II, p.376-377, Vianu, Vol. Born in Bucharest, Macedonski-son was the third of four siblings, the oldest of whom was a daughter, Caterina. [50] This disenchantment led him into a brief conflict with the young liberal figure Bonifaciu Florescu, only to join him soon afterward in editing Stindardul journal, alongside Pantazi Ghica and George Fălcoianu. However, Macedonski’s formalistic inclinations were not a determining factor in his work, which was permeated by democratic ideas. Places a muddy sole on the people and the boyars, [86] The two were eventually reconciled, and Macedonski again spoke of Alecsandri as his ideological and stylistic predecessor. [365] Two years after her father's death, Anna Macedonski married poet Mihail Celarianu. In its first version, the magazine was co-edited by Macedonski, Bonifaciu Florescu and poet Th. "[318] According to Vianu, the book builds on Macedonski's earlier themes, replacing Naturalist observation with a metaphysical speculation about idealism. [108] This adaptation to Symbolism also drew on his marked Francophilia, which in turn complemented his tendencies toward cosmopolitanism. [24][258] Noaptea de noiembrie opens with a violent condemnation of his adversaries, and sees Macedonski depicting his own funeral. [269] In contrast, Dereanu is a bohemian university student, possessed by dreams of military and political glory, and who meditates about his future in front of Heliade Rădulescu's statue or in Bucharest cafés. Căci până ieri a fost năuc Days when the country is divided into hangmen and victims [24][351] While Macedonski himself maintained his links with Romanticism and Classicism, commentators have retrospectively recognized in him the main person who announced Romania's first wave in modernist literature. Etymologically, the name is derived from the Greek "Αλέξανδρος" (Aléxandros), meaning "defending men" or "protector of men", a compound of the verb "ἀλέξω" (alexō), "to ward off, to avert, to defend" and the noun "ἀνδρός" (andros), genitive of "ἀνήρ" (anēr), "man". In 1880 he founded the magazine Literatorul and a literary society of the same name. [114] The poet attempted to establish other magazines, all of them short-lived, and, in 1887, handed for print his Naturalist novella Dramă banală ("Banal Drama")[115] while completing one of the most revered episodes in the Nights series, Noaptea de mai ("May Night"). See also Suciu, p.107, Răileanu & Carassou, p.152; Vianu, Vol.II, p.371, Călinescu, p.523; Cernat, p.11; Vianu, Vol.II, p.372-373, 386, Călinescu, p.523; Răileanu & Carassou, p.152, Anghelescu, p.12; Cioculescu, p.132-140; Vianu, Vol. [41] At age 22, he worked on his first play, a comedy titled Gemenii ("The Twins"). Commenting on them, Tudor Vianu argues that no such works had ever been produced in Romanian literature up until that moment. [5] Dimitrie married Zoe, the daughter an ethnic Russian or Polish officer; their son, the Russian-educated Alexandru, climbed in the military and political hierarchy, joining the unified Land Forces after his political ally, Alexander John Cuza, was elected Domnitor and the two Danubian Principalities became united Romania. Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and more. [264] During this phase, Macedonski made known his sympathy for the disinherited, from girls forced into prostitution to convicts sentenced to penal labor on salt mines, and also spoke out against the conventionalism of civil marriages. [192] Macedonski's work was analyzed and popularized by a new generation of critics, among them Vianu and George Călinescu. Alexandru's grandfather Dimitrie and Dimitrie's brother Pavel participated in the 1821 uprising against the Phanariote administration, and in alliance with the Filiki Eteria; Dimitrie made the object of controversy when, during the final stage of the revolt, he sided with the Eteria in its confrontation with W… [24][27] He was for a while in Styria, at Bad Gleichenberg, a stay which, George Călinescu believes, may have been the result of a medical recommendation to help him counter excessive nervousness. [35] That year, while the Budjak was ceded to Russia and Northern Dobruja was integrated into Romania, the Brătianu cabinet appointed him administrator of the Sulina plasă and the Danube Delta. Anghelescu, p.140; Cernat, p.8, 16; Sandqvist, p.200, Anghelescu, p.137; Vianu, Vol.II, p.403-406, 434-435, Călinescu, p.523-524, 525-526, 527, 528; Vianu, Vol.II, p.393, 394, 