Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Film is much more finicky with under exposure. My remark of "there's nothing from keeping me" is to deter answers like "There's no wrong answer, get creative. ISO 200 is identical to setting to 800, overexposing 2 EV, and dropping two stops in post. When shooting at a high ISO, get the exposure right. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'35mmc_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-leader-2-0'); As you can see in this next frame, which Im going to take a stab in the dark (pun) and say was shot at EI1600, there is every bit of potential for very sharp, low grain images from this film provided a high quality lens is used and its scanned and processed well. As in, just using shorter shutter-times and higher apertures to not get too much light in. The 28-70 lens was a little lower-contrast and not quite as high resolution as a lot of the lenses I normally shoot. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? The big question is what are the light conditions you are going to be shooting in. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I'll have a look at ND-filters. I only started shooting Portra 800 last year, when looking for more speed for underwater photography, but expanded the use shortly after that. Using an ISO 100 film on that same day would give you the same exposure, less grain, and at the same time a much larger range of possible settings. Just revisited this; I think its good to read and holds up well after two years Hamish. Holy blazing snotballs Batman I am totally in awe of this film/lens/camera combination.It is such a joy to see how fine, true to colour and forgiving a film can be.This one is going on my bucket list for sure.Thanks HamishTom. Thanks Aukje! Push - An overcast day or the sun is going down. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? According to the Sunny 16 rule, simply set your aperture to F16, your shutter speed to the reciprocal of your film speed (so if you're shooting ISO 100 film, ~1/100 sec), and your exposure should be close-enough to spot on; amazing! lower doesn't work well for indoors or dark areas, is basically film-descriptions or camera-manuals. At this stage, it was quickly dawning on me that Portra 800 could be the film that might offer me the greatest level of versatility and the lowest level of requirement to tinker with the results within my workflow. Depending on your camera you might run into shutter speed problems. To be in a forest under the trees you will find high ISOs very useful. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The number of distinct words in a sentence. This is simply done by setting your metering to act as if it's 1-2 stops higher than the 800 speed. So with my metering being accurate, and the lens being so good, really I was setting myself up to be pleasantly surprised. f/5.0, 1/160 sec . Rated ISO 200-2000! The light-sensitive film requires less light to develop a properly exposed photo. All photographs and text appearing on are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. The Sunny 16 Rule is a way to meter for correct exposure during daylight without using the camera's meter. Like I said; It's not intended as stubbornly shooting high-speed film in bright scenes. s Color Balance tool to alter the image so that its grey tones appear natural. Find out more about 35mmc here. For example, 5500K is very close to the suns photospheres 5800K. Starting with the Midtones mode, I shifted my sliders away from Green towards Magenta, from Cyan towards Red, and from Blue towards Yellow. s 5800K. ISO controls the amount of light your camera lets in, and therefore how dark or light your photos will be. I can also shoot it at night - but it does mean that at night, I'm going to need a tripod and some long shutter speeds. In fact, in some of these just because I could pull so much detail out of the shadows I probably slightly over-egged the pudding. [CDATA[ Not good or bad, but less, so if I want to print at 900mm on the short edge the grain is nice, whereas 400 is getting a bit chunky at that size. A part of this is no doubt down to the innate image quality of Portra 800. - And particularly a B&W film that's not too dramatically contrasted, so rather balanced when it comes to that. High ISO film typically costs around 50% more than slower film, too. Well, thats enough encouragement for me ;-), I will write something about my experience with it then. As a rule, I find that prefer the colours out of consumer films such as Ultramax 400, but I dont really get on with the higher grain and reduced sense of sharpness Ive had out of those sorts of films when Ive shot them in the past. I think there's some herd mentality to the creative range of what gets shot on this film too, but let's not dwell on that. Table of Contents show. Learn how your comment data is processed. The main advantage with high ISO film compared with digital sensors is that film is not sensitive to Infrared pollution as silicon based sensors. I like "being in the now . you could shoot this film at 800 and get more leeway in terms of aperture/shutter range. Yeah, certainly start at box speed. You beat me to this! (Eg. Also, get our famous monthly newsletter you wont regret it!. Thanks for your answer. You mention less brilliant colors. What happened to Aham and its derivatives in Marathi? If you want to buy this film, I recommend Analogue Wonderland as a my chosen film supplier. Shutter speed is the . Fast speed film will result in the grainiest photographs but is great to use when shooting fast-moving subjects in low light conditions. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Throwing away 94% of the available light just to use grainy, high sensitivity film when you don't need it isn't going to give you the best image. Shooting ISO 800 on the BMCC is the same as setting the camera to 200 and underexposing 2 EV, then boosting the two stops in post. 5. . Based on Kodak Vision 3 500T movie stock, which CineStill cuts and repackages for still cameras, 800T offers an extended dynamic range along with very fine granularity. Yes, it is. Typically, CineStill 800T shot in daylight without a filter would scan and print with its colours shifted towards light blue or teal. Flash is better, focus is better (maybe) and the info will be there on the neg to be pulled off by a competent scan. Based on Kodak Vision 3 500T movie stock, which CineStill cuts and repackages for still cameras, 800T offers an. Obviously grain is not ideal but it is also not my primary concern, at least at this point in my analog journey. Left: inverted & equalized scan W/O any adjustments. This remarkable emulsion is always in high demand, and its not just the hype: this film delivers for both perfectionists and experimental photographers. You can adjust the stops of light that are let into your lens, depending on the environment. As it turns out it is at least fairly happy with overexposure. You shoot 400 film at 100 ISO. Cant argue with that fine grain, either. ISO in Photography: what it is and when to