As stated in this question, if the employee is only inputting information received from the third party and is following non-discretionary procedures in issuing the next available levy, that is not the kind of exercise of judgment sought to be protected by Section 1204/Regulation 801 and, therefore, is not subject to either. See Exhibit 1.5.2-1. Using quantity measures to impose or suggest production goals for any employee is allowed. A narrative in a performance evaluation that focuses on an employee's successful collection of $50,000 in a levy action is a ROTER violation, even though the reference is to only one case. The board of trustees shall adopt rules necessary to maintain the qualified pension plan tax status of the Judicial Retirement Program under the Internal Revenue Code as required for governmental defined benefit plans defined in the Code, Section 414(d). It states that the Secretary of the Treasury shall, within one year after the date of enactment of this section, establish an IRS performance management system that maintains individual accountability by: Establishing one or more retention standards for each employee related to the work of the employee and expressed in terms of individual performance, and communicating such retention standards to employees. This type of decision making in determining the ability to pay requires the type of judgment covered by Section 1204/Regulation 801. Form 2848. Terms such as "frivolous argument" or "tax avoidance argument" are acceptable terms to use. Neither RRA 98, Section 1204, nor Regulation 801 apply. Workload planning and monitoring are required to assist in the effective management of an operation. Section: Page: Zoom. Performance measures based in whole or in part on quantity measures (as described in Regulation 801.6) will not be used to evaluate the performance of any non-supervisory employee who is responsible for exercising judgment with respect to tax enforcement results (as described in Regulation 801.6). ROTERs include but are not limited to: Percentage of Taxpayer Advocate cases where relief was granted. They do not meet the definition of TER or quantity measures, so they are not subject to the prohibitions in Section 1204(a) or Regulation 801. An area director may inform territory managers and employees that for a certain type of examination, a goal for average time per case is 10 hours, and another goal is to close 90 percent of new cases within six months. The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 changed the choice of entity decision quite a bit. Abating or waiving penalties based on communications with the taxpayer may involve Section 1204 judgments. The organizational climate at the time and place of the communication. Quantity measures consist of outcome-neutral production and resource data that do not contain information regarding the TER reached in any case or cases involving taxpayers. 4215, 4220, 4225, 4235, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4265, 4275 Draft Control Disc Draft Control & Lift Components - MF S.41482 Lever Assembly Lever - Valve Control Ref: 189370M91 35, 35X, 65, 765 S . An employee may be a Section 1204 employee for one task, but not another. Further research to determine the reasons for high inventory, e.g., inappropriate case processing, insufficient allocation of resources, or a discussion of the results of program reviews are effective methods to ensure that the objectives are being met. In this scenario, the employee has not exercised judgment in regard to recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of the tax laws. Using results for diagnostic tools or workload indicators to compare one unit against other units may be appropriate for: Seeking process enhancements to support improvement of the over-arching balanced measure(s). This use of a quantity measure does not violate Regulation 801 or any IRM provision. Application of mandatory IRM provisions (decisions based on IRM policy that do not require interpretation). L. 103-353 substituting "chapter 43" for "section 4323". DJ Dalata Hotel Group PLC: 2022 Preliminary -31-. Form 9465. IRC Section 471 small business taxpayer exemptions are modified. The group manager describes best practices to accomplish this goal. During a progress review, a manager may comment on an RO's decisions in several cases on filing liens and issuing levies. (1) This transmits revised IRM 1.5.2, Managing Statistics in a Balanced Measurement System, Uses of Section 1204 Statistics. (Here is how the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit summed up the TIGTA Report: "Those findings include that the IRS used political criteria to round up applications for tax-exempt status filed by so-called tea-party groups; that the IRS often took four times as long to process tea-party applications as other applications; and that . The manager states their goal is to close cases in an average of ten hours per case. Requiring an employee to effect a certain number of seizures during a rating period. Thus, the employee would be considered a Section 1204 employee. [House Hearing, 108 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office] USE OF PRIVATE COLLECTION AGENCIES TO IMPROVE IRS DEBT COLLECTION ===== HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT of the COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED EIGHTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION _____ MAY 13, 2003 _____ Serial No. What is the potential undesirable outcome that could come from the misuse of the ROTER? Reconciliation of contradictory return information (such as claiming child tax credits but not listing children). This is a full $80,000 increase from last year. PHONE: 800-955-2444 CONNECT: Tax Analysts is a tax publisher and does not provide tax advice or preparation services. In October 2005, Regulation 801 was revised to allow imposing or suggesting quantity goals for organizational units. I.R.C. The summary below provides information for determining if a particular measure/data may be used for a specific purpose. The performance criteria is composed of elements that support the organizational measures for: Regulation 801.3(a) indicates organizational measures do not directly determine the evaluation of individual employees. All property used in a trade or business is considered section 1231 property and, for taxation purposes, either section 1245 or 1250 applies, depending on the . The Daily Workload report shows how many cases are in the inventory that can be worked on a specific day. Apply for Power of Attorney. Yes. In the case of an election under section 41(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 which applies to the taxable year which includes January 1, 2007, such election shall be treated as revoked with the consent of the Secretary of the Treasury if the taxpayer makes an election under section 41(c)(5) of such Code (as added by this subsection . Amend/Fix Return. See Regulation 801.6(c). . Tax examiners who work Taxpayer Advocate cases may or may not be Section 1204 employees. You must also determine the organizational unit or type of employee to which the measure/data is applied. Source: S&P Dow Jones, Federal Reserve, Bloomberg, Principal Asset Management. Employers engaged in a trade or business who pay compensation. No. Apply for an ITIN. for Curtis 1205-117 Controller 36V 400Amp 0-5K for Curtis Pmc Golf Carts 1204 1205 Motor Controller for EZGO Club Car, Replace 1205-117 36V 500Amp 0-5K, Replace 1204-032 1204-009 1204-004 : Automotive Resolving discrepancies between information provided by the taxpayer and third party reporting. Consider the following in making this determination: What is the ROTER and how is it related to an employee's decision-making process? Section 1245 is a part of the IRS code stating that depreciable property that has been sold at a price in excess of depreciated or salvage value may qualify for favorable capital-gains tax treatment. The IRS shall not use ROTERs to evaluate employees or to impose or suggest production quotas and goals with respect to such employees. Rules. TER terms may be used as part of a list of enforcement tools, or indicate that the employee properly made a determination whether a particular tool was appropriate. . A manager cannot advise or imply that an employee should achieve the same TER in Case B as they achieved in Case A. For purpose of implementing this section, IRM 1.5.1, The IRS Balanced Measurement System, refers to employees exercising judgment in determining tax liability or ability to pay as" Section 1204 Employees" . See IRM, Quantity Measures, for more information. Hyperlinks are denoted by bold, italic, blue, and underlined font. Prosecution recommended (indictment/conviction). Regulation 801 as amended is found at 26 CFR Part 801 and is reprinted below: An employee or the manager of an employee (all levels of management) who exercises judgment in recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of the tax laws. Because the use of ROTERs for the work planning process is permitted in Section 1204, the sharing of work plans between the Headquarters and Examination department managers is not a violation of Section 1204/Regulation 801. A TER is not a quantity measure. (Sec. The manager may suggest that the RO contact experienced personnel to discuss best practices. ROTER data may be made available, provided that such data will never be used to evaluate any employee according to the definition of "evaluate" in Regulation 801.3(e)(1)(ii), and it will never be used to suggest production quotas or goals. A Section 1204 employee is an employee who exercises judgment in regard to recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of the tax laws. Decisions relating to recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue the enforcement of the tax laws are Section 1204 judgments. The manager may comment on the TER reached, as materiality is a factor relating to the employee's judgment, and may document the TER in the write-up of the individual case review. S.58973: Trunion Seal (Seals for 4WD Axle Hubs) . Quantity measures may be used to impose or suggest production goals for any organizational unit and may be disseminated as determined by each organizational unit. News Alert: The 2023 Section 179 Deduction Limit for Businesses is $1,160,000. In an employee evaluation, a manager may briefly state that a revenue agent was able to locate a significant amount of unreported offshore income, but should emphasize the particular efforts that made the TER noteworthy, and should not mention specific dollar amounts. Time frames are not ROTERs, nor is timeliness a quantity measure. Yes. Form 1040-X. Audit Accomplishments. The territory manager should use appropriate diagnostic tools to determine whether there are good reasons for the high amount of time spent per case. It affords corporate taxpayers the benefit of the lower flat 21 percent tax rate. Program Owner: The Human Capital Office (HCO), Office of HR Strategy (OHRS), Policy and Audits (P&A). General Legal Services (GLS) - Reviews and confirms ROTERs identified in the TIGTA audit and HCO Independent Review. 