85 boutonniers. 60 wrist corsages. And the opportunity to make someone’s day… or, in this case, night. What a fulfilling experience! We gathered our Team Orange Army last week to design dozens of roses and carnations into masterpieces for clients we’ve never met. And it felt so wonderful. The flowers were for Night to Shine – an unforgettable prom night experience created by Tim Tebow, centered on God’s love, for people ages 14 and older with special needs. On one night, February 8, 2018, 537 churches from around the world came together to host Night to Shine for approximately 90,000 honored guests through the support of 175,000 volunteers. This is the second year in a row organizers from North Liberty Church of Christ contacted us to ask if we would donate the flowers, corsages, boutonniers and our time for Night to Shine attendees; and the second year in a row we wouldn’t dream of telling them no. Scroll on for a few behind the scenes pics from our design studio and also a few shots from last year’s prom.
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ―Pablo Picasso
- 2018 Night to Shine
- 2018 Night to Shine
- 2018 Night to Shine
- 2018 Night to Shine
- 2018 Night to Shine