480-481, Călinescu, p.523; Vianu, Vol.II, p.393-394, Anghelescu, p.24, 27-28; Călinescu, p.518, 524, 526, Călinescu, p.525; Răileanu & Carassou, p.7, 152; Sandqvist, p.199, Anghelescu, p.16-18, 24-25; Călinescu, p.524; Suciu, p.105-106, Călinescu, p.523; Vianu, Vol.II, p.398-399, Vianu, Vol. [288], With the adoption of such tenets came a succession of Symbolist poems, where the focus is on minutely-observed objects, usually items of luxury, partly reflecting themes he had explored in the Naturalist stage. [193] Commentators and researchers of his work have declared themselves puzzled by this change in allegiance. By this time, Noaptea de decemvrie had become one of the most recognizable literary works to be taught in Romanian schools. Thus, a common perception is that his literature had a strongly visual aspect, the notion being condensed in Cincinat Pavelescu's definition of Macedonski: "Poet, therefore painter; painter, therefore poet. [33] He eventually returned to Bucharest, where he entered the Faculty of Letters (which he never attended regularly). According to Tudor Vianu, Macedonski was mostly motivated by his disappointment in Junimea, and in particular by Eminescu's response to his public persona. [82] It was ignited when, through Macedonski's articles, Literatorul criticized Alecsandri for accepting Romanian Academy prizes despite being its member,[83] and later involved Sion (whose replies on behalf of the Academy were derided by Macedonski). [91] In 1883, he also contributed his first sketch story, Casa cu nr. [398] In the 2000s, the refrain of Noaptea de mai was mixed into a manea parody by Adrian Copilul Minune. [173] Around that time, Macedonski also collaborated with the Iași-based moderate Symbolist magazine Versuri și Proză. [251] Macedonski himself later voiced the claim, and referred to such a technique as "symphonic verse", "proteic verse", or, in honor of composer Richard Wagner, "Wagnerian verse". [123] The poet sought to reconcile with his rival, publicizing a claim that Caragiale was being unjustly ignored by the cultural establishment, but this attempt failed to mend relations between them, and the conflict escalated further. [350], Macedonski's cosmopolitan circle was the center of a literary alternative to the prevailing conservatism and Eminescu-like traditionalism of the day, the latter tendency being grouped around Sămănătorul magazine for part of Macedonski's lifetime. This article is within the scope of WikiProject Biography, a collaborative effort to create, develop and organize Wikipedia's articles about people.All interested editors are invited to join the project and contribute to the discussion.For instructions on how to use this banner, please refer to the documentation. Le poète, à lui seul, assure le passage du romantisme au symbolisme et au dernières expériences poétiques, tout en revendiquant le statut de pionnier européen du vers libre. Macedonski și 'literatura stupefiantelor' ", "Islamul la noi acasă. [313] The volume carried the mocking dedication "To France, this Chaldea" (thought by Vianu to reference Péladan's views on the decay of civilization). [260] Macedonski identifies with his hero, Dante Aligheri, and formulates his own poetic testament while identifying World War I Romania with the medieval Republic of Florence. "[213] The series also returned to Levant settings and Islamic imagery, particularly in Acșam dovalar (named after the Turkish version of Witr). In 1882, he wrote about progression in one's career: "We are all poets at birth, but only those who shape themselves through study will become poets. [386] In the late 1920s, when their form of modern psalms inspired Albanian-Romanian poet Aleksander Stavre Drenova, Macedonski and Arghezi both made an indirect impact on Albanian literature. [260] The writer himself claimed that the piece evidenced "the uttermost breath of inspiration I have ever felt in my life. [35] At around that time, Macedonski had allegedly begun courting actress Aristizza Romanescu, who rejected his advances, leaving him unenthusiastic about love matters and unwilling to seek female company. [331] The gigantic commercial ship is maintained by a banker's union, and designed to grant travelers access to every pleasure imaginable; this causes the working-class inhabited cities on the continent to fall into a state of neglect and permanent violence, the climax of the story occurring with the bankers' decision to destroy their creation. [50] Ghica and Macedonski