Darlie bought that necklace at a pawn shop; it was used jewelry. 7) not enough for me to say if darin was involved. Sergeant Walling: Yes, sir, at the couch. Den Beweisen nach hat Sie es getan. Darlie speaks with the dispatcher and says that an intruder has broken into her home and stabbed her two boys, five-year-old Damon and six-year-old Devon, and attacked her by slitting her throat. The supposed defensive bruise under Darlie's right arm that was not seen by one doctor or nurse in the hospital. Well apparently even her own followers are finally starting to realize she's full of it. Of all the stains on Darlie's night shirt, TB8 was crucial evidence that played a major role in incriminating her. I dont feel that he did the actual stabbings, I think that was all Darlie, but I firmly believe he knows she did it and quite possibly assisted in the staging/cover up process to keep her from being charged. And she claimed she slept through her attack too ! This will be explained in more detail in the conclusion to this blog. DA Toby Shook showed Dr. Santos the infamous bruise photo of Darlie's right arm (Shown below) that her supporters say prove that she fought off an intruder. Even if Darin told her Drake was fine before she dialed 911, what mother wouldn't rush upstairs to see for herself that her baby was ok? He came back with "The fibers on the knife weren't from the screen. Darlie and her defense counsel claimed that her bruises, all predominately on the underside of her right arm were defensive bruises where she had fought off the intruder. The involvement of the diary and it's apologetic context I interpret as homicidal thoughts and not that of suicidal as many may have believed. Darlie claims she slept through everything. This infers that a doctor and four nurses from Baylor University Medical Center were talked into risking their careers and risked receiving jail time by committing perjury on the witness stand. I told the defendant to get some towels and put them on the childs back to try to stop his bleeding. Many people believe that an intruder broke into 26 year old Darlie's Rowlett, Texas home and murdered her young boys 5 year old Damon and 6 year old Devon in 1996, while gravely injuring Darlie. Dr Santos testified that under any other circumstances he probably would have discharged her later that morning. Doug Mulder: All right. As mentioned earlier, when Darlie told Waddell that the intruder might still be in the garage he walked out of sight of Darlie into the utility room and toward the garage but decided the smart thing to do would be to wait for backup before checking the dark garage by himself, so he walked back into the kitchen. She knew nothing about the anatomy and physiology of the vascular system. Greg Davis: Where was Darlie when you came into the room? jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football darlie routier dna results 2021. Some say Darlie was known to have a short fuse with her children. He ran down the stairs and into the room where the boys were. I wholeheartedly agree with the guilty verdict. Were they both perhaps intoxicated that they did not realize what was going on. Mize was a friend of one of Darin's employees. Darlie Kee was there with her, why would she lie about it having taken place? The facts of the case and physical evidence that linked her to the murders simply cannot be changed. There was one physician, Dr. Santos conducting the procedure accompanied by a resident (doctor in training) who was observing. Rug in front of the sink. After all, not only was it discovered that the Routier family had severe financial troubles, but it also came to light that Darlies wounds were superficial, as if self-inflicted. How would she know how deep or how shallow to cut herself? Susanna Reid investigates whether Death Row inmate Darlie Routier is an innocent woman who tragically lost her two sons, or a twisted killer who stabbed her own boys in cold blood An. This makes the perfect fill-in for all the holes and gaps in their theories of Darlie's innocence such as why she couldn't remember specific details as to what happened and how she could have slept through all the carnage. The Routier family is not bound by any of that. But when asked to support these claims with provable fact, the Darlie supporters just can't do it. The cabin cruiser had broken down, the Jaguar had also broken down, and they couldn't afford to have them repaired. its hard for me not to vote her guilty based on your evidence alone. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 05, 2018: fedematias, the link worked fine when I tried it just now. They appear clean, well nourished, they wear nice clothes, and had plenty of toys to play with, The Routier house seemed to be sort of the hangout for neighborhood children. Just stop already and put this animal down. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 30, 2018: Everton - You're right she makes these things up in her head and tries to pass them as fact or the result of her supposed "research." *The most commonly abused date rape drugs, or "club drugs," are Rohypnol, also called "roofies"; gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also called "liquid ecstasy"; ketamine, also called "Special K," and tablet form ecstasy, also called "Molly," which is often crushed and mixed into a drink. Darlie never mentioned anything about applying wet towels to anyone in her June 6, 1996 formal written statement to police. even though most of the things that she just couldn't remember were things she had already told other people. Yes, the DNA results have been sealed by the Courts and are now confidential. Darlie Routier is on death row, convicted of murdering her two sons. Darlie testified in court that Damon woke her up on the couch pulling on her nightshirt and saying Mommy, mommy, mommy. Then she