use your higher settings CineStill 800T sells out quickly wherever I shop making hunting it down an adventure each time. It is. Id be interested to do that comparison in my workflow too. For CineStill 800T, the company gave us ISO 800 film that is Tungsten balanced-which means that it's best used with a flash or daylight. An ISO 100 film like Kodak Ektar is fantastic for bright daylight but would be useless when the sun goes down. Cinestill 800T and the best way to shoot it!Buy Cinestill 800T using this link to support me: Presets: Boasted to be the world's sharpest and finest grain color film! I participated in an exposition last month, and all my entries were Portra 800 (in an all digital expo). rev2023.3.1.43269. . This can make for an interesting effect or appear undesirable. Woah. Which prompted me to ask "Well, if that's intended for really low light, is it AT ALL usable outdoors or will I run into problems with overexposure even attempting to use it?". I also found the results out of the Noritsu to be quite impacted by the slight yellowish-orange cast this scanner is quite well known for. If you are shooting outside and you have lots of sunlight, try to use ISO 100 film, or even slower (you can find films with ISO 50 or 25). But most of the time, photography isn't just about recording an image -- the goal is to record the best image you can. However, sticking with a 1600 ISO film might turn out to be rather limiting on a sunny day. "fast film". Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In my experience, the filter required no exposure adjustments. I would expect you to get some bloody stunning results, Julian! As a tungsten balanced ISO 800 film, CineStill is designed to be shot under artificial light and also in low light. As for who said 400 or(!) ISO 400 film has long been marketed for indoor use. Never say never eh. I think it is the best. demonstrates how its grain behaves and illustrates the impressive 10+ stops of dynamic range: The proprietary Sub-Micron Technology [that] enables 2 stops of extended highlight latitude, so you can follow the action into bright light-in a single shot-without worrying about blown-out details. Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? I scanned the test roll with PrimeFilm XAs using the digital negative technique that ensured no unexpected automatic colour adjustments on top of the scanner data. Can you make it work? So I suppose I could try it and see how it responds for the scenes I like to use it in, as long as it's not overly bright. Here are some top tips to help calculate correct exposure: Low values, such as ISO 100, are best for a sunny outdoor shoot. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. which is the temperature a perfectly black object needs to be heated to in order to glow a certain colour. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Join our mailing list! Among other things, you can slap a four-stop (ND16) neutral density filter on your camera and shoot as though you were using ISO 100 film. But since the latter is intended/recommended for such low-light conditions, would that (1600+) be too sensitive to use in daylight? So if you have an ISO of 100, then the shutter speed should be 1/100 (or its closest conservative setting of 1/125s). I do have an exposure-adjustment on the particular camera I want to use for it, which I'd already be turning down by one step when I'd be using 3200 at the camera's maximum setting of 1600. Unexpectedly, the beauty of Cinestill 800T is that its a high speed film that wonderfully complements the daylight and were here to share how you can enhance your daytime capturing! It's intended for a more all-round use between somewhat darker and lighter scenes, but I needed to know that at what point such high ISO would be t sensitive (in case the sun comes out when outdoors). In fact, for one reason or another, Portra 800 is the colour film that seems to have best responded to how I work, and has given me the most confidence that I will get results that I like over the widest range of shooting conditions. Prior to shooting Portra 800, my biggest concern or sense of limitation with regard to this film was its higher speed. If you want the other benefits of 800T without losing warm, golden tones you find in daylight, try one of these filters out! As you can see, Kodak Portra 400 is a very vivid film, capturing colors, light, and texture in a crisp format unlike many other film stocks. Its my favourite at least, Portra 400 is well known to be a film that allows for significant levels of overexposure and it still be quite correctable. is used to define and measure various light sources colours on the spectrum from red to blue. If you're careful with your metering, you can still get fine . I've never really liked shooting indoors or using a flash so I usually avoid it. At ISO of 200, the shutter speed would be 1/200 (or its closest . Film has a "look" to it and that look can be influenced by developers and whether or not you push or pull the film. For such high ISOs you probably want an with a density of 5 or 6 stops. If your camera's max shutter is limited to (say) 1/1000, and you have a lens with 1/22 minimum aperture, then you can basically only shoot f/22 @ 1/1000, and that's it. Left: colour-corrected. And the Tri-X 400 single-use camera is one of the best you can buy. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? What you see here are composite images made with both frames (with and without 85C filter) sliced and arranged next to each other for easy comparison. ISO 400 film is great for shooting indoors without flash, and it still has a clean, clear image for use in daylight. Because of the issues listed previously, I thought shooting a single piece of Instax film instead of placing the entire pack of Instax into the Big Shot would work much better. This number depends on the amount of light present in a scene, either natural light (sun/moon) or artificial (strobe/lamp). One method photographers follow is pushing Cinestill 800T to 1600 ISO (aka underexposing it by 1 stop). Medium speed film should generally not be used with fast motion photography such as sporting events, indoors without much lighting, or in extremely bright lighting. In general, disposable cameras have ISO values of 400 or 800, suitable for daylight and sunset photography. As they are a light source they will be bright enough to use your film at box speed i.e ISO 800. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? This gives you the capability to shoot at lower shutter speeds if you want to play with some daytime motion blur, or wider apertures if you want some sweet bokeh. It . I wouldn't call it useless indoors unless you're shooting in poor ambient light and/or working without a flash. With the knowledge that I could get the sort of low-grain, high-sharpness results out of Portra 800 with a good quality lens, I soon decided to pair it with the frankly awesome Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 ZM and some landscape shooting in Wales. 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