remained close friends until Ghica's 1882 death. [61] Meanwhile, according to Călinescu, his attacks on the liberals and the "daft insults he aimed at [Romania's] throne" had effectively ruined his own chance of political advancement. According to Vianu (Vol.II, p.355), Anghelescu, p.10; Vianu, Vol.II, p.351, 452, Călinescu, p.519; Sandqvist, p.197; Vianu, Vol.II, p.351, 361, Anghelescu, p.10; Ornea, p.304-305; Vianu, Vol.I, p.54; Vol.II, p.356, Anghelescu, p.16; Perpessicius, p.246; Ornea, p.304, Anghelescu, p.10; Călinescu, p.296; Vianu, Vol.II, p.350-352, Anghelescu, p.10; Călinescu, p.296; Vianu, Vol.II, p.351-352, Călinescu, p.316; Vianu, Vol.II, p.352-353. [57], In the 1990s, Ștefan Agopian took the Nights cycle as inspiration for an erotic short story,[390] while Pavel Șușară adapted his rondels to a modernized setting. Paraphrased by Sandqvist, p.197, 199. [221], The writer's belief in the effects of sheer willpower, notably present in his comments on esoteric subjects, was itself a defining characteristic of his perspective on literature. [24][289] The motif was also developed in descriptive prose fragments later grouped in Cartea de aur, collectively titled nuvele fără oameni ("novellas without people") and compared by Călinescu with the paintings of Theodor Aman. [145], Critics note that, while Macedonski progressed from one stage to the other, his work fluctuated between artistic accomplishment and mediocrity. In 1874, back in Craiova, Macedonski founded a short-lived literary society known as Junimea, a title which purposefully or unwittingly copied that of the influential conservative association with whom he would later quarrel. "[260] According to Manuela-Delia Suciu, Thalassa is "prolix" and "too polished",[315] traits believed by Zamfir to be less irritating in the Romanian version. [275] By contrast, the homage-play Cuza-Vodă is mainly a Romantic piece, where Alexander John Cuza finds his political mission validated by legendary figures in Romanian history.[75]. [142] The focal point of his vision was that man could voluntarily stave off death with words and gestures, a concept he elaborated upon in his later articles. ", "La poésie roumaine au XIXe siècle. [167] During the 1910s, busts of him were completed by two sculptors, Alexandru Severin and Friedrich Storck, one of Storck's variants being hosted by the Ioan Cantacuzino collection. [24] Vianu argues that the play may document the Romanian writer's late rejection of France, through the protagonist's statement: "the French are a gentle people, but their soul is different from mine."[341]. Din tejghea făcând tribună, legiune de coțcari, [127] Two years later, the two Literatorul editors made headlines as pioneers of cycling. M. The poet's paternal family had arrived in Wallachia during the early 19th century. Tudor Vianu writes: "the poet makes such waste of gemstones that we feel like saying some of them must be false",[323] while Călinescu, who notes that some fragments reveal "an incomparable artist" and "a professional metaphorist", notes that "in the end, such virtuosities become a bore. Of South Slav (Serb or Bulgarian) or Aromanian origin, they claimed to have descended from Serb insurgents in Ottoman-ruled Macedonia. [85] In turn, Alecsandri humiliated his young rival by portraying him as Zoilus, the prototype of slanderers, and himself as the model poet Horace in the 1883 play Fântâna Blanduziei. Romanian Poetry - George Cosbuc - Poezii Românesti. [26][243] According to Ștefan Cazimir, Rondelul orașului mic ("The Rondel of the Small Town") shows a "likable wave of irony and self-irony", and the poet himself coming to terms with "the existence of a world who ignores him. [279], By 1880–1884, particularly after the Eminescu scandal, Macedonski envisaged prioritizing French as his language of expression. [228], While Macedonski also discarded the concept of "social poetry" not long after postulating it, its spirit, Tudor Vianu believes, can still be found in his later contributions. According to Vianu, the court also ruled out that Macedonski's arrest had been rendered void by the, Anghelescu, p.9; Călinescu, p.519; Vianu, Vol.II, p.347, Anghelescu, p.9; Vianu, Vol.II, p.349-350, Călinescu, p.515-516, 523; Vianu, Vol.II, p.343, 351, Anghelescu, p.10; Călinescu, p.529; Vianu, Vol.II, p.351, Anghelescu, p.10; Călinescu, p.519; Sandqvist, p.197. Și-n fața dorinței—ce este—dispare Alexandru Macedonski (Romanian pronunciation: [alekˈsandru mat͡ʃeˈdonski]; also rendered as Al. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. PDF. Cernat gives the date as 1909, while Sandqvist mentions 1895 and 1899. [358], Many of Macedonski's most devoted disciples, whom he himself had encouraged, have been rated by various critics as secondary or mediocre. Traian Demetrescu was one of the first to do so, focusing on his commitment to socialism—Vianu notes that the split took place "without coldness and the heart's versatility" on Macedonski's part. As journalist and militant, his allegiance fluctuated between the liberal current and conservatism, becoming involved in polemics and controversies of the day. [36] Having also written an anti-Carol piece, published in Telegraful Român during 1873, Macedonski reportedly feared political reprisals, and decided to make another visit to Styria and Italy while his case was being assessed. [22] Vianu draws attention to the picturesque depiction of historic Bucharest, a contributing element in Cometa..., Casa cu nr. Adrian Marino Opera Lui Alexandru Macedonski. With Ion Catina, Vasile Păun and Grigore H. Grandea, young Macedonski belonged to late Romanian Romanticism, part of a Neoromantic generation which had for its mentors Heliade Rădulescu and Bolintineanu. [29] Also in 1870, he published his first lyrics in George Bariț's Transylvanian-based journal Telegraful Român. [57][256] The setting was however modern, and, as noted by French-born critic Frédéric Damé, the plot also borrowed much from Émile Augier's Gabrielle and from other morality plays of the period. [174] Polemics surrounding his case nevertheless continued: in late 1912, as part of a National Theater adaptation of Alphonse Daudet's Sapho, actor Cazimir Belcot borrowed from Macedonski's appearance and mannerisms to portray a failure. [175] In 1914, Thalassa was published in a non-definitive version by Constantin Banu's magazine Flacăra,[126][186] which sought to revive overall interest in his work. II, p.373-376, According to Anghelescu (p.12), Cioculescu (p.137) and Vianu (Vol. [12] While the writer perpetuated his father's claim, it is possible that he also took pride in investigating his Balkan roots: according to literary historian Tudor Vianu, who, as a youth, was a member of his circle, this tendency is attested by two of Macedonski's poems from the 1880s, where the South Slavs appear as icons of freedom. II, p.445, Răileanu & Carassou, p.152; Sandqvist, p.199. [122] Such an experimental approach was soon after parodied and ridiculed by Ion Luca Caragiale, who had by then affiliated and parted with Junimea, in his new Moftul Român magazine. Sub de-argint frunzos tezaur, Although showcased by the National Theater with star actor Constantin Nottara in the title role, it failed to register success with the public. Ever since that moment, Macedonski has generally been believed to be Duna, and as a result, was faced with much criticism from both readers and commentators. [46] For almost a year before, he and Oltul had taken an active part in the campaign against Conservative Party and its leader, Premier Lascăr Catargiu. II, p.373-376, Cioculescu, p.140; Vianu, Vol. "[223] Vianu, who notes Macedonski's "exclusivity" and "fanaticism", places such statements in connection with Macedonski's personal ambition, "pride" and "the willingness to carry out ventured actions [...], in stated opposition with the entire surrounding and with contempt for the foreseeable reaction. The circumstances in which this took place rose suspicion of foul play; on this grounds, Macedonski was ridiculed by his former friend Zamfirescu in the journal România Liberă, which left him embittered. [178] He is said to have spent part of his time at Kübler loudly mocking the traditionalist poets who gathered at an opposite table. [327] Witnesses of this disorder are divided into family, who seek to have Dorval committed, and close friends, who come to see his take on life as a manifestation of genius. The poet was upset by not being included on the National Liberal list for the 1875 suffrage. Macedonski published the progressive newspaper Oltul (1873-76). [175], Macedonski and his protégés had become regular frequenters of Bucharest cafés. [126][316] His fate is changed by a shipwreck, during which a girl, Caliope, reaches the island's shore. As a youth and adult, he sought to revive his father's cause, and included allusions to the perceived injustice in at least one poem. [280] According to Vianu, Macedonