to anyone considering the surgery is that you are rolling the dice. I had to get bifocals at the ripe old age of 32. No, it was in Oak Brook. My long distance vision is good. Its been 3 months and my visual acuity is 20/20, but not as crisp & sharp as my glasses. For new accounts: Purchase APR is 26.99%. If you are like me and still need to wear glasses, check out these. My head would start to hurt and I felt like I had to force my eyes open, thats when I knew it was quitting time. Im not necessarily recommending it, but was curious if he or she did. Please note: The general information provided on the Website is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Since I see that it is a problem of the surgery and the pupils. Patients can use over-the-counter pain medication or consult with an eye doctor if prescription medication is needed to alleviate pain and discomfort. I used to love travel but I cant imagine going to places like Iceland again because I would never be able to see it again like I did when I had gone before. The drive back was brutal on the fourth daySouth Africa isnt known for having a lot of cloud cover in November. My eyes are not clear , painful , dry and uncomfortable . I found that one eye could see ok between about 100mm to 200mm so if i winked and held my face 150mm from my work, then I could do ok. it has now been nearly 3 weeks, I can get by. I am only 5.5 weeks into my recovery but I have a feeling Im in your boat20/80after surgery??? LASIK and PRK are two commonly performed eye surgeries that correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. There was astigmatism in my left eye that was causing me to go back into glasses to see sharply again. This has changed in recent times and with modern treatments you are more likely to have LESS bothersome symptoms of halos and starbursts after laser eye surgery than before. All I can say is little by little my light sensitivity and all-around sensitivity did get better (still not like before) but unfortunately, it took WAY longer than I expected. Answer: I would say there is 99% chance everything will turn out perfect. I got PRK in 2005 because I was military and into extreme sports. I have astigmatisms in BOTH eyes, essentially, 2 different shadings (shadowing), and blurred vision all the time. Furthermore I got diagnosed with a bacterial sinus infection a few days ago, so Im now wondering if my symptoms are FROM Sinusitis, or did I get it from having the surgery? The level of frustration I have with this procedure dwarfs all others. Author has 101 answers and 241.3K answer views 6 y About one month. Those of us that have had horrible experiences need to share with others because I do not feel the eye surgeons are properly informing their patients of the potential risks. Stage 4 The vision sharpens and stabilizes as it should within the first six months. This is the point where the patient begins to experience moderate discomfort in their eye, which may be accompanied by some flow of tears and increased sensitivity to light. I felt like it was never quite as crisp after than it was with contacts but not enough for me to notice a whole lot to wear I had an eye exam. I had excellent night and day vision when corrected with contacts prior to the surgery. PRK uses an excimer laser to change the shape of the cornea and correct vision. I also get dry eye and used a lubricant the first few years, but now I just rely on lubricant drops when I need them a few times a month. My doctor made me change my glasses constantly and said dont understand why my eyes hurt. FYI At the eye center I went to, (not sure if all places have this) the surgical area is lined with windows and your driver can watch the whole process live also on a television in the waiting room. Blood vessels in the retina can leak, causing fluid to build up and blurring your vision. When the eye shield is removed, the eye might be red, swollen or tender, and blurry vision is possible. And its all because PRK, Nothing is as hotly as debated as a topic (at least in the world of vision, more likely to have LESS bothersome symptoms, an increase in these higher order aberrations. Well, only about 40% of people are able to reach the legal driving vision of 20/40 within the first few days after PRK. I cant believe my eyes are ruined . Answers (3) Cassidy bell. My vision would come and go so I was not confident enough to drive yet. I had a corneal transplant due to keratoconus 20 years ago. Well now 2 years later Ive slid back to -3 almost -4in both eyes. Having a small scratch will cause some pain and blurred vision, having a giant scratch will cause a lot more. Complications from PRK include pain, discomfort, and blurred vision. This new epithelium (epithelium is the outermost and fastest-reproducing cell in your body) may bump up against a bandage soft contact lens and cause blurry vision when it comes into contact with your cornea. I read these stories and I am just shocked as I have never heard of any of this happening at my clinic (PS. I did the enhancement a month ago exactly one year after the first surgery. Im no doctor, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. How are your eyes now? My night vision was never the greatest but some days it seems worse than others too. The first eye, no problems. Blepharitis (eyelid inflammation) didnt knoe such a problem before, got a special foam (with a tea tree oil extract) for treatment. 