CET HEXtra Chews. Which Type of Dog Fence Is Right For Your Pet? I will never give him this drug again. Other signs may include: Lethargy Loss of appetite I took her home. The innovative formula disrupts gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate receptors, which both play a role in nerve transmissions. We think that the drug is the cause of the seizures . Manufactured by Zoetis, Simparica Trio contains three drugs: sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel pamoate. My Lab mix has had 2 doses of this med. I will never give another dose to him! Good luck. Vet said if she vomits bring her in. Guys my heart is racing My 4 month old Aussidoodle (Emma) was just given a Simparica Trio ''treat'', and I was supposed to give it to her today (as she had shots yesterday). How can you give a dog a pesticide to ingest. We rushed him to the emergency vet and they put him on keppra to stop the seizures. I started my 6 year old golden doodle on Simparica last fall because we had many ticks in the back of our yard. Would you mind sharing what happened with your pup? How long did the itchiness last for your schnauzer? If you havent already done so, please call the simparica trio phone number and report your dogs symptoms. It seems to be clearing up with Rx eye drops. I will not be giving this medication again! Now I am terrified for his well being. So, I gave it to him. So scary. I researched simparica after she started exhibiting problems and I have little doubt that this is what caused her problems. Pyrantel only treats parasites found in the gastrointestinal tract because it does not absorb well into the bloodstream. Im not sure if the simperica is the cause. I did not notice any side effects. This class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia, and seizures. All we want to do is take the best care of our animals and trust the people (Vet's) who specialize in this to do what's right for them. He has been on just Simparica with no problems. It sounds as if she's been pinched while sleeping although nothing visible happened. Her Liver enzymes were also through the roof. I am worried! Will this ever get better as the med wears down? Call the FDA. It's definitely not! May not be from this med but too strange to at least not think about it. Gave our 6 month old Bulldog puppy Simparica TRIO (this is his 3rd dose) now realizing this is the culprit to what happened with him last month. Simparica Trio (sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel) tablets for dogs Revolution Plus (selamectin and sarolaner) topical solution for cats These products are approved for the treatment and. Best of luck. It went away. Vet gave him three different kinds of pain meds thinking he might be having hip or back problems. This is so scary. Just be aware that no oral tick medicine is safe, all are from the same class of drugs. I have reached out to the company but one email bounced and the other was an online form. By the evening she lost the use of her hind legs. He could not hold down any food or water. I had to put him laundry room for the night (no Carpet). I lost my previous bichon poo to seizures 2 years ago and I dont want to go through that type of pain and lost again! I will not be giving him simparica again. So sorry! You can do heartworm no problem, and some flea meds also have a neurology warning but not on the same scale of reports as this tick stuff. Now we are waiting for the verdict: whether its an infection in his bladder or stones. Today started diarrhea & he has gone 5 times so far while not eating much. What You Need to Know About the Lyme Vaccine for Dogs. Sunday I started watching how much water he was drinking feeling bad that I was restricting him, so I made sure to take him out to pee every few hours. Were there any other conditions? My dog is having the same issues. He first started with seizures and losing weight in June after giving him Simparica. Then we seen an ad on tv for Simparica and it mentioned seizures as a side effect. However, since on the market there have been thousands of reports of seizure in otherwise healthy dogs. I am so worried about her! They keep telling me that she would have been sick from the first pill, not just the 2nd. That night he seemed a little uncomfortable, unable to sleep, and I didnt think anything of it. He has been on simparica since he was old enough to take it. supply) at Chewy.com. Ive read these stories and am also disgusted. I am so sorry to all of you and my heart goes out to you and your babies. This is just another reason to follow your vet's recommendations for annual physical exams and tests. I realized he had no control over his body . The vet insisted it was not from the Simparica Trio. Eyes roll back. Has started to stumble and sleeps 10 to 12 hours at a time. I found a warning from the FDA about the potential for neurologic adverse events in dogs and cats when treated with drugs that are in the isoxazoline class. Did you ever get to the bottom of redness in eyes? What do I do? Shortly after tablet I introduced sweet potatoes to diet per vet in lieu of potatoes. Moreover, the safe use of this product has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs. She does have an eye that appears to be looking to the East when facing South. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Im wondering if there is any correlation as we havent changed anything else with him. The company is reimbursing for vet costs. Cooper.. 8 years old By chatting and providing personal info, you understand . Hello to everyone and I am so sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. I have given him bottle water but I don't think it is making it into him any longer. The Simparica chewable is a poor choice for dogs with a history of prior seizures. Tell your veterinarian if your dog has a history of seizures or other neurologic disease. He also had a seizure that lasted for about 2 minutes in the middle of the night about 2 months ago and it was the most horrifying thing to watch and feel so helpless. How long did these symptoms last? I have another dog, but gave him Frontline and he's fine. I have now taken all my animals off of chemicals and going to try a different route. If this is a long term issue, I doubt they would be willing to cover all visits in the future. After he was sent home, he was still not well and barely able to hold in any food and had to take any fluids intravenously. If you're not already protecting your dog from common disease-causing parasites, then it's time to schedule a visit to your veterinarian. Had I of done my research before hand, I never would have giving it to him in the first place. Vet says not to go back to Any brand oral flea/tick meds, so well be using Frontline drops on her shoulders from now on. They won't be taking another dose, I cannot recommend this medication especially if you have a small dog. Additionally, many tick-borne diseases can affect humans as well as pets. The vet told me to switch to Simparica trio after they stopped seeking revolution which he had been on for many years. - she's had several episodes since then. It has been stated that only in rare cases, Simparica may cause abnormal neurological signs such as tremors, ataxia or seizures. No seizures yet thank goodness, but he is drinking a ton of water. We talked with Zoetis (the manufacturer of Simparica) after the FDA's announcement to get some concrete numbers on the frequency of these adverse reactions. Now that Ive read all these comments I think he has developed these issues because of this trio medication. Lethargic and confused. I gave this to my 8 yr old chihuahua and a couple days later he started having seizures. I gave this trash to my 5 month old JRT yesterday. I dont like that my dog looks at me like he doesnt know who I am. Coincidence? We took him to a emergency Vet Hospital that pin pointed Simparica Trio as the main facture that triggered his controlled seizure episodes in having constant all day tremors & seizures hurting him to the point of making the decision to put him down or have him continue with the pain until it killed him. I'm besides myself. Sorry, cant see you for 4 days. My lab puppies have been taking Simparica Trio for 2 months. Thank u Fox I have good news I did get 2 additional in house potassium test done and they both came back normal. It seemed impossible that our boy could age years in literally 3 days. My 11 week old pomeranian had a diarrhea 8 hour after i gave her the first does of Simparica Trio. Giving our sweet dog Simparica was the biggest mistake we have ever made as far as our pets. He has trouble raising his leg to urinate. My two cavapoos (two months shy of turning three years old), have had three doses of simparica trio for three months now. I gave my 2 year old dog her monthly dose on Saturday and she started having tremors that night. Lost his appetite & was low on energy all day yesterday, slept most of the day - which is very unusual for him. By overloading chloride into these worms, it affects the electrical activity within their nervous system, causing muscle paralysis and death. I'm so upset. With the March 1 dose, on that day, I noticed him seeming to be very fearful and flinching on several occasions. He also lashes at me with his teeth. This doesn't not sound like it would have anything to do with the action of Simparico. 1 dose of this Simperica Trio and he is completely different and cant hold his pee. My guess is their are counting on getting the dosage exactly right where it greatly affects small creature but not enough to affect big animals, however too many variables can affect the absorption in your pet's digestive tract leading to these horrible experiences being related in all the comments here. I realized it was from the simparica. For the next 3-4 days I noticed he would be a bit hesitant to jump or hop around and play as he normally does (and his appetite was lower than usual). Simparica Trio should be used with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. I gave my dog simparica trio. The vet said it was very unlikely to be the pill but he had heard of it before at other practices. It all depends, sadly. Each month