23 PROCESS 1 RGB RGB RGB 152 PROCESS C. urriculum design and implementation can be a daunting process. 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Six steps of curriculum design 16 | The Curriculum Designing a curriculum is not easy. 255 curriculum, it is necessary to investigate the ideological root of what counts as valid knowledge in a given curriculum. 38 189 wYOpQEtyAVhVq/DTJZYxB9JsLC63ZHlTJ2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KtMqspVhUHYjFXin5jfmBF RGB C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5 / C=75 M=0 Y=75 K=0 AGkAbABQAGUAcgBmAGkAbAAgAFIARwBCACAAZwBlAG4A6AByAGkAYwBQAGUAcgBmAGkAbAAgAFIA RGB 27 bADhAG4AbwBzACAAUgBHAEIAIABwAHIAbwBmAGkAbGZukBoAIABSAEcAQgAgY8+P8GWHTvZOAIIs C=100 M=100 Y=25 K=25 False Black qmjfEu/CuygdevfboNDooxjxS+r7nntdrpSkYQPp+9ItK/Lj8zURNS0/Trm2b7SSCVLeYd/sM6Sf Curriculum design is not a neatly defined procedure that can be pursued in a rigorous series of steps. 239 False Bold Italic CMYK Green PROCESS 163 RGB At every stage of curriculum design there are opportunities for innovative thinking, novel concepts, and invention to be introduced. False What educational purposes should the school seek to attain? RGB Curriculum Designing Process 1. hIg9G3Hk4ogjqyKy0bR7Hn9Ssbe19SnqejEkfLjWleIFaVOVNrWraUmpQRxtPLbNE/qRzQ8OYJRk pdahZ2b2lsrXM8cLsAGADtQ8fTuJWfYrTip8KHasWT1i88y21trFtpYhea4uAXPplP3aBgoaQMys Thus these are the basic steps necessary while designing a unit or the whole curriculum related to a subject or discipline, etc. d��H�cy�u���� �À��,���z�e@��g��ؼ҈̢��Һj���q�G�.�, Brief_Understanding the Curriculum Design Process. Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fH//AABEIAQAAcAMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAGiAAAABwEB PROCESS Arial Italic.ttf Way of thinking about curriculum, instruction and assessment that can result in: Richer learning experiences Deeper understandings of facts, concepts, principles Requires a change in the sequence of steps normally used in course design Focuses on the Meaning of Understanding . cogDE25BIIpvy7oK6Ra+jDe3NxA7CRUuX9Qr8AUKrH4gtFG1cGXJxHcBMIgDZN8qZuxV2KuxV2Ku 113 2018-02-20T11:53:13-05:00 AGUAcgBpAHMAawAgAFIARwBCAC0AcAByAG8AZgBpAGzHfLwYACAAUgBHAEIAINUEuFzTDMd8AE8A RGB C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=40 Wmp6ipqqusra6vr/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APVOKuxV2KuxV4B+af5n6lqmqTaJos7w6ZbuYXkhJD3E 46 <> Arial Black 32 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50 xmp.iid:1e19a9fc-200a-40be-95a9-618acb22948a Understand the particular needs of your targeted learners and institution(s) Identified potential resources and support. AAsAGgALYWNzcEFQUEwAAAAAYXBwbAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPbWAAEAAAAA0y1hcHBsAAAA 236 RGB It is a process that involves critical questioning aimed at framing learning and teaching. 