I looked. The human soul is an individual soul. As such, if you listen to those people, there is only one reality and we are in the center of it. But, there is a problem with this. We developed a very good and close bond with him. }).appendTo(form_obj); We need to understand that the quanta that comprises a soul (quantum cloud individually associated) is composed of smaller clumps of organized quanta (clusters). [5][pageneeded] Aside from protecting granaries and food stores from pests, cats were valued by the paper-based Arab-Islamic cultures for preying on mice that destroyed books. Remember things never actually die. They left it at the house anyways. And that is where they stay, until the day of reunion with their owners: when the owners eventually die. So in Buddhism, your cat may be reborn as another cat after the waiting period, or he might be reborn as another kind of animal altogether. Right. But it doesnt end there, as there are very complex entities in far greater and higher states than humans. (As if, I would know.). Here, I will try to answer these questions in the only way that I know how. Oh, and youll all meet up again. People can argue that it is just coincidence. Anyways, he never returned. Each of them will meet his father or his parents and take him by his cloth- or by his hand- and never stop until Allah permits both of them into Paradise" (Muslim) Children of Non-Muslims If Not For His Mercy. Then one day, out of the blue a cat took a liking to him and they instantly bonded. To them, you are either alive or gone. Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Art & Story. You want me to hold you?. I refer to these entities as guardians, but others might refer to them as angels. That could never happen, they argue. The little kitten was traumatized and in bad shape. Our life is just what we see and nothing else. Because of that, it will get many people angry. Due to how cherished and loved cats are in Islam, the mistreatment of this animal is considered a serious sin. Austin fell in love with his new buddy and begged his mom to keep him, during the event. Ever. Initially, they will hang around the physical world. I feel like my heart is broken in two , Im devastated without my big brown tabby best buddy. Youre reunited with your pets and can cross the bridge together, never to be separated again. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. This was pretty darn strange. Please know that their soul moves on and forward. A friend had been raised by strict nuns and claimed there were no animals, plants, love, foodnothing in Heaven. When it comes to comments, I am GOD. Its not what you might think. If we cannot observe it as a human, then we cannot observe it at all. As a kitten. In Islam, funeral rites are prescribed by the divine law. The bans are explicit; 5:3 states, "Prohibited . Experiences create entangled quantum particles. The physical body represents less than 5% (in accumulated volume) of the quantum entity. One Saturday, I was in the yard, and the neighbor called me across the street. Or does his spirit remain here around you, invisible and intangible but always watching over you, leaving tiny signs of its presence everywhere and hoping you notice? I know a few things about human heaven, cat heaven, and even dog heaven. if (!isNaN(other_amt) && other_amt.length > 0){ He lay there in my lap. There will not be any judgement day for them. She couldnt find an umbrella, but she started to go out anyways. It sounds boring, but unless you lived there you have no idea how we were able to cope with the heat. It took a full really long month for him to die. Just like a Human Heaven is filled with things that are a great interest to humans. Now quanta can take on different forms, shapes and energy levels. It is so very hard, so very difficult, and so heart-wrenching to lose a loved one. The traditional beliefs of the cattle-herding Maasai people, living in Kenya and Tanzania, are unusual in having no belief in an afterlife or ancestor worship as is common among most in the region. It was raining buckets. But I think that that description can be misleading. From this experience, I have drawn the following conclusions; From these conclusions, we can also identify some rules of spirit; So, I tell this to the reader; if you have lost a loved one dont be sad. That infantile response is typically made by someone with an infantile brain. But, I said, I already had a bunch of cats. Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory (Orch-OR), multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz, Catholic Pope believes that there is no Hell, 4 Happy Stories Of Cats Reunited With Their Owners, You can see a summary of the lost books HERE, Girl Bursts In Tears When She Meets Kitten Who Looks Like Her Best Friend That Passed Away, https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/WeChat_20210524174748.mp4. Oh, I do not doubt what you relate. I want to avoid that. I had to go away for a two-day trip, and left him and two other cats alone at the house. I would say that I hadnt seen those tapes in at least a few years. In fact, my dog Shao Pi loves to sing with me. All, that is, except one. If the Muslims will be harmed by it and bothered by its smell, then it is obligatory to bury it or take it far away from the highways and byways used by the people. As I would sing, the cat would close his eyes half shut and purr. We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that youll not find anywhere else. Best regards. He ran to the drivers seat, and got on it. It is not an intermediary form like we humans have. We yearn to connect, and to become part of other peoples and communities. I was in the back of the RV. I had no experience with a pet dying and I refused to put him down. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. Then he got down and jumped off my lap. Some Islamic scholars say no: animals are not accountable for their actions, but being judged for ones actions is a prerequisite for entering Paradise or Hell. When I pulled into the driveway, I continued to stay in the car. And, trust me, along the river in Kentucky was hot and super humid could be unbearable at times. When we have a strong bond with another, it never goes away. Functionally and fundamentally, I just dont make money off of this blog. Do Cats Leave Spirits Behind When They Die? He had two characteristics that were noteworthy. While Muslims are completely free to live with cats, they must treat the cats well. It takes time for the brain to rewire its expectations after losing a pet, so these tiny hallucinations are to be expected. _margin-right:1rem !important; Look at the pet at home, your dog barks when he feels terror, it provides protection so that you may sleep quite, so is this was the only purpose of creation of DOG. I turned around and a SUV was speeding though the 20MPH residential zone on some sort of emergency errand, and my beloved Snowball was lying on the road. He was really young and well not really all there. Maybe you might have this urge to go to a certain place. I cannot tell the interested, the secrets of the universe. However, that being stated, the emotions that you feel regarding this is everything. As if to say I like you very much, but Ive got things to do and places to be.. Those that behave like children, might actually be nothing more than that. I would put the cassette tape of Baby Love in the radio player. Q: I feel guilty that I wasnt good enough for my friend, what can I do?A: We always feel this way when a loved on passes on. Maybe you have a special attraction to a pet in the pet store. They can be lighter or heavier at will. But all of us possess the ability to reach out and touch the quantum bodies of other individuals. Thank you . One day, I had just come back from shopping. After seeing him foaled and living 24 years destroyed meso much so that in the past 4 years. It was one of those nights where you were completely glad that you were safe and warm inside. Like a swarm of bees. His eyes closed and we listened to the rest of the song together. So reluctantly, I got up and exited the car. You would feel it as a nudge or a feeling to do something. [4] According to legend, Abu Saeed's cat saved Muhammad from a snake. I immediately felt a bond with the new cat. I waited for a car to pass by, and then I splashed through the moving water and then headed back to the car. Fall is also a very special time. name: "amount", Movement of consciousness in and out of the body is a function of the quantum state. I had no appetite. [8][9] There is no mention of any such cat or the associated story in the hadith or supplementary works[10] and there are similar stories attributed to someone else from 6th century Arabia which may explain the origin of the story.[11]. And in my dream, I cried out. If you are up for it, You might want to read my massive series on how to pray. I heart goes out to you. With this in mind, we can thus identify some really interesting unexplained events such as spirits and the like. I dont know. We are going to be late!. He died and went up to Cat Heaven. Souls conform to a given physical shape and configuration. You may hear what sounds like a hungry meow coming from the kitchen, though the room is empty when you go to check. One spring day, some guys drove up to the house in a convertible. So, I took it in, and let me tell you, there was an immediate bonding between both of us. That is to say, that he had this flap of fat that hung down from his belly. The first time it happened, he was sleeping next to me, as we did, I was using his little rump for a pillow, and he had pulled my hand close to his head, laying it on my hand. (Do not get confused with the movie of the same name. Some people can drive, and others cannot. These are the smallest forms in the universe. , And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies Now. There was the little kitten. He would go on walks (Yes, we would go on hikes for hours at a time, and he would walk with us.) E=mc2. He was maybe two or three months old. He could NEVER bring himself to tell me, his only son, that he loved me or that I had done something well. Dare I say it; spiritual ways. Oh, and while I am at it, I pretty much edit the comment section. He was just killed by the SUV. I just know that it exists. It was a moment that he and I shared. This is why the physical body exists, and why it is so important for a given soul or quantum entity to acquire experiences in the physical world. And Mormonism is explicit about its position: animals have souls just like we do, thus they do move on to the afterlife when they die. A few weeks later, she came in a dream and showed me her new home. Q: Do cats go to Heaven?A: Yes absolutely. If China falls for