26 CFR 801, Balanced System for Measuring Organizational and Employee Performance Within the Internal Revenue Service. IRM 1.5.8, Guidance for Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS). Both of the statements are prohibited by Section 1204(a) because each suggests a production goal. Yes, but not simply in terms of quantity of work done. See Regulation 801.3(e)(1)(ii). The amount of time used speaking to customers and concluding the contact (talk, handle, and wrap time) is available to call site managers as a diagnostic tool. Any individual appointed as Commissioner of Internal Revenue during a term as defined in subparagraph (B) shall be appointed for the remainder of that term. If a manager, management official, or confidential management/program analyst submits a self-assessment with ROTERs, it should be returned to the employee for removal of the ROTERs. This type of judgment falls under the purview of Section 1204/Regulation 801. Based on this financial analysis, the tax examiner exercises judgment in determining if the taxpayer's income, expenses, or assets and liabilities would permit a taxpayer to pay. In any case, a theory of quantum gravity is expected to apply at early enough times, but we don't know what that theory is. This definition indicates when/where to use TERs and that ROTERs cannot be used. Non-routine disputed/disagreed issues resolving discrepancies when additional expertise is required. and 1202(c)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [formerly I.R.C. An employee whose duties involve providing direction or guidance for field programs involving Section 1204 work activities. . Internal Revenue Service, all members who have retired or will retire under one . Scheduled rates is the term used to describe the work planning and control for allocation of resources to meet program completion dates. An analyst who writes a compliance IRM is a Section 1204 employee. Yes. The actual performance of the employee is measured against their critical job elements and standards. The National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (Tax Code) originated from Republic Act (RA) No. Whether an employee is a Section 1204 employee for the purposes of applying Section 1204/Regulation 801 is determined by the tasks performed by the employee, not the title or location of the employee. In the work planning process, the Headquarters must use some ROTERs for such purposes as planning and forecasting inventory levels. In a case review, a manager may inform an employee that the time spent and/or methods used on a $100,000 collection case were either excessive, unwarranted, or insufficient, considering the amount at issue. Our system of taxation depends on the taxpayers' belief that: The tax laws they follow apply to everyone. Yes. Providing ROTER information in an employee evaluation (including an award) is prohibited. Any managerial communication, oral or written, from which a reasonable person would infer that the manager will evaluate an employee more favorably if a specific enforcement result is achieved, regardless of the merits of the particular case(s), is considered suggesting a production goal or quota. It is organized topically, into subtitles and sections, covering income tax in the United States, payroll taxes . A manager may make recommendations on enforcement actions in a specific case. I.R.C. The determination of whether a matter is a Questionable Refund requires the exercise of judgment in determining tax liability - an analysis of legal principles, tax law, and the taxpayer's circumstances. An RO is assigned a collection case where assets may have been placed offshore. If you praise an employee for submitting a fraud referral, it is only one referral, but since your focus is on achieving the TER rather than on the steps taken to identify and develop fraud, it is a ROTER violation. Human Capital Officer - Is the highest executive responsible for the Section 1204 Program. 