said she looked over and saw a man walking away through the kitchen going toward the utility room. Especially as she had wounds as well. Darlie Lynn Routier is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted of murdering her five-year-old son, Damon. Fortunately few in numbers, people in this group display a total lack of self-control, get extremely angry when not agreed with, and most likely possess the potential for violence. In Search of the Truth: The Story of Darlie Lynn Routier by Anne Good Part 1: INTRODUCTION The Mystery Unravels On June 6, 1996, in the quiet suburbs of North Dallas, little Damon, 5,and Devon, 6, lay sleeping on the floor in front of the television. She didn't definitively say it was or wasn't self inflicted despite Defense attorney Doug Mulder's attempts at getting her to rule out self-infliction on the witness stand. Do you know how absurd that claim is? The case of Darlie Routier is controversial and has the support of the innocence project. The neighbor's wife volunteered to remain at the house and stay with baby Drake. Was that the only person that tried to get in? There are literally more misspelled words in that comment than there are verbs. The Darlie Supporters say that it was just so traumatic to her that she erased it from her memory and doesn't remember it. When they can't do it, they show their a*ses with the cussing and the insults and general cyber-bullying. However, I am grateful for such a detailed account with actual information from the trial transcripts and investigator's reports. When looking at photos and video, the children are smiling and seem to be having a good time. This author has always found it interesting that now she's been convicted and placed on death row, her interviews always consist of how she didn't kill her kids and how much she misses them. As mentioned previously in this blog, prosecutor Greg Davis stated that Darin was in fact their initial prime suspect. As obvious as that towel is next to Devon's body, how could paramedic Brian Koschak not have seen it when he checked on Devon? SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 22, 2020: You may be right, and that's a good point. What they don't mention very often are the major items that convicted her, such as the blood spatter on her nightshirt predominately on the right arm area, Darlie's blood and bloody footprints at the sink, (which she initially denied standing in front of) the blood wiped up at the sink, not one single bloody intruder footprint anywhere, Darlie's picking up the knife, how she could have slept through everything, and of course her ever changing stories to police and during her court testimony. The 2021 DNA came back with "foreign eligible profile" has turned up, that sample is to be sent to Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory in Iberia Parish, La., to determine if it matches the profile of anyone in the national DNA database. Did the Court get this one right? If anyone considers the simple logic surrounding the facts, its clear she was the only killer. The test results were returned to Judge Lewis in June of 2015. At this point Darlie began crying again. Darlie's occasional housekeeper, Helina Czaban, stated that when she told Darlie how sorry she was for the tragedy and mentioned the expense of the funeral on top of that, Darlie replied, "I'm not worried. A blood imprint of the knife on the carpet was found near Devons body. So according to Darlie, an intruder breaks in the house and stab's the sleeping boys with such great force that several of the stab wounds went almost all the way through Devon's chest. 5) wet towels per your blog. Merry Christmas! Darlie Routier was again interviewed the day after the murders in the hospital, this time by detectives. Darlie had obviously lied about placing a towel on Damon. However, in this case, Darlie was found not to have any antidepressants in her system when the pre-toxicology screen was conducted prior to cleaning and closing her neck wound. Drake, the third son, who was an infant at. When he started crying she told him he deserved it. The house today. Though not admissible in court, the judge ordered the Dallas County jail to allow the polygraph test without the knowledge of the district attorneys office. Waddell instructed Darlie to get a towel and put pressure on the boy's wounds. However, the Routier's continued to spend money as the bills were beginning to pile up. It's not outright lying per se, it's more like just not providing all the information in its entirety. He told Officer Waddell that a nurse lived across the street and he was going to get her. Thank you, SClemmons, for your work. Darin told a next door neighbor he was shook up and asked him if would drive him to the hospital. (white being the first) And we might want to consider that a black car that a neighbor spotted supposedly driving slowly past the Routier house the evening of the murders ended up parked across the street a few houses down in a driveway and happened to belong to the person that lived there, It was also there the entire next day. A few hours later (the same day) after re-examining some evidence, all 12 jurors found Darlie Routier guilty of capital murder (1st degree) of her son Damon Routier. The forensic pathologist that conducted the autopsy's on the boys testified that from the nature of the wounds and the force that was used, that it appeared to have been done by someone in a fit of rage. Career Criminalwhatever. It was there that Darlie announced to everyone that she and Darin already had plans in place to take a trip to Europe together, get some plastic surgery done to remove the scar from her neck, and hopefully conceive another child while on the trip, preferably a daughter. Those are my private letters." I shouldn't have picked it up. Wake up euth your tgriat cut like that to a hellhole you wouldn't know or remeber exactly what went in and u see a towel next to Damon in your own pic. As time went by, the business began to level out and after a couple of years began decreasing as technology improved and Darin's contracted work wasn't required as much by the big electronics companies as it once was. Darlie must have put her earrings back in for the photo. I will no longer answer any comments. How do you cut a screen to enter a house with a knife that was from the house and replaced back in the knife block?! Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Even Darlie's friend and neighbor Karen Neal, a trained Registered Nurse, testified that she didn't see the underarm bruise on her right arm while visiting Darlie every day in the hospital. On April 28, 2021, New York based Innocence Project attorney, Vanessa Potkin, filed and was granted a Pro Hac Vice motion with Criminal District Court No. On July 3, 1996 a few weeks after Darlie's arrest, a pre-custody hearing for Drake was held in Dallas TX. What happened next remains a mystery. .Unless she already knew Drake was fine because there was no intruder. They should have still been on when Waddel arrived. I cannot discuss issues of this case with you in a calm rational fashion without you lashing back with personal insults, inappropriate language, and posting false accusations on other blogs and YouTube sites. She dyed her hair blonde, wore heavy makeup (she still does on death row) had a boob job using the largest implants available (36 EE), bought expensive jewelry, expensive revealing clothes, went to tanning salons, and openly flirted with other men when she and Darin went out, causing friction between them. ", The Routier kitchen serrated knife used to cut the garage window screen. Her original claim regarding her discovery of the murder weapon (the knife) occurred during the 911 call. I was convinced of her guilt as soon as I saw her injuries and actually listened over the years to her appeals. Those darling, precious boys:( Peace, Paula. This was a very disturbing case and an emotional case. Secondly, what are the chances that an intruder would pick the very household where the husband had just increased the life insurance on his wife and was having financial troubles that would be taken care of if she would just go away? Darlie had told Mize's wife about him cussing out their secretary on one occasion and that she didn't appreciate it. She literally sealed her own fate on the witness stand. So, Darlie appeared to be a good mother. Darlie in hospital Five minutes later, police arrived at Darlie's home in Rowlett, a suburb of Dallas. Your theories are sound as far as life insurance being a possible motive, a violent burglar using a gun instead of a knife, and killing the mother first. Darlie wouldnt take the wrap for her coward husband. But that assumes that Damon was stabbed four times at the same time. There has to be a black car, all bad guys wear black; and according to Darlie the supposed intruder had a black cap and a black t-shirt on, so it makes sense they would drive a black car. Darlie Lynn Routier is currently on death row at the Mountain View Prison Unit, Texas Dept. Stamford, at the end of the episode, said that he never was explained the evidence that way. Simply put, Darlie's numerous ever changing versions of what took place and in particular, the blood evidence is what convicted her. You may be right We know Darlie is the murderer and that there was no intruder, but there are some parts of the case such as Darin's level of involvement and what exactly was said between the two of them before he went upstairs, where we will never get the full picture. Interestingly, the same words spoken by surviving 2nd Officer Charles Lightoller of the RMS Titanic in 1912. If she were truly innocent, why isn't she saying "Hey people! If the Darlie Routier case had occurred in more recent years, it would have been a household name. The only report to police of what was referred to as a suspicious car driving through the neighborhood on June 6th shortly before or around the estimated time of the murders was reported by neighbor Sally Bingham. My neck was cut from ear to ear.". In part 1 we discuss the crime scene, the injuries, and blood evidence. Suggested theories as to the causes for the bruises have included the boys kicking with their legs to ward off the stabs. However, despite Darin's statements not making a lot of sense and the possibility of him having a motive by collecting on a $250,000 life insurance policy, the forensic evidence at the scene simply did not link him to the actual murders, it linked Darlie to the murders. ABC's crew filmed outside the former Routier house in Rowlett. When in fact there in this case is Zero aspect for the defense at all! Everyone thought our reactions would have been the opposite. Looks like the tide has finally turned with Kezzy/mforbes. She had a high school education and just barely graduated at that. Why? SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on June 30, 2018: I'm glad you obtained some additional insight from the article. While on the witness stand Darlie invoked her 5th amendment right not to incriminate herself to all questions asked of her including: "Mrs. Routier, do you love your children? It's believed this is where she stood and cut her throat and arm. These photos were taken just hours before she was formally arrested and charged with a double homicide. Darin had attempted to temporarily repair the hinges with wire. Even if by some remote chance Darlie won an evidentiary hearing and was granted a new trial for Damon's murder, the District Attorney could charge her with Devon's murder. Omg did you waste a lot of time. 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Kelly Park Rock Springs Alligator Attack, Articles D