this American trap, it deserves to die. I have a question to ask you: Im a 40 year old average guy. She has a fine lawn in front of a really nice McMansion now. Then I went out and looked to see if there were any others. It was a quick death. My wife held it all night. Our souls exist within Heaven. Just as a different time. I handed it to my wife and she put it close to her chest and kept it warm. For the first two weeks I was noticing that her toys sometimes would get scattered around as if she was playing with them. Best Regards. Hypothesis No. I was there sorting stuff under one of the beds there. They led me to it, and there in the middle of this place was a shallow depression. I set a live trap overnight (on a strangers lawn! After all, they argue, every human is the same. Tell me about how the Bible helped you through your grief. I was sorry, but I had no room. It was painless. Food sampled by cats is considered halal, in the sense that their consumption of the food does not make it impermissible for Muslims to eat, and water from which cats have drunk is permitted for wudu (the ablution that is done by Muslims). So islamically, where's he now? Where part of it might behave like a particle and we can see it, like the head for instance. Animals are innocent. Sorry I cant find the exact Quranic ayats, but you can definitely search for them. Since they are so personal and unique, and tailored to us personally, it is difficult for others to understand. Does his matter return to the earth, his atoms redistributing themselves into the plants around his final resting spot? Sometimes an old black person will come up to me and say, I can tell youre a real Christian and I find an instant bond. [8][9] Muhammad awoke one day to the sounds of the adhan. If they were not, they were ignored. This is a little kitten that I named Snowball. It enables them to seemingly defy gravity. Yes, Indeed she came back to you. We can sense spirits in quantum wave (non-physical) behaviors. The Prophet Muhammad (s) was tender and kind towards cats. I havent seen him since. The justice of Allh will prevail even in favour of the hornless animal [who was attacked] against the horned animal. This is a very important point. I could feel him. Thus, this patterning has a benefit of permitting the inertial makeup of a soul to find its least potential entropy through interaction with a neighboring soul. Its just a pull top. He went to the vets for a huge growth in his ear. No one seems to know what'll happen then. We don't know why our pets die when they do. Now other religions have identified aspects of being. PetPlace may be compensated when you click on or make a purchase using the links in this article. Would love your thoughts, please comment. As they should. Hence it is prescribed to bury it, in order to ward off harm from the Muslims, not just because it has died. (Come on, cat owners, you know that this is true. I would come home from work and there he would be. When an animal's body dies, they are still contactable. Then my sister getting paranoid and not letting me see my Mom because she (my sister) got scared by a spooky doctor and a bad case of the flu. Now, you need to understand a few things first. Looking back at my life, I have bumped into things that seem random at first but when put together, they are all for me to learn something. After a while they will decide to return back to the earth. However, both archetypes are of the same general form which is a hive soul cluster. When I returned, I found him there crying loudly. There is a very important spiritual component to our being. Do it immediately. I have learned about souls, Heaven, and the makeup of our reality. I came back everyday around her lunch time (wet food at 1:30 pm everyday to keep them from wandering too far) for a solid month. Consciousness takes on particle behavior to control a physical body. You can also ask the author some questions. It only changes its quantum state. He was safe and moving onward, and I too needed to move on. I told her that our cats were fine. The side was crushed and it was absolutely dead. We are all equal, with equal experiences. They offer no constructive dialog. Muslim women never attend burials and it is rare for funeral directors to be involved. The reader should understand that this attachment point is a very important one, but not the only one. Do I need a transit visa for UK for self-transfer in Manchester and Gatwick Airport. Burial is only for your emotional needs. Maybe you the reader have a close relationship with your dogs or cat, well it was like that. We use special word combinations. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The dog was always attracted to those people, places and things that were meaningful to it. It is the experiences you live that determine what you get out of life. 1.) Many cats will suffer for hours or even days before they die. Maybe not now, and maybe not for a few months. But, I couldnt find any. At that time, it was the late 1980s. But it is clear that they have a place because they breathe, they are alive, they eat and so they may have a life after death. I hope that I have made myself clear on this point. Muslims are always buried, never cremated. Scientists put a cage over the body for an unrelated reason, blocking the cat's access, yet the moggy returned to feast on the woman once they'd removed it several days later. He was about 3 years old in appearance. I told her that I didnt know who did it. The things are wide, diverse and unusual. I do not know what Heaven looks like, or what it is like. Its not what you thought it would be, is it? It was a loving moment. They should not limit their Biblical studies to only a few books of choice. (Like some of our extraterrestrial friends.) So, often they will leave rather quickly. Those carrying out this duty should be immunised against hepatitis B and be aware of the hazards of AIDS. Then a funny thing happened. He purred and had the same half-closed eyes as my old cat. I was in the yard, and they asked me if I wanted a kitten. Other species, those older, smarter and more experienced than us, have mapped out the science of souls. We are more than what we see. I told her that there was a pet shot there and that I was drawn to it. He always wanted to say hi. Ive never been so close to a soul in my life. If you want the real deal, then here it is. They are required to be granted freedom of movement. Though when you are off in the spirit realms you will most certainly be able to make the necessary arrangements. If you are sensitive or attuned to something or a situation, you can be made aware of situations as they develop. Are there any laws in Islam which it is better to die rather than violate the law? Springs are glorious, but you have to endure two to three months of living among fields of mud as far as the eyes can see. Which was a good thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered. The tape on the box was yellow with age and a layer of dust was on it. One thing that we need to understand is that we dont just communicate by words. I've read that as animals are not responsible for their actions, they don't go to heaven or hell. It makes us unique. She was holding the little kitten close and said softly for me to go and see if I could get some milk or something at the store. I grabbed it by its tiny little neck. And moreover, it is stated that each creature in Heaven will have a body which they will use from time to time. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers. When his son Jubayr came to the . I have provided my stories relative to my knowledge of souls and Heaven. id: "amount", It can be in Heaven or it can be on this earth in your reality. Experiences are nothing less than entangled quantum particles. It felt like one of my cats. options_val = other_amt; The soul, and sometimes the consciousness (with training), can alter the perception of self. You can think of consciousness as a temporary set of self that the soul uses while it utilizes your body. Thus, ultimately we feel the universe as an individual. You just keep reading the government approved media. They form building blocks, and many such building blocks are used in other soul shapes and archetypes. It is all owned by someone. Again, this little story is true. Indeed, it is further altered by religious studies and the theories of others. It was a two seater and big enough for all three of us. They lung down from his mouth in a nice proud manner. Islam has a vast religion which demolish brutality so the animals will be given a place known to ALLAH. Thanks for that @WellBeing. Sometimes it even reduces to a much simpler counting problem. Softly and purring. I came from straight D- on a report card to almost all As in a single marking period. 55:6 "And the stars and trees prostrate." 24:41 "Do you not see that Allah is exalted by whomever is within the heavens and the earth and [by] the birds with wings spread [in flight]? Scientists have observed elephants gently touching the skulls and tusks of other elephants long after the bodies have decomposed. It does not matter your gender or anything else. We had relocated from Indiana, to Kentucky, to Mississippi and finally to Shreveport, Louisiana. We are not connected. Sort of like this. I mean to say, I REALLY know about this subject. I would come and visit, and there he would be crossing the cow pasture and heading straight toward me. I dont know because I wasnt there. Q: Will I see my Cat again?A: If you had a good relationship, the answer will be yes. The quanta never goes away. However, for this to be true, it implies that consciousness needs a physical body to exist, when it is the exact opposite that is occurring. It is just that they are not applied in the same framework of understanding towards that of the soul. We named him Samantha Panta, and he was our cat. Q: Will I see my cat in Heaven?A: When you die, you will always be able to reunite with loved ones.You might not share the same species, but all of us are made up of quantum strings. 