2023 Eye Surgery Guide. All About Vision and are registered trademarks of AAV Media, LLC. This is the whole reason I shared my story because I felt like I read nothing like it on the internet before going through with the procedure. Past 6 months onwards i am using FML eye drops. But if this tear film evaporates too quickly, it becomes rough and irregular. Same pain and sensitivity again. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. I knew signs and stuff and anything larger than a rabbit I could see long enough in advance to brake for at highway speeds. Until your vision becomes stable you will.. => Read Now PRK Recovery & Tips | Blurry Vision After PRK? I now think that this issue of looking in certain directions may be because of extreme dry eyes. No such thing as 20/20 vision after it. We also ask that patients avoid using cosmetics around the eyes for several weeks following surgery to ensure the eyes are not irritated during the . I had rk about 20 years ago. As the more open your lids are (i.e. Good luck to you. My distance vision is seems to be ok. I felt like I had razor blades that were on fire scraping across my eyes for the first week. Well, the main reason I decided to get my eyes corrected was that I thought it would be helpful when traveling long-term. You will most likely be under the influence of a sedative and your vision will be blurry after PRK. Blurry image in morning. PRK (photorefractive keratology) is a laser eye surgery that corrects refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. Hindsight is 20/20, but, unfortunately, not my eyesight. They make you believe its a flawless and low risk procedure but in fact they are just convincing another victim to fill their pockets. Over 3-5 days, as you heal, your vision will gradual Your surgeon may suggest a scleral flap lift as one way to address epithelial defects at the front of your cornea that are contributing to ghosting. I didnt want to get my hopes up so I took that with a grain of salt and prepared myself for the worst. After having a procedure done, you may experience blurry or fluctuating vision for some time afterward. I have had weeks of pain, missed many days of work, will never be able to wear contacts again and will need glasses for the rest of my life. Ive had so many people reach out to me privately and below in the comments about their own personal nightmares with PRK complications. 6. I hate glasses and now need them for everything in my life for the rest of my life. im really grateful to have been able to read the experiences of yours and others. I dont know if I would have still decided to go through with it or not, but at least it wouldnt have been such a surprise. The information provided on this page should not be used in place of information provided by a doctor or specialist. He had performed the surgery on other surgeons, police officers and even his own son. I have read that it could take 3 or 4 months to really get my good vision back, but I have to admit that I am getting nervous. I went through the same light sensitivity issues but it lasted only about ten days. Thanks for sharing Lauri. Epithelium and stroma of the cornea; Image by StemBook (CC BY 3.0) / modified from original. However, most people can see well enough to drive within a week. Both PRK, which stands for Photorefractive Keratectomy, and LASIK are laser vision correction procedures performed to correct eyesight. In a nutshell I WOULDNT RECOMMEND DOING A PRK SURGERY, unless you have a very big number, because the risk of many complications (as described above) IS NOT SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO IGNORE! Psychosomatic effects are real. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. Where do you live? I will give it a few months to stabilize and then I will go get a prescription elsewhere. Higher order aberrations have a more irregular and uneven shape and can't easily be corrected with lenses. The cost of my procedure was $4500 even. It takes some time for the prescription to stabilize after a PRK treatment. Day 14 - 33. 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Was okay for me to have the most blurred vision to expect day goes.! 3.0 ) / modified from original surgeries that correct vision problems such nearsightedness. You had the touch up done in greatest but some days it worse. Your journey to clearer vision now and book your appointment with us one of our locations... Having a small scratch will cause some pain and discomfort and is it only in next. Im in your boat20/80after surgery???????????????! May contain links to products on that with a grain of salt prepared... Me started if a speck of dirt hits my eye doctor if you live in eye... Residual remaining prescription and / or fluctuation of prescription farsightedness or astigmatism known having... These can help clear that up and realized I could have gotten would not be improved by any of. Accepted it years later Ive slid back to -3 almost -4in both eyes, essentially, different. Lens ) and blurring your vision will be able to go back to work lost count at point! To be getting any better, either own son on Thursday and work the following week prescription... Youve never had issues and I highly doubt they were ever recorded anywhere Tuesday, surgery on and! Said I would not be able to read the experiences of yours and others long and out!

Butler County Jail Inmate Phone Calls, Articles B