49 42 The challenge is to address students' unique needs and the particular demands of di­ verse social groups while allowing students to gain understanding of the common culture and to acquire common, agreed-on competencies. 121 76 Questions quickly arise, such as who is qualified to design the curriculum and how do these people begin the design process. Wingdings-Regular 130 True White 136 xdXl9UZWZnaGlqa2xtbm9kdXZ3eHl6e3x9fn9zhIWGh4iJiouMjY6Pg5SVlpeYmZqbnJ2en5KjpK Curriculum design operates within social, economic, and political contexts. 36 43 ]}��k�iUu]�]����G���� ��do�9��v$�1� �M'��ͻ�+��{C�:�� PROCESS r4+o/wBT/wBkGQeWdR8y3sEza7pK6TKjAQxrPHcc1I3asZNKHMbNCET6JcXwpyME5yHrjw/G3gum 65 755 WrNY+pZS9qNaytDT7kGXawfvCe/f5tGjP7oDu2+WyVa95XmtrmWW2s5b20nLxtbhvWQpdv8Avkkh Print – Why is it special? RGB 36 curriculum development process and suggests a series of steps to follow in creating curriculum documents. QgAggnJfaWPPj/AAUAByAG8AZgBpAGwAbwAgAFIARwBCACAAZwBlAG4AZQByAGkAYwBvAEcAZQBu C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=80 145 CMYK Magenta xmp.iid:F87F11740720681192B0CEACFA5D53BF PROCESS 246 45 In our own inquiries we seek understanding by engaging in daily activities, working on projects, or performing tasks. 21 Open Type BHab5O8raZem+0/S7e2uzWk0aAMOXXj/AC19sZ6jJIUSSFhpscTYiAUm8u/mLDrPmSfREtfTe3rz YEEeIOKpBJ5U8trI1NDWTrWRfT3r1+1IDkuIseFYfKvlwkE6DWgoATHT7vVp2x4ivCj4rSCKNIot design of Curriculum Instruction Assessment . Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 (Macintosh) RGB 229 PROCESS 9f8AzbR9EvUsLC+sNQmgkOmz3MScWKJ6kh+B5CjpFyejgdPamZmn08TkAJBF7uFqNSRAkAg9FPVY Brief_Understanding the Curriculum Design Process Establishing Curriculum Design Teams for the various phases of the MBChB Programme to develop the i. the syllabus, educational and assessment methods that are consistent with the Curriculum Blueprint and Exit-level Outcomes submitted to SAQA ii. 104 A model is a format for curriculum design developed to meet unique Hilda Taba was born in a small village in southeastern Estonia at a time. PROCESS 164 74 +ZmbDs0/va7wXX9pD91fcQt/NLT/ADBcNph0m3E0ac45WaKxlAZ2jWNa3m4LHpw65r3YMJPlv8yt 185 Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of XPowerPoint.com, find free presentations research about Six Steps In Curriculum Development PPT 212 v0ZjQiCd3JkTWyG8vahrl1bEaxp/1K6VuIMbrJG68QeddiKtUUpkssYg+k2EQut03ypm06q6lWFV qLxj+t+tLPzgtbGCz8uxm8Fk8CTGJiVU8VERA3BpvQVGa6ZskuygKFPO7CHQnljguNQhjSSUCW4f 34 66 Cyan <> For example, Diekelmann and Diekelmann (2009) propose a phenomenological, interpretative approach, termed narrative pedagogy, in whichstorytelling is the basis for interpretation and learning. qf8Asgq/4m/NT/qTI/8AuIW/9cfB0/8Aqn+xK+PqP9T/ANkHf4m/NT/qTI/+4hb/ANcfB0/+qf7E 4mqhl4yLKWVuRp0p45tMWoiIAGVAA7b7nf4U6rLp5GZIjZMhvtsNvjb2TNW7V2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV Version 5.00 88 0 RGB x��TMo�0��W�ѩ��3�JQ�m�ą��.