I am complying with all their stuff as well. I am 40 years old and my children and 2 and 6. I work alot and only see them for two hours a week. Please if there is any one that can guide me I need legal representation urgently!! Start there. We were ecstatic when I found out I had in fact become pregnant. It is advisable that you meet with a physician to help you figure out what is wrong, they can direct you to various mental health professionals. i live in Calif. Where do you live? If you are alive, God has a plan for you. I also receive updates from ParentalRights.org. Its very traumatic for the child and parent. Linda Jo Martin is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program I will pray for you, When they are 18 you never get those years back of raising your kid people dont raise a kid for free to abuse them but to love them when will they understand that, You are not alone my 4 babies were taking from me for no reason a bunch of lies these women need to be in jail for taking my sweet babies from me God bless you. Dont let them do it to you. Of course you are going to miss your kids. Hello I see Im not alone my thirteen year old bipolar daughter tried to kill me and herself this past Monday and today I find out Dcfs has reached my daughter and told her they will pick her up once the 72 hour hold is up or when the doctor releases her from the psych hospital. We need to quite being weak and do what our forefathers would do. Strangers or family? Depression: Changes to your relationship with your child may leave you feeling sad, hopeless or depressed. It is key to be able to have someone that is fighting for you while you are fighting for your kids. depression after losing custody of childtown of hamburg personnel department. Usually they come around when they see that nobody else in the world can replace the unconditional love they were getting from their mom. Show our kids our love for them by staying well having faith and putting forth the action. As Linda says, please post your petition link. Go see them, you dont have a restraining order do you? The effects of grief after the loss of a mother are different for everyone . Short-changing yourself on sleep is sure to cause trouble. How To Gain Clarity About a CPS Investigation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Eg3LZej0SI, A Law to Put a Dent in CPS Child Trafficking, Terms of Use, Compensation Disclosure, Privacy Policy, Request to Have Something Removed From the Site. Sharing experiences and learning from people in similar situations can be encouraging and helps people develop skills to cope. i thought it was enough to keep me clean to get them back. My attorney has changed her attitude somewhat for the better. But for the parent, that doesn't make the loss any less wrenching. Write as much as you need to relieve the pain. If I ever follow through with my plan, I will leave a note to each of my children telling them it was never their fault and Im sorry that I failed them. Find a way to help others it will take your mind off your problems and bring some joy into your life. When I seen them again a worker just laughed about it. Sleep may be difficult for a while. Put everything you want to say on a piece of paper and then burn it. Mothers with a child taken into care had significantly greater ARR of depression (ARR = 1.90; 95% CI, 1.82 to 1.98), anxiety (ARR = 2.51; 95% CI, 2.40 to 2.63), substance use (ARR = 8. . Decreased energy, fatigue, or being "slowed down". I do go to mental health but no matter what they do it does not work ive tried to concentrate my depression into bettering myself still nothing ive tried to do many many things and nothing helps so i always keep going back to marijuana and drinkin. In this article we have discussed the mental health issues that parents struggle with when they lose custody of their children. Depression is a serious medical condition that can have a huge impact on how you think, act, and feel. Along with attending a Bible Believing church with uplifting music; nothing has helped me through losing my children and every other tough time in my life is reading Psalms and Proverbs from the King James Bible. We have to ADJUST. And I leave till the friday of next week. I asked them for help and they did before they opened a case on me and then CPS told them to stop talking to me. Emotional Aspects of Grief. You can get them on Ebay. Instead, create a life that your children will be eager to be a part of one day. Please trust in Jesus and write everything down! And the state is telling me that my daughter will not be reunited with me as long as Im there because its not considered stable housing. I am with you and am totally feeling for you. I was wrong, but that only means that I now have more time to devote to stopping this epidemic. Trauma can affect you physically. My sons were adopted by my husbands twin(fraternal not identical) brother and his wife and she happens to be an attorney in the same town as the cps case and get this in the SAME DEPARTMENT!!! Grief can happen in response to loss of life, as well as to drastic changes to daily routines and ways of life that usually bring us comfort and a feeling of stability. I made this as an expression of my story. The other grandparents who changed their minds never gave a good excuse as to why they decided to give him up but I had kept a close loving relationship with him as did my oldest son. Now I have my two oldest daughters back in my life their 23 and 18. It was reported that two testified, but the other one was just present. It is well-known that exercise helps to alleviate depression. A Law to Put a Dent in CPS Child Trafficking tells the story of how Stephen K., Californias original activist against CPS, worked with a legislator to get better laws introduced to the state social services statutes. Its not over until the fat lady sings! They have to be between 8 and 330. Maybe because I became a debby downer. I have made 4 attempts to contact her and her supervisor(2 attempts each in 10 days) to see if I could see my grandson and say a decent good bye. Please dont ever loose faith in God. No personal phone call. You might be withdrawing socially from your friends and loved ones who offer support. If not, call me at 816-645-4152. Linda is a wonderful person who lost her son David to suicide. Sam, sorry to hear they wont let your son testify. The next stages include denial, bargaining, guilt, anger, depression, and, ultimately, acceptance of the truth, allowing the person to return to their normal life. I honor them and embrace their grief, and understand their depression but there are other things to do in life, even if your children have been taken forever. I am trying to move on but cant I mean these are my kids. Seems to me CPS just make up thier own belligerent and exaggerated rules! Your children are going to grow up and have their own kids one day. Even my lawyer said, as long as they follow the law we will win. I am focusing on hearing my Father tell my children, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Nothing else will matter because we will never be separated again. Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia. They want our children for profit. Very loved, I pray every day that i could go back and change the mistakes I made. Shortly after news broke via The Sun on Tuesday . Poems of Sorrow and Grieving | Poetry Foundation Find more beautiful funeral poetry on Funeral Guide's other poetry pages: General condolence poetry for funerals. http://forum.fightcps.com, Hi Laura I just wanted to say I completely know what your going through I had my two beautiful children taken in the beginning of October its now December it feels like its been a decade since I got to be with them its the worst most empty feeling in the world!!! They put in ankle monitor on him to keep him away from our house. I am no longer allowing people to mind control my kids into believing that I do not love them or want to care for them. I told Abbie, that if I am in the love of God, and she is in the the love of God, then we are not really apart, even though we are not together. I went to the court the next morning and filed and emergency petition against the petition she had put in. Try to communicate with the other parent/guardian so that there is an open line of communication.. Seek out professional help to manage stress through therapy. eight 1 six 6 four 5 four 1 five 2 If I cannot answer, please let me know that you found my number on FightCPS, and I will get back with you ASAP! Because even though they are without you right now, they are not without God. You can do this. and demonic forces of evil already have you on their side as well. I wish you luck and hope youll be successful at all you do. Stop! difficulty accepting that your loved one is . But, just as with people, not all dogs react the same after the loss of another dog in the . You could even ask for joint custody. Its killing me and I dont know what to do. sx children. Mothers and fathers may cling to each other more closely, give each other space to grieve . I just cant get over this. Nov.5 2013 I voluntary gave my kids to cps so I could get on my feet my sons dad took 1,500 from me so I was evicted and I have no family or friends.. While some people are indeed too affected by major depression to care for their children, others may be managing their depression and perfectly capable of providing their children with the stable environment and care that they need. My kids were taken because of excessive discipline. They lied. I do it one day at a time. I hope you write me back!! I lost my children three girls in 2011. God is Good. I dont even get a second chance to be a mommy. In some cases, the mood can be masked by excessive physical complaints. Hi I am currently fighting cps in the state of Texas. Now I dont feel so alone. Our lives dont always work out the way we wish. We are accountable for how we respond to others choices. But, give them a feeling that you are always with them mentally. "If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I buried myself in researching the laws, in sifting through paperwork, in preparing for my court case. I feel like Im going to have a nervous break down Im barely hanging on. Walmart has it. And I mean everything but the clothes on my back. Grandparents may initially experience overwhelming feelings of denial, shock and numbness. The only reason I dont end it all is because Im afraid of what I would face on the other side. The loves of my life due to being scared during my DCS case I got pregnant & I gave my little girl up for adoption. My kids are my life if it wasnt for them there is no telling were id be. This happened in 2005 but still today 2019 the tpr is destroying my life. The reason that depression may be an issue in a child custody case is that it may have a bearing on the child's best interests. The other one is hopelessly brainwashed and her mind is poisoned against me probably with lies that I cannot even imagine since she will not tell me why she wont talk to me this is called Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Im so tired of people asking why arent you ever happy. They gave me a year. We only enter into attorney-client relationships with people who meet with our firm and sign a formal, written agreement with us. I have no means of fighting this legally, except to pray that some how, some way a solution presents itself or I can find someone who will take payments or work for free. We may also have self-pity and feel lonely, isolated, empty, lost, and . It may be not useful now but one day it just might be worth it to show them you were there always loving them. He is the greatest healer the world has ever known. Grief Worksheets | Therapist Aid I'm currently going through a bitter custody battle myself and it has been the worst year of my . This only works if a person is morally ready to do something to distract himself. I have no pets and no diapers or food is ever left on my floor. Nothing. Has your court appointed attorney prepared for court? This has hurt me beyond the death on any relative or friend I have ever had to deal with. I was devastated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When hes able to scan the internet, will he want to find a litany of accusations against his mother, or will he want to find that his parents are mature enough to co-parent responsibly for the good of their child, without anger and tension? He and the babies mother were young and on drugs. The news came and my 5 year old was found on a freeway overpass. They like to terminate parental rights and adopt the children out. how do you survive when they take the little one from you? Ive suffered from extreme major depressive disorder for years but in the last two years since I havent seen my child, it has been much worse. My only child, a precious little girl was stolen from me September of 2015 after a nasty bout of post partum depression. Losing your mother at any age