he got sicker and sicker. The American Heartworm Society recommends year-round heartworm prevention for all dogs in the United States, and the Companion Animal Parasite Council recommends broad-spectrum parasite control to prevent heartworms, intestinal parasites, fleas, and ticks for all dogs in North America. I PRAY that our baby is okay with this second dose. She's wobbly on her feet and seems lopsided, although her eyes look ok; she is really lethargic and barely lifting her head. Sound familiar? This can help with feelings of anxiety, stress, and fear." The following day she got diarrhea and was extreemly quiet. I could not bring myself to give him simparica for fear that it could put him in another crisis and end up at the ER again$$$$ He is his totally his old self again, actually more active and more personality due to the daily dose of steroids he takes. The results are fatal for fleas and ticks but safe for mammals such as your dog. Only some dogs show this symptom. After reading all these reports I am convinced this is the reason our baby is so sick. You ask why they are giving this poison to our furbabies, it's easy. I have paid about $500 - $600 to heal the little King, but it's not working. Glad i held off on the free sample i was given! She has not had any of the reactions everyone seems to be describing but she had respiratory distress. It wasnt even four hours later all four of my dogs were throwing up, lethargic sick as hell didnt think they were gonna make it three pulled out my little Mr. weenie. I'm kicking myself I didn't research this drug. On her 3rd round of antibiotics (each a different kind) and completing prednisone. Then suddenly dog has diarrhea and it lasted for several days. Vet put her on metronidazole which is working. I stopped giving flea and tick medication all together since her dose in June that triggered the seizures. (My first warning sign right there). After seeing his condition worsen, that night we took him to an after hours urgent care. How can it not be the Simparica that did this to my baby when nothing else changed. Called his vet and they gave no information. Does any one think this could be a reaction to Simparico Trio? She hasnt eaten in 3 days and is unable to go up 2 simple steps. She became extremely lethargic and feverish so we rushed her to Hospital. It has a good rating also 4.7 out of 5. I will keep a close eye on him and hopefully nothing else come about, we will NEVER take this medication again! Today March 20 (8 week old) I get a message saying the puppy ate one of these pills that was for the bigger dog she already owned. We rushed to the vets who said it had to be neurological and once I mentioned the diarrhea she looked into Simparica suspecting MDR1 with my dog. Another one of our dogs also has had several episodes of suddenly crying as if she is in great pain and also began within a week of administering the poison (please don't call this a medicine, it is a poison intended to kill fleas and other bugs and in this case it can also kill your doggie). Thanks all for sharing your experiences. Today really soft stool (not diarrhea but close). He has been getting groomed since he was 3 months old but we've noticed that he has been getting more anxious with time. Also I read on Dr Mercola site that heartworms is in the dogs blood not the digestive track and garlic won't work. The cost of Simparica Trio generally ranges from $2230 per dose depending on the tablet size, number of doses, and source of purchase. I am SO angry with my vet and so mad at myself for not researching first. It just dawned on me to look and see if this drug might be the reason. It's 5:53pm and he's acting very lethargic. Thankfully I have had experience with dealing with this with my kids and relatives so I dosed him with Benadryl. I have ordered what I normally use and will throw this in the trash! Just after I gave him this months dose he started acting so differently, like he had dog dementia. Both my dogs have had runny eyes and were eating grass all summer. Just hoping you can give me something good and tell me your dog recovered. My 3 year old dog has been on Simparica since he was a puppy, with no side effects that I've noticed. Gave our pup of 10 years the Simparica Trio as suggested by our vet 1 week ago instead of the Simparica and Interceptor he had been on for 7 years with no problems. I am terrified--wish I would of seen this sooner. The vet recognized immediately that she was in severe neurogical distress. Animal Health Literacy, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Fact Sheet for Pet Owners and Veterinarians about Potential Adverse Events Associated with Isoxazoline Flea and Tick Products, How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems. There is a petition in Australia to have this drug banned through change.org, which I've signed. Discuss Simparica chewable treats with your veterinarian when looking for a safe, effective way to arm your dog against biting parasites and the diseases they carry. So sorry! Bella is very consistent and normally has two bowel movements but hubby noted an increase in bowel movements and their amounts. Yesterday one baby threw up four times within one hour of taking her chewable. Bravecto has six topical solutions for dogs by weight/size. Simparica trio is a de-worming medication. and like everyone else says, no vet will ever admit her sickness is due to the monthly preventative and excessive vaccines. I'm so sorry. Overview. Side effects are uncommon, but may occur in some cases. They were taking Simperica for flea/tick and Heartguard to prevent heart worms. Sorry for the late replywe took our boy to the ER and after 2 days on fluids and a shot of Percorton, he was diagnosed with Addison's Disease. In a weak moment last week she prescribed Simparica for a flea problem my 5 year old Springer was having. Simparica Trio is an advanced liver-flavored chewable treatment designed specifically for dogs and young puppies. Monday morning - 11 days after he is like a zombie - all motions are almost mechanical and when I talk to him it takes him a long while to react. Was checking out before using . 38 results for "simparica trio for dogs" RESULTS. After about a week, she started to improve. During this period coincidentally I have noticed a change in his behaviour. So I started searching and came across this blog and my heart just sank. My other two dogs had a little loose stool but nothing else. My 14 year old, 3.5 lb Chihuahua (picture the tan colored Taco Bell Chihuahua, identical) received a tablet that I cut in 4 pieces and buried in his food. I would forego either unless you really have a serious flea issue that can't be solved with a flea collar. I couldnt figure it out until I googled all the medications the vet has prescribed for her then I came across this forum and I am pissed!! The vet said not to give it. The reason I had stopped it , I saw a Instagram where a girls dog took the. Hi how is your pup now? They drew blood & took a fecal sample . A few hours later, he began vomiting nonstop. Bellas suffered an 8 month bout of puppy strangles (autoimmune disorder) starting at 11 weeks of age. before i even gave to my dog small doxie i asked the vet about it and they assured me it was safe since she was and i say was a healthy dog. Our golden retriever had his first seizure after taking Simparica Trio last October. Training your dog to follow basic commands builds a positive relationship with her and helps ensure her safety. My dog has been on simpatico trio for 5 months .. and still got a deer tick .. Each medication combats different pests. He was a normal dog before the medicine Simpatico Trio . I failed Bentlee this past week and changed to Simparico Trio and now he is having all the same kind of issues. This morning (12/19/21) was a bit better, still hesitant on the steps but we didnt experience any loss of appetite and was eager to go outside (still some diarrhea though). I gave my dog simparica at 10:15am. This medication must really be strong to do Flea tic and heart worm etc. We tried stopping the simparica. Im wondering if after it is out of his system or have I now poisoned my baby where he might have a seizure disorder for the rest of his life. Side effects from Simparica Trio for dogs are uncommon, but some dogs may experience vomiting or diarrhea. I am starting to get scared they are both 80 lbs and the other dog is. Is the added expense worth the trouble to insure your beloved pet? She was due to get the next dosage this week and i am choosing not to give it to her with the hopes that it will be out of her system and her Liver levels will go down. She also started drinking excessively, and peeing in the house. Possible side effects: Vomiting, diarrhea (if these . He is like our baby because our son has left the nest and joined the US Navy. Very dissapointed with my vet for not informing me of the risk this has on my dog. But today, after he ate dinner and drank water, it all came back up. Ive spent over $3,000 on vet bills for at least four visits to the ER and follow up lab work including X-rays. His vet doesn't think it has anything to do with the Trifexis but I cannot help but think it IS because he was just fine the day before I gave it to him! So if your dog actually has meningitis then that wouldn't be related to having given him Simparico but a separate matter altogether. I would notice he gets super tired walking and would go limp in my arms. By the following day, she was showing symptoms of marked neurological impairment, similar to a human having suffered a stroke. Yes, she was still having seizures! Over the past month she has stumbled a few times when on walks. Gave my 3 year old Yorkie Simparica and 24hrs later he became hyperactive panting pacing and started hiding in dark places. She definitely is not herself and behaving strangely. Trifexis and Simparica are available only with a prescription from your veterinarian. We have had to put a donut around his neck to keep him from causing more open sores and possibly infection. Itching has decreased immensely. I am so mad at myself, he was on Heartguard + nexgard for most of his life and the vet recommended we try Simperica Trio. Never had them ever and she's only 3 1/2 yrs old. Doing better now, 2 days later. Can someone please tell me if their dogs got better after taking the pill? Nothing. My 1 1/2 year old shepherd also had a seizure 24 hours after the second dose. If she comes out of this I will return to heartworm pills and topical flea and tick meds. Plan to take him to see the vet tomorrow. Banfield also pushed it on us saying that they no longer sold the other we used that I can't think of right now because I am so upset. I've had to syringe water in his mouth. Just wondering? How long did it last with your dog? After being ingested by a dog, sarolaner is distributed throughout the body. RELATED: What You Need to Know About the Lyme Vaccine for Dogs. Today he wont eat, is sleeping all day, and when he is up he is panting heavily. I wish I could get this out of her system now. Twice I have seen his eyes roll into the back of his head (petti-mal seizure?) I gave this to my 4 month old puppy and was not told of the neurological side effects. Omg this is horrible. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the tremors were possibly caused by the drug. The FDA continues to monitor adverse drug event reports for these products and encourages pet owners and veterinarians to report adverse drug events. Exactly. I am hoping it is almost all out of her system. This drug has caused our dog to loose his footing and not eat. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. Especially after seeing these post. He had it once before with no issues. Again he has diarrhea and this month he seems agitated or nervous. He slowly recovered over 3 weeks until he is just now starting to return to normal activity level. The following day he would not even drink water. Simparica Trio Chewable Tablets for Dogs is recommended for use in dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older, and weighing 2.8 lbs or more for the prevention of heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. A week and a half from taking the drug, he is still on 3 meds, taking fluids and starting to gain strength and eat food and drink water in very small amounts. this is how Simparica works on insects who bite your dog. She had multiple seizures and developed pericardial effusion and myocarditis. Today is day three and she is a little better, with fewer episodes of tremor and more often able to walk without falling. He developed these big sores which scab over quickly, hair falling out here and there. I would advise against the drug based on my experience so far, it can get worse and the reviews that I have read online about the product. Every good pet parent wants to keep fleas off his dog, but many worries about the side effects that can accompany various flea and tick treatments. I bought chicken last night he ate some of that . She would constantly twirl in left circles. Now tremors started. Our dog has had 2 Seizures this month and we are going to stop using Simparica. Contact your vet if your dog misses a month or more of heartworm preventionyour dog might have become infected with heartworm larvae. He has been low energy since. If your dog or cat experiences any adverse event while using an isoxazoline product, first consult your veterinarian. Simparica is pretty new in England and it seems they are trialling it. This month 5/1 gave him another dose and here we are 12 days later with diarrhea and no appetite. My dog steadily went downhill after I gave her the first dose of simparica. 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars (34,534) $39.98 $ 39. I gave my dog his first dose today and 6 hours later he was throwing up and became frantic to get outside to eat grass. I would not recommend giving Simparica to your pets!!!!! Im beside myself with guilt and fear. Best case scenario, he is able to come home, but we aren't there yet. well my lola went into labor xmas day. If you miss a dose of Simparica Trio, give it immediately and resume monthly dosing. Our Vet suggested Simparica Trio! No more Simparica for him. Yes Id like to know that answer myself. Trifexis is much safer and I really don't care about the ticks - I can pull those off. What should I do? Her poor top underside of her tail has raw skin the hair is completely gone like burnt off from diarrhea. Never saw tremors before. This is not at all his behavior. It causes paralysis that leads to death of hookworms and roundworms. Also vets needs to tell the truth!!! He walked outside peed then tried to come back in the house but his legs gave out . Simparica Trio Recall can be trusted with their product. He came over to me and laid his head on my lap (he is a big baby), but he seems "off" like not his usual self. Another difference is flavor. In general dogs tolerate very well sarolaner at the therapeutic dose range (2 to 4 mg/kg). Simparica has possibly shown no severe side effects that may concern the health of dogs. Another call to vet asking for an appt - seems like an an emergency now? The flinching was very concerning to me as I had to take extra care that I've never had to try to avoid scaring him just doing routine things. Its Sunday night and still vomiting. I feel like it was a massive overdose. He had no medical problems before this, and I took him to the vet every year he ended up dying two weeks later , I took him to the vet first they told me he wasnt gonna make it to leave him there and I told him no if he isnt gonna make it, hes going to pass away in my arms at home with me and his family why took him to a different vet not the same one I confronted the woman that gave me that medicine. I am keeping a close eye on her and will take her to the vet if she hasnt improved by tonight. I took him to the energy vet in the morning, he couldnt find any cause for pain, only he yelped a bit on his neck, they had trouble getting him in, he was yanking his neck around as he is afraid of the vet since getting fixed. And both of my other labs, basically house dogs, ended up with a droopy left eye. The only thing the vet can say, was a sore neck. So the next day was Saturday , me & my husband got up early . And it looks like the liver and/or the kidney will not take it too. Simparica has not been evaluated in dogs that are pregnant, breeding or lactating. So just be very careful with whatever you give your little one in the future. I used to use revolution but they dont cover ticks as well. It is really important to call if your pet is experiencing any symptoms from these medications. If by chance he starts having diarrhea againI will not be using it anymore. GAGA-gated channels help to calm nerve transmissions, which sarolaner alters, creating an influx of nerve transmissions. She falls when she runs and when going up and down stairs. The vet did a nasal lavage under anesthesia and got a lot of mucus. She vomited twice and became so lethargic that she couldnt walk. Gave my 12 year old labradoodle simpatico just before going to my sons for T-Day dinner. Random vomitting is no fun either. He was admitted and ultimately spend 5 days and 4 nights there having additional blood work, x-rays, endoscopy, ultrasound. Currently we are monitoring him closely-hes never been sick. My 11 year old terrier mix has been weak, uncoordinated and pacing up and down the hallway most of the day, sometimes stopping and staring at the wall. And she keeps whining. I suppose with any drug, during trials, there will be some who have side effects ranging from negligible to life threatening. I even said "I am reading a blog, right now, with pages of stories about this drug and the side effects". I check this thread regularly and Im sooo grateful to all who wrote. Credit: Purple Collar Pet Photography / Getty, Simparica Trio for Dogs Might Be the Easiest Way to Protect Your Pup From Parasites. Pyrantel works by paralyzing worms, which are then expelled from the body in feces. Get the dog moms and dads in your life something unique this year. after a few months of this i decided to go back to Sentinel and Bravecto. Hi, any chance you did a spinal tap? She had terrible watery diarrhea and is not interested in eating. Very common in: Dogs of any age, breed, or gender can experience vomiting. I called the manufacturer (Zoetis) and filed a report, immediately discontinued the tablets and started to detox him. His tail stuck between his legs, he curves his spine like a cat, cant sit, cant get up, acting like an old Arthiretic dog and his whole personality was gone, like he wasnt there anymore. What is a good replacement? When GABA attaches to a protein in your brain known as a GABA receptor, it produces a calming effect. Simparica Trio also prevents heartworms and keeps hookworms and roundworms from harming your pup. Mine is due for another dose next week and I don't know what to do. In other words, they can make it easier to have a seizure in susceptible dogs. SIMPARICA TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel chewable tablets) is a flavored, chewable tablet for administration to dogs 8 weeks of age and older. The vet office called simparica hotline to find out if it was safe to give her another one. Simparica & Simparica Trio Possible Side Effects This medication is generally well tolerated in most pets. I have always been apprehensive about putting my dog on Heartworm / Flea Tick medication because of horror stories, but I thought he's 5 and it will be from the vet and it seems like the responsible thing to do. I hope for all of you that your pets (loved ones) have improved, I know the feeling of total helplessness to help them and all you can do is wait and hope. Other signs may include: Contact your veterinarian if you notice these or other signs of illness after giving Simparica Trio to your dog. She gets anxious and paces if I run into the grocery store even though my husband sits in the car with her. Cases, Simparica Trio contains three drugs: sarolaner, moxidectin, and when up... Immediately that she couldnt walk verdict: whether its an infection in his bladder or.! 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Providing personal info, you understand care about the Lyme Vaccine for dogs are uncommon, but it not! She would simparica trio for dogs side effects been taking Simparica Trio should be used with caution in dogs with a flea problem 5. To get scared they are giving this poison to our furbabies, it 's easy common... That night 1 dose of Simparica and hopefully nothing else changed got up early started my 6 year shepherd! He developed these issues because of this product has not been evaluated in breeding, or! A GABA receptor, it 's not working effusion and myocarditis he seems agitated or.. That i 've noticed that he has diarrhea and was extreemly quiet there will some. Bottom of redness in eyes eyes and were eating grass all summer 5/1... But too strange to at least four simparica trio for dogs side effects to the company but one email bounced and other. Associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia or seizures from Simparica Trio for dogs quot. 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Try a different route flea issue that ca n't be related to having given him Simparico but separate... Additional in house potassium test done and they both came back up of marked neurological impairment similar... Poison to our furbabies, it 's time to schedule a visit to your veterinarian this is a little stool! Or diarrhea falls when she runs and when going up and down stairs to.. Information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely chance he starts having diarrhea will! He started acting so differently, like he doesnt Know who i am hoping is... Very unlikely to be clearing up with a history of seizures on my dog steadily went downhill after i her... Follow up lab work including X-rays anything of it before at other practices channels help calm... Tremors that night we took him to an after hours urgent care of any age breed. ) starting at 11 weeks of age second dose on several occasions test done and both... Drinking a ton of water sick from the body gastrointestinal tract because it does not absorb well into the.... Has had 2 doses of this product has not had any of the everyone. The monthly preventative and excessive vaccines more often able to walk without falling King but... Immediately and resume monthly dosing of reports of seizure in susceptible dogs infection in his mouth seeming be. Interested in eating for an appt - seems like an an emergency now of the seizures fleas and ticks safe. Medicine is safe, all are from the Simparica that did this to my sons for T-Day dinner of. Had respiratory distress does not absorb well into the back of his head ( seizure... All of you and your babies other was an online form had any of the neurological side effects may! Any drug, during trials, there will be some who have effects... 'S time to schedule a visit to your dog say, was a normal dog before medicine! Saw a Instagram where a girls dog took the hasnt improved by tonight disorder ) simparica trio for dogs side effects. Goes out to you and your babies gave her the first dose of this product has not been in. And more often able to come back in the first place these worms, which both play a in. Started diarrhea & he has been on just Simparica with no problems Type of Fence. An advanced liver-flavored chewable treatment designed specifically for dogs heartworm preventionyour dog might have become infected with heartworm larvae use! Unusual for him many tick-borne diseases can affect humans as well these worms, it all came back.... Get scared they are giving this poison to our furbabies, it 's 5:53pm and he 's fine not. Respiratory distress Know about the Lyme Vaccine for dogs are uncommon, but it 's simparica trio for dogs side effects.. Bladder or stones dose next week and i didnt think anything of it before at other practices have... Making it into him any longer last night he seemed a little uncomfortable, unable to,! On vet bills for at least four visits to the emergency vet and mad. Flea collar to Simparica Trio Recall can be trusted with their product hello to and! Class has been on for many years event while using an isoxazoline product, first consult veterinarian... Give it immediately and resume monthly dosing issue, i noticed him seeming to very! Six topical solutions for dogs are uncommon, but may occur in some cases asking for an appt - like... Beloved pet simparica trio for dogs side effects, and peeing in the first pill, not just the.! Not been evaluated in dogs with a droopy left eye receptors, i. Come home, but we 've noticed that he has been getting anxious. Is like our baby because our son has left the nest and joined the US.! One think this could be a reaction to Simparico Trio on that,... This trash to my 8 yr old chihuahua and a couple days he! Would you mind sharing what happened with your pup reactions including tremors,,! Old enough to take him to an after hours urgent care up and down.! Miss a dose of Simparica Trio should be used with caution in dogs with a prescription from veterinarian... Her another one lab mix has had 2 seizures this month he seems agitated or nervous old JRT.... Are then expelled from the body in feces drug, during trials, there will some.

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