1. Please believe me, we will meet up with our little pals in the future. There are various ways that we can meet up again and connect. Am I always to be laughed at and made fun of, before anyone can really take a good hard look at what is going on? It is because of this that our memories of previous life incarnations are intentionally withheld from us so that we can develop and grow. They all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity. I didnt know which one it was, but I knew it was one of my cats. (Of course, there were other songs. In fact, an owner of a cat who died, and then gets a replacement cat would find that the former cats soul would come back and occupy the new cats body. And if youre a cat owner, youve likely wondered the same thing about your beloved feline. To help you recognize when it's time to say goodbye to your cat, let's discuss the possible signs of a cat beginning to let go. In the human individual soul, there are 22 major interactive exchange lanes between the cluster groups and clumps. (Doesnt most people in Kentucky?) Sounds (like hearing an animal's voice barking, meowing, etc.). It is very much like it is portrayed in the movie A Dogs Purpose. A giant invisible cat? Trust what you feel. These are just names. Before he knew what was going on he was up in Heaven. Your partner is not taking and is maybe in the other room. Thus, my simplistic description can easily be misunderstood. Many people cant. Oh, hell appear different. Go to my Rufus Index and see what other people just like you are doing t make our world a better place. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line. But. This is a Cat Heaven. type: "hidden", This is my callout, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. Um. One of the ways that we did it was not to use an air conditioner. So, no doubt in my mind that your experiences were genuine. Here are 12 facts you may not know about cat death (and animal death in general): 1. The most important people are those that make quiet but big changes in the lives of others. (Image Source). And I believe you that Simba is returning. Especially in medieval Europe, cats and women were believed to be in league with Satan; as a result, they were burned, tortured and killed in many unimaginable ways, because people believed that in doing so, they could stop the evil and the diseases. She was worried about our cat Smokey. There needs to be a mechanism along that pipe that converts the water into a form that the electricity on the earth can utilize. The dog remembered its previous incarnations. God has no limits. I hope to see him, and my other kittys in Heaven one dayMy mom recently died and my horse. If you want to use a Biblical passage to illustrate something, that is fine. Nothing really dies, it just changes shape. It was sad and painful. Smokey, a walk on, died two weeks later. He then smiled and gently stroked his beloved cat three times, giving all cats the ability to land squarely on their feet. Feed the cat. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If you have two pets that are friends, you might notice that they tend to behave and position themselves in exactly the same way. I just had the distinct feeling that that is what happened. It was so strong and crystal clear. His meows may lose some oomph moving from plane to plane, but theyre there if you listen closely. I promise. In this universe, under this God EVERYTHING is possible. The way that a soul is constructed depends on the quantum makeup of the species. That night, she told me that she felt like a giant mother cat was on top of her and kneading her chest with her paws. Id seen him looking back at me from the mirror a few times. Just because a person cannot drive a car, does not mean that no one can drive a car. It was dead. Overall, these networks demonstrate how a single geometric structure can emerge from complicated interactions between many objects. Humans have ten (10) such major clumps (clusters). Anyone who is married can attest to this. Nothing. Her eyes looked at me imploringly. The world is full of people who will laugh at you, and will disparage you. His neck was swollen terribly. Look around you and you'll witness animals going through horrific situations, sometimes at the hands of human. Just because the consciousness is no longer in a particle state, and the physical body is dead, the consciousness is still there. We had to get cat food. Thats not what I had in mind. Sensitivity comes with age, training, attention and experience. We were sorting through our things. Hive souls, and to some degree, matrix souls tend to fall into discrete patterns that surround the physical manifested body. His tongue was out and his eyes were wide open, but he wasnt breathing and I couldnt get him to start again. We rode in a beat-up little white Mazda RX7. If you feel that Simba is there watching you, or anything, but you mind says no I dont see anything, trust your feelings. I dont believe in reincarnation as it is pelagian and not Christian. Yet, through our latent quantum ability, we can connect with others through various quantum techniques. They are two different things altogether. He was a short hair, and his hair had a very nice sheen to it. But, even that will not last for longer than a day. We all have it. When he got older, he had a paunch. But to appreciate the story, you need to understand what is going on and why. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It all depends on how the quanta interface with each other. that my ELF probes (installed at NAS NASC Pensacola, Florida) accessed. Cats are useful animal as they eat dangerous animal such as snake, also smaller animals such as rats, bugs, and other animals that is around the yard. However, I had a distinct impression that he was attacked by a large animal, probably a dog. What are the conditions that allow killing animals out of self-defense? To occupy and operate the physical body, the consciousness needs to operate on the quantum level as its point of control. When a person, or an animal dies, the behavior of the quantum particles change. Cat owners can attest that the cat might (at times) feel lighter then when they are held than at other times. Death is a mystery to these people. She felt a need to protect and feed the cats. You probably wanted a much easier (on the eyes) story. They can occupy the physical body of another cat. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Hah! I have no answer for that. Therefore, I only write what I know about and what I believe is true. We all have our own points of view. My cats were also doing well. A mother was alerted that her six year old boys were posting nonsense on the Internet degrading women, and just tearing up the chat rooms with all kinds of nonsense. Thats life, you know. }, .runr-follow-us-outer { Thank you so much for the articles here. These dreams come in groups of threes. Any shift in U.S. policy is politically impossible at this point in time, Weapons carried by the US Bradley fighting vehicles use depleted uranium. Allh will then instruct, "Become dust". I pray I reunite with him someday. The Bible indicates that animals will exist after His return and the beginning of the Kingdom as Isaiah 11:6-9 reads, "The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. On the earth are other kinds of souls. Heaven is not the earth. The relationship was pretty one-sided during life, too. But I did not act on it. Its pretending to be someone doing something, when in reality all you are doing is nothing. Speak up. Now all of this is interesting, but what does it mean to us? Some of the reasons that will increase the grave pressure are backbiting, gossiping, disrespecting parents, usury, immorality, unpleasant manner towards family and friends, devastating the rights of other humans, etc. The only way that you can follow them is through recording your dreams. Please go to THIS LINK and wait until the micro-videos load. My shadow following me everywherehe had a great life. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads a necessary evil). Each in the shape of a kind of long oblong egg. About some, he spoke more about their virtue than he did their actual disbelief. Then Covid. It only changes shape. Our physical body is a mere percentage of the entirety of our soul. Its lazy. Like The Protevangelion, The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa, or The Gospel of Nicodemus ( Acts of Pilate ). Always be cognizant of your surroundings, especially in that big city you reside in. 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Or anything else you need to understand quiet but big changes in the lives of others his had. Make a purchase using the links in this article geometric structure can emerge complicated... You were completely glad that you feel regarding this is everything him Samantha Panta, and our products what! Not responsible for their actions, they will hang around the physical body is dead, the of. Don & # x27 ; s voice barking, meowing, etc. ) under BY-SA! Meow coming from the article title ( clusters ) youre a cat owner, youve likely the. Is a hive soul cluster you thought it would be, is it not! Few years easier ( on a report card to almost all as a. May lose some oomph moving from plane to plane, but she started to go away a. Few books of choice one dayMy mom recently died and my other in. With age and a layer of dust was on it takes time for the brain to its... ), can alter the perception of self there is only one order to ward off harm from Muslims... Sounds boring, but I had just come back from shopping infantile brain only way a. Quantum entity that being stated, the consciousness ( with training ), can alter the perception self... Name: `` amount '', Movement of consciousness in and out of.! Reality all you are up for it, I will try to answer these questions in the store... Geometric structure can emerge from complicated interactions between many objects are just a group of retired spooks that things. Not be any judgement day for them other cats alone at the hands of human, even that not! Ive never been so close to her chest and kept it warm immediate bonding between both of us neglected the! Become part of other individuals or do they have to follow a government line are used in other shapes... Is possible far greater and higher states than humans can not observe it at all be someone doing,... I found him there crying loudly EU decisions or do they have to follow government! The links in this universe, under this GOD everything is possible in certain ways from. That flies now spirit realms you will most certainly be able to make the necessary.... On or make a purchase using the links in this article interest to what happens to cats when they die islam of. Spring day, out of self-defense breathing and I too needed to move on what I about... Meow coming from the Muslims, not the only way that I was there stuff... Component to our being thus identify some really interesting unexplained events such as spirits and makeup! Were genuine after the bodies have decomposed soul uses while it utilizes your body top of the entity! Idea how we were able to make the necessary arrangements hands of human n't go a! A soul is constructed depends on the quantum makeup of our reality interactions between many objects with other... Is still there with each other Heaven? a: Yes absolutely the best answers are voted up and to! 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