can be a. The Texas statute on Conservatorship, Possession, and Access covers many details regarding decisions on custody and visitation, but dont expect to see depression mentioned in the law. I know it hurts and its WRONG! Just love that one child if it is the only one you can have in your home right now. Mood can have characteristic diurnal fluctuations, often worsening in the early morning. What you have is probably depressive reaction, also called situational depression or adjustment disorder. This is a reaction to the shock and trauma of having your family attacked and separated. All our medications and issues were exposed- sinus problems, migraines and even allergies! Im still waiting on my two other babies but that will take probably another year or two wen theyre 18. Cps has got to be working for hell. Community centers can be a great place to seek out these types of support groups or your therapist can help you find one. While moving a family member (ex-sister in law) forced my daughter into her vehicle and took her to the police department and told the police that my daughter was trying to commit suicide. There are many issues surrounding divorce and separation that can impact you and your child to great extents. I really dont know what to do. I really, hope youre happy now. I thought they were going to.go home then I thought for sure my newborn would come home. The reason that depression may be an issue in a child custody case is that it ma designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. I had no legal way to sign for him to be treated. Please also know that this too shall pass, one day our children will be all grown and cps cant touch them! The boys , the fpur youngest, have been placed with their dad who was the abuser and up til they gave them to him he only had supervised visits. Our court date is set to Terminate our parental rights. I am in arizona, over a month ago my six children were taken by cps. I hate them I wish nothing but misery and painful illness on them..Sorry cant help how I feel they have destroyed my whole life and I just want to leave this cold and cruel world!! If you have any concerns, regarding the custody issues and need more information or clarity its best to seek advice and support from a legal professional. To anyone out there who is truly a victim of DSS abuse and cold heartedness, I pray you allow God to handle them. Someone who knows this family might see it and report it to the family. Rhonda, I started taking SAMe, (you can buy it at Walmart, vitamin section) Started working again. Poems about Child abuse at the world's largest poetry site. Those of us who suffer much will benefit in the end. She had lost custody and had spent all of her savings to fight him in family court. They are once again in foster care. Its all Ive ever known. Thank you. oh god do i ever miss them I swear being beaten alive feels better. I hope this helps each and every one of you! She was a preachers daughter and I prayed for God to do what was best for my children and they were gone. We fought for the kids for 3 years. Get better education, a good job, pursue meaningful hobbies, or whatever it is you need to do to feel better about yourself. fbnradio.org has beautiful music and uplifting messages 24/7, Linda Jo Martin What a truly heartfelt gift to all working through the pain and all we have lost in this WAR. God did allow what happened first as a test for each member of my family as individuals and also to give each of us an opportunity to glorify him. The doctors worked quickly and I did recover but I see some damage in my face. Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism. Whatever you think of them, LGBT community did just that. I feel pain guilt shame and sorrow deeper than I ever imagined possible. (vitamin section) It works for me really well. Please help!!!! Anything you create is never yours. I am 23 have been a single mom since my oldest my 5 yr old daughter was born. I called DSS the night before and told them he had a fever of 102.6 and might need to see a Dr. in the middle of the night. Accept what has happened-I dont mean to agree with what has happened-just accept that it did happen. Avoid all illegal drugs now and forever! I hope to see you on the other side of this disaster a stronger person doing something for the good of humankind. My daughters story is not going to be one that allows her to be felt sorry for or that gives her an excuse to not reach her full potential. The lawyer the judge and the caseworker and da all kept evidence from me and lied to me. The loss of custody of a child can be devastating. Kids dont get over knowing a parent committed suicide. I had been clean off opiates for 2 yrs when I started illegally using Suboxone. I think thats funny bc my mother was a convicted felon and convicted of child abuse and when I lost custody in 29001 social services placed my 4months old baby with her knowing her criminal bkground and knowing that I was removed from her and placed in foster care on three occasions as a child. I would love to introduce you to the Judge before whom every knee will bow. She was the head of CPS favorite. Can determine what's best for you and your family. Need help please. Do not mention anyone else's name. Sometimes a change from depression to content or even happiness is just a matter of perspective. increased depression (or if you have a history of depression). My grieving is over. To combat grief various forums and books for parents who have lost a child have been created. This helps with depression. He could have made a statement if he wanted to. couldnt get anything else on me so they made that up..and violated my constitutional rights and my childs constitutional rights by asking him questions app dad told them they was not allowed without me or an attorney present and thats too bad of a court order which they did not and could not produce and said they didnt have to have one.. You have no idea how much I needed to find this page tonight. Start looking for one now, who will give testimony that youre not likely to get that depressed again. Sinus problems, migraines and even allergies you survive when they see that nobody else in the state of.. News came and my 5 yr old daughter was born depression after losing custody of children... Good and faithful servant of grief after the loss of a mother are different everyone! Quickly and i dont know what to do Father tell my children and 2 6. 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