�ˉ��ig�H"�o��ƞ��$����N=�D����8s�ы{s���w�A%��Sy-����^�d`6���*+� �����z�_t+kl��#뷭���ᑣ>��G>b�^H2�짜�yY��bpAC��䐣>�����1��p���%k�� ;ʨ_���#�w���cwrrӇ��:�Օ�I$�`�s� �C 110 RGB 54 Wingdings 102 Arial /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA Ih6EuvoyAfJoQx/1sy8g4oRPdt+n9Li4zwzkO/f9H6E71J4tQtXtzcTWySKUkEQXluQahiCR0I28 154 UYvDmY9z0Wny+JAS704yludirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqTecdcOheV9S1Vf7y2hJhqKj1XokVR4c kbg0aivwkECP4F68Tw+t0GfDnOTCKjdgxHIgHaoi/LlR24i5wIIovGZ/y+856z5pFtpum3mmrZXN Compare curriculum design models. 140 151 2N7NDb17gcvVNPmIqZn9mwvMPJ1/ac6wnzYDa+Zb/wDLbypobWdtayXPmBJLq5kuCA3w8PTXeWHY View and Download PowerPoint Presentations on Six Steps In Curriculum Development PPT. 64 W8ualoN1o01y91qGow212ktzPcCeGQH1CySO6178gNsvgfEEhKqESeQFNOSPhGJjdmQHMm3qGat2 8.500000 cyxnMRiSeQfMq2/mj8xvNs0kS+pcznkzMSIbaAGigmhoqjbpUnxJzp7x6bH5fe8tWTU5Nuf3PQof RGB RGB Magenta C=0 M=10 Y=95 K=0 2ur6EQACAgECAwUFBAUGBAgDA20BAAIRAwQhEjFBBVETYSIGcYGRMqGx8BTB0eEjQhVSYnLxMyQ0 x��V�N[1��+�|)��a�R�ZuP髺���4 B�V���o�_���� ��U)9�|��aA9���M�hF�8:]'���������,�g*~z������v©�#�@�pL{,S&�����e+�tA�f��я�هI�V��v���Qs��!4�J��R�x�R ACAAUgBHAEIAIDDXMO0w1TChMKQw6wBQAHIAbwBmAGkAbAAgAFIARwBCACAAZwBlAG4AZQByAGkA Arial Bold.ttf 39 oXmW4t9AZZrz0Ftr+SReSRvG7MgWh+J09Rq12Fab75u9HpPEgDPl0dJrNZ4cyIc63YhZ/m754gnE Version 5.00.2x 193 When instructors design their curriculums, they identify what will be done, who will do it and when, as well as what the objective of each course is. RGB 64 146 Q4IWklMlomOywgdz0jXiRIMXVJMICQoYGSY2RRonZHRVN/Kjs8MoKdPj84SUpLTE1OT0ZXWFlaW1 ZQBuAGUAcgBpAGMAIABSAEcAQgAgAFAAcgBvAGYAaQBsAGUARwBlAG4AZQByAGUAbAAgAFIARwBC rIv62zY9mGsh/ql13aYvGP6wUvzX063nOjfWL+axRRLHWGGObqYwzMrsrcUWpPGu3vTNcXYhjqfl 39 AAAUYlhZWgAAB1gAAAAUclRSQwAAB2wAAAAOY2hhZAAAB3wAAAAsYlRSQwAAB2wAAAAOZ1RSQwAA PROCESS RGB PROCESS +qf7EuCc+f8A1P8A2QZ5beYvzYitoopfKS3EsaKsk739qrSMBQuwTioLHf4QBh8HT/6p/sSjx9R/ This free brief walks you through the following four steps in the curriculum design process. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=30 AAAAJAAAA6JlbEdSAAAAIgAAA8ZwdFBPAAAAJgAAA+hubE5MAAAAKAAABA5lc0VTAAAAJgAAA+h0 143 0 zWt1pnP07Abe9JtN8q/mPboNR07TtRg2qJYlkR2B32UUdgfll08+E+mRi0wwZx6oiT6J8i6rfap5 False JPEG PROCESS C=30 M=50 Y=75 K=10 PROCESS 0 JVHxxhJlPcekwcn7lOZmglWYOH2hG8JYf+cOvubPy9c/oq31KC7ga6iMiuXiciNqoVmh6hx1HbMe C=70 M=15 Y=0 K=0 The Taba Model of Curriculum. 166 PROCESS PROCESS RGB AGcAZQBuAOkAcgBpAGMAbwBBAGwAZwBlAG0AZQBlAG4AIABSAEcAQgAtAHAAcgBvAGYAaQBlAGwO C=20 M=0 Y=100 K=0 PROCESS 7FXYq7FVghjErTU/eMApYknYVoB4de2KoLW40mtPRcVjkqrjxBUg/ryzGaNsMgsUlP5byu3k2wt5 PROCESS 234 C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0 209 K8uUWEOYmmDwQyx8zIpUCvIDf9oZse1NSb4By6ut7L0wrjPPp+t6Sf8AnIX8owJGOtS0irzP6P1D Open Type 29 el+coPSt9J0/y3eOE/uYAdPmLGnI/wDHuxLcdq/flDenmm+dfMtnIiW3ljWrS1mYeo0ENlv/AJSq Version 5.01.2x 164 124 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=10 0OllI4xxfUn2Y7kOxV2KuxV2KuxV2KvE4/zo84sxP1XTiOioI5+RJPwgfvT9O2SNMRaq350+aFBD A broad and balanced curriculum will equip our children with a breadth of knowledge an… Summing up The Curriculum Development (CD) process encompasses the design and development of integrated plans for learning, the design of implementation of the plans, and of the evaluation of the plans, their implementation and the outcomes of the learning … xmp.did:F87F11740720681192B0CEACFA5D53BF 235 C=60 M=90 Y=0 K=0 wingding.ttf RGB 0 C=55 M=60 Y=65 K=40 The design of the curriculum should be assessed periodically and refined based on assessment data. 222 PROCESS 80 RGB AwIEAgYHAwQCBgJzAQIDEQQABSESMUFRBhNhInGBFDKRoQcVsUIjwVLR4TMWYvAkcoLxJUM0U5Ki C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60 123 %�쏢 1 2ljAltaoXZIIxxRTI5duKjYDkxNBlc5mRsmy2QgIigKCIyLJ2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KvPPz2u PROCESS ��pX4"l. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALZGVzYwAAAQgAAABv RGB Content This unit covers the following models of curriculum design: • the objectives model, • the process model, • Tyler’s model, • Wheeler’s model, and • Kerr’s model. 244 Open Type M4�����f�n�����H����5�i��օ�l���E΋��X�(��q�#aŀ�zgE؆��M-��B�%��Z=�)ma|��^ۤ9G�#\bys]�#:�8�8W$yU+k��1��Dvs�sP���U��g��H-�N8.f��3��i�&�3rL���{�Nfl�~ȱ;]���y����F��ڃ�$�er�����Z^�N�܊iU����Q>�b�͑�ʾY֘�i���I�f5F�"��ɀ����8�Jj8:�pR닼U4~��K���M4��s9&���R�� b9�5|*����s+�Q���n��8���^�I�:�ޙ�(��Q��kD�G}��p�(㊀W��۹P�N������ l�K�[ˮ�Y2}k�!>����Nm{���&T�ZNi^�ȻE��~�h��̛�g�=����/j��endstream RGB RGB 8v8AIRVJ4/tENXw6VKr1bFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FWMfmVZm88lapbgVYwu6jxaNS6j71zK0cuH C=25 M=40 Y=65 K=0 IABSAEcAQgAgAHAAcgBvAGYAaQBsAEcAZQBuAGUAcgBpAQ0AawBpACAAUgBHAEIAIABwAHIAbwBm C=85 M=50 Y=0 K=0 41 36 219 BEQEOAQ7BEwAIABSAEcAQgZFBkQGQQAgBioGOQYxBkoGQQAgAFIARwBCACAGJwZEBjkGJwZFAEcA xeW5fMkMdv5dvdOu9T5CLUJvqxif0oncVEVzM61jVqVQfRlUOz8WOpRAuPv2vmwGoMjVHf3M8y1m RGB PROCESS 178 PROCESS PROCESS 178 C=10 M=100 Y=50 K=0 RGB xmp.iid:ce388dac-c45c-4554-ad00-6774ed8f652f C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=0 Qg4bDiMORA4fDiUOTAAgAFIARwBCACAOFw4xDkgOJw5EDhsARwBlAG4AZQBsACAAUgBHAEIAIABQ 127 PROCESS RGB CMYK Yellow PROCESS stream *� ��� +cdrT6pSbWpPrhH20hX0wfDiW5H/AIIZrz2ub2jt73ZDscVvLf3PSPJuh3WheWrLSbqdbmWzDp6y 18 0 obj 236 191 6JrFh63H8v7K6EiCv1m3uZKEH9nktRs29P7crJB6NsYkdbRyNq3Oh/LHSW2PqBbOfZiDx6x08DT9 32 Inches 256 xmp.iid:F87F11740720681192B0CEACFA5D53BF It is a complicated process that needs to be carefully thought through and involves much strategic decision making. 11.000000 VciyZ7+Vv1oX92LryvZ+X39L4JbO1li9UArVWd1XjxpsP2q9uJGKor875WTyBcqOkk8Ct8ufL9a5 aQB3AGUAcgBzAGEAbABuAHkAIABwAHIAbwBmAGkAbAAgAFIARwBCBB4EMQRJBDgEOQAgBD8EQAQ+ 60 PROCESS RUtE1xYgV4n+WEGor/DKm1ktlevYJ9XtLbUIY5fjkK6pp8dGK8SQA1DQHY96VxQyLRPOOsvqVrBL P94ki/Zc9sIKCEm0jyFpGn3cFwyxTmzRorOttboyK6em1WRAd0qpC8VNTVa5bLLY2FfEtUcNHff4 RGB 169 31 PqiMty9N46UWMlfHxXrmukd3ZAbMW0Tyt+XFxYiW78xalCzSFokpNFKoFB8ZKyn7QqKNSn04Esj0 234 DyFfj5sTEPTsoZOxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KqF9CZbchd2U8lHyyUTRYyFhieiTSad5i1a1ApHc+jf 155 These steps take information from a subject matter expert and, through multiple iterations, create instruction. 57 AGaramondPro-BoldItalic.otf PROCESS 0 C=5 M=0 Y=90 K=0 Each step produces outcomes that become the building blocks for the next step. C=50 M=0 Y=100 K=0 PROCESS er7nQ6LSjIeKZ9P3vebPQPKwtPQtNPsmtBVCkcUTJ4EGgNT41zQyy5Lsk27+OLHVACkbp+nWOnWi RGB LAAAAx5odUhVAAAAKAAAA0pzdlNFAAAAJgAAAqJ6aENOAAAAFgAAA3JqYUpQAAAAGgAAA4hyb1JP 33 PROCESS This report assumes that a curriculum program design committee, with representatives of various stakeholders in the school system or district, will be responsible for the design process. RGB 63 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=70 34 CMYK Red 2018-02-20T11:53:13-05:00 C=90 M=30 Y=95 K=30 bNbsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqVeZrVb3SZ7J/sXSPE1fB0Kn/iWW4ZcMr7mrNHiiR3vHfM+n3Gt+T/ AQHNAABzZjMyAAAAAAABDEIAAAXe///zJgAAB5IAAP2R///7ov///aMAAAPcAADAbP/uAA5BZG9i PnSONQqIsiABQKAACXoMeJeFU9JeJX6nc8W2K+qtDX/ntjxFeEIuGaR2IaB4gBXk5Qg+3ws2RZKu However, the Senior Educational Developer (Curriculum) can work with you to design the best options to meet your department’s specific needs and schedule. endstream endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 13 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Thumb 20 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 14 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Thumb 23 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 15 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Thumb 25 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 16 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Thumb 27 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 26 0 obj <>stream Brights We ask questions of ourselves and others in our quest for understanding. endobj 171 With over 2000 schools now using the Cornerstones Curriculum, we have identified six crucial steps of effective curriculum design. 0 EU1iUqi8gA5A5kADf6MqLaF+BXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FX//Z 0 158 The learning experiences are organized to allow continuity of. The first step, “Gathering Information”, works to create filters in order to extract the information that the learner needs. 220 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 NevQ0/Uqt0C/s5L22tPqUKr9m2uLdSkg4qSCzhuRqq/F498VRf5nWhuvI+qwgVPotIAN6mJTIP8A AnpuYk5PAAAAJgAAAqJrb0tSAAAAFgAAAshjc0NaAAAAIgAAAt5oZUlMAAAAHgAAAwBkZURFAAAA This may involve making alterations to the design partway through the course to ensure that learning outcomes or a certain level of proficiency will be achieved at the end of the … C=50 M=100 Y=0 K=0 However, it is useful to borrow some of his suggested ways for our discussion. 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