1.15.16 Under Section 1204 of the Revenue Restructuring Act of 1998 (RRA - 98) appropriate Supervisors must certify quarterly by . See Regulation 801.3(e)(3). The probable employee perception of the communicated ROTER. Therefore, they are not directly related to producing TERs. Reference to a specific TER or dollar amount may not be mentioned. Determining whether a production quota or goal was suggested to an employee depends on considering all relevant facts and circumstances, including whether there is a good business reason for using the statistic. Reduced burden on. The employees must be evaluated exclusively on performance based on their critical elements, and the evaluations may not cite the goal as a benchmark. A manager informs revenue agents in a group meeting that one agent did an outstanding job by obtaining changes in the last 10 of his cases and that another agent did an outstanding job by averaging changes of $50,000 per case. Complete guide to IRS Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code for employees and employers who want to reduce income and payroll taxes. Appropriate supervisor is the Section 1204 executive in an operating/functional division that directly or indirectly supervises one or more Section 1204 employees. The reconciliation or correction of math errors requires decision making, but that decision making is based upon the application of mathematical principles and does not require the exercise of judgment, e.g., weighing factors appropriately, deciding reasonableness, and determining credibility covered by Section 1204/Regulation 801. Levies issued is a ROTER. If the measure/data is not a ROTER or a quantity measure, neither Section 1204 nor Regulation 801 applies. The Estate Agents Act 1980 - Section 98 requires certain agency documents to be kept for future reference. IRC Section 409A determines when an employee is taxed for deferred compensation, including most types of stock-based compensation awards (see SC 10.2.5, SC 10.6.3, SC 10.6.4, and SC Including ROTERs in self-assessments does not violate IRS RRA 98 Section 1204 or Regulation 801; however, to dispel the appearance of impropriety, it is IRS policy that bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit employees should not use ROTERs in self-assessments. To help ensure balance, the IRS considers each of the three components of balanced measures - customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and business results - when setting organizational objectives, establishing targets, assessing progress and results and . It is important that, in sharing work plan data, managers at all levels should be cautious not to share ROTERs or the results of analyses in any way that impose or suggest a production quota or goal against which employees will be evaluated. The tax examiner compares the expenses to the allowable expense standards to determine if the expenses are reasonable or necessary. No. See Regulation 801.6(d)(2) and 801.7(a) Example 3. Tax enforcement result (TER) is the outcome produced by an employee's exercise of judgment in recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of the tax laws. RRA 98 Section 1204 Certification Records Item 16 Background. 8424, otherwise known as the Tax Reform Act of 1997, which was enacted on December 11, 1997. Learn More. The manager must evaluate the employee's use of time based on individual cases, rather than on any assumptions as to case closing norms. . A manager may establish time frames that must be met within a certain number of days. TIGTA's Semi-Annual Report to Congress. No. IRS has access control measures in place to provide protection from unauthorized alteration, loss, unavailability, or disclosure of . . Employee evaluation includes any written document used to appraise or measure an employee's performance to provide: Required or requested performance rating (annual, mid-year, ad hoc). The revision authorizes using quantity measures to evaluate the performance of supervisory employees, non-Section 1204 employees, and organizational units. Certainly, these tax examiners exercise decision making in performing their tasks, but this decision making is not the type of exercise of judgment with regard to recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of the tax laws, which is covered by Section 1204/Regulation 801. Provides human capital strategies and tools for recruiting, hiring, developing, retaining, and training a highly-skilled and high-performing workforce to support IRS mission accomplishments. The manager may suggest that the employee obtain information about the tax shelter from other employees with experience in examining that shelter or similar shelters. 108-21 _____ Printed for the use of the Committee on Ways and . PDF | Large scale mining is a capital-intensive venture that creates high-paying jobs and provides support for host community infrastructural. Explains the Section 1204 prohibited and permitted use of ROTERs. This is routine decision making relating to clear cut issues provided for and covered in the IRM. Section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code . Generally, Section 1204 and Regulation 801 do not cover judgments that include decisions relating to: Perfection of returns (such as correcting return errors). A thorough, diligent 409A valuation gives the IRS everything it needs to determine that a non-qualified deferred compensation plan is above board. In other instances, taxpayers will respond to penalty notices by presenting new facts indicating that the penalty does not apply. Section 1204 does not apply to quantity measures; however, Regulation 801 does. VAT (Sales tax) is applied at the country specific rate for goods shipped to the UK or the EU. Although neither Section 1204 nor Regulation 801 contain restrictions on TER use, the IRS determined that managers must not include TER outcomes in a written performance appraisal or employee evaluation. Yes. Allowable and unallowable uses of quantity and quality measures. A revenue agent is assigned to an examination involving a taxpayer who has claimed improper deductions in a tax shelter. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98), Section 3707, prohibits the use of any tax protester designation to describe the taxpayer. Idle time is a quantity measure. The previous version dated August 2019 is archived. Assessment of an employee's eligibility for incentives, allowances or bonuses. As a diagnostic tool, an employee's production rate may alert the manager to look at the employee's work practices to see if adjustments are in order. Any managerial communication, either oral or written, that requires a Section 1204 employee to achieve a TER is considered imposing a production quota or goal. Whether an employee is a Section 1204 employee for purposes of applying Section 1204/Regulation 801 is determined by the task performed by the employee and not the title or location of the employee. TERs may be cited and discussed in employee reviews (but not employee evaluations) to determine if the employee: Applied the laws in one or more cases properly. There is no prohibition in Regulation 801 or the IRM against sharing quality statistics. Determine if the measure/data is a quantity measure; if so, it's permissible use is governed by Regulation 801. No. 17, No. The IRS will respect and protect their rights under the law. Key Parts 0480 . A group manager informs non-supervisory employees responsible for exercising judgment with respect to TERs that for a prior period, the group's average was 12 hours per case closure. Territory/department and area/operation information may be shared with groups, but only for such functions as mentioned in (c) above. Records of tax enforcement results (ROTERs) are data, statistics, compilations of information, or other numerical or quantitative recordations of the tax enforcement results reached in one or more cases. A "community clinic" means a clinic operated by a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation that is supported and maintained in whole or in part by donations, bequests, gifts, grants, government funds or contributions, that may be in the form of money, goods, or services. There is no prohibition against sharing organizational quantity or quality statistics. The difference depends upon whether the employee exercises judgment in regard to recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of the tax laws in performing that task. .10 Comparing valuation across nature-based, statement-based, behaviour-based and integrated valuation using the 3R criteria (Relevance, Robustness and Resources) .11 Comparison of the relative merits of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, United Nations System of Environmental Economic Accounting (UN . Of Tax Enforcement Results (ROTER) In a manner prohibited by Section 1204 (a) and whether managers evaluated employees usmq the fair and equitable . ROTERs may be used for forecasting, financial planning, resource management, and the formulation of case selection criteria. Correct entry (taxpayer or campus employee), Estate Tax determination to file return based on application of P-5133, Extension to file (2nd, automatic if timely & complete), Fairness/equity determination (does not follow normal procedures), Final Category A determination (allowing/not allowing CAT A claims/amended returns), Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Privacy requests, Reconciliation of wages reported on Form 940 to those reported to state (FUTA), Innocent spouse determination using decision tree, Issue notice/request for return based on prior returns, IRP information (systemically generated), Calculation of interest and penalties (automated-not determining), Lien, Levy determination (whether to file or release). Protected taxpayer rights & entitlements for 10.1 million taxpayers. united states securities and exchange commission washington, d.c. 20549 form s-1 registration statement under the securities act of 1933 assure holdings corp. The Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE), Director, Collection, supervises eight area directors, who each have subordinate territory and group managers. Threshold income amounts for deductibility of medical expenses on Schedule A do not involve the discerning or evaluation of facts, law or principles which require the use of subjective factors such as experience, legal principles, and fairness considerations. Internal Revenue Service and has lawful access to tax returns." Thomas v. United States, 890 F.2d 18, 21 (7th Cir.1989) (IRS's release of court's opinion in tax case to newspaper which then published article based on the decision was not an unauthorized disclosure because the information was obtained from the court's opinion). Identify individual and, where applicable, team accountability for accomplishing organizational goals. This type of discussion is appropriate. Using quantity measures to directly evaluate non-supervisory employees is prohibited. 685 (1998). Although they may be used later in setting balanced measure goals, production statistics in work plans that are ROTERs do not represent goals for evaluative purposes. Performance measures based in whole or in part on quantity measures will not be used to evaluate the performance of any non-supervisory employee who is responsible for exercising judgment with respect to TERs. Provides detailed procedures on the use of ROTERs. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. This means U.S. companies can deduct the full purchase price of ALL qualified equipment purchases, up to the limit . It is appropriate to discuss actions that should have been followed during the course of resolving a case, because this is part of the quality review of your case handling. Yes. In documenting the performance review, and in any subsequent evaluation, focus on documenting the appropriateness of the decisions, in the context of the employee's critical job elements and standards, and not on documenting the specific actions that were or were not taken. Section 2202 of the Taxpayer First Act applies only to disclosures made by the Internal Revenue Service after December 28, 2019, and any subsequent redisclosures and uses of such information disclosed by the Internal Revenue Service after December 28, 2019. For example, the tax examiner processing the manual refund or working the payment tracer according to non- discretionary criteria contained in the appropriate section of the IRM is not performing enforcement work. ROTERs may not be used to suggest production quotas or goals for any employee. Since each lien or levy is a TER, the manager and RO may discuss the appropriateness of each of the collection tools used or not used (including the appropriateness of each based on the amounts at issue), and the manager may make general observations about the RO's judgment in each case considering the amounts at issue and the expected and actual TERs. A Section 1204 Employee is an employee who exercises judgment in recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of tax laws, or who provides direction and guidance for Section 1204 program activities . The IRS received numerous comments on the proposed regulations, considered but rejected most, and accepted several that resulted in changes in the final regulations. For purposes of applying Section 1204/Regulation 801, Section 1204 employees are employees who exercise judgment with regard to recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of the tax laws. 1.2 i (0) $758.88. The SB/SE Director, Examination, may inform all subordinate employees that increased emphasis is to be placed on properly developing quality fraud cases due to the large amount of resources required to work those cases. (2) Added IRM, Program Scope and Objectives. 7 years c . There were other changes too. According to IRM 6.430, Performance Management integrates the processes that the IRS uses to: Communicate and clarify organizational goals to employees. 1203) Requires termination of the employment of an IRS employee upon the final determination that such employee has committed certain acts or omissions, including: (1) failure to obtain required approval prior to a seizure; (2) making a false statement under oath concerning a material matter involving a taxpayer; (3) violating the . It does not measure any exercise of judgment in regard to recommending or determining whether or how the IRS should pursue enforcement of the tax laws, so it is not a ROTER. An overview of the key changes follows. Whether the way a ROTER is used violates Section 1204. In a case review, workload review, progress review, or other employee documentation that is not an employee evaluation, the facts and details related to an individual TER may only be mentioned to fairly describe the employee's performance (that is, the employee's knowledge, skills, and abilities as applied to the case) with emphasis placed on the employee's efforts rather than on the result. Cut issues provided for and covered in the work planning process, the Headquarters must use some ROTERs such. Time frames are not ROTERs, nor is timeliness a quantity measure ; if so, it 's use... Follow apply to quantity measures ; however, Regulation 801 apply ( d ) ( B ) of Internal. Tax Code ) originated from Republic Act ( RA ) no allowable expense standards to determine if measure/data... Monitoring are required to assist in the inventory that can be worked on a specific day is used Section. 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Organizational quantity or quality Statistics, into subtitles and sections, covering income in... Not violate Regulation 801 Program Scope and Objectives taxpayer rights & amp ; P Dow,. Penalty does not apply to quantity measures to impose or suggest production goals for employee. 'S eligibility for incentives, allowances or bonuses future reference to an examination involving a taxpayer who has claimed deductions! Act ( RA ) no reference to a specific TER or dollar amount may not be Section 1204 activities... And, where applicable, team accountability for accomplishing organizational goals governed by 801. _____ Printed for the high amount of time spent per case that the RO contact personnel... Diagnostic tools to determine whether there are good reasons for the use of a quantity measure neither... But only for such functions as mentioned in ( c ) ( 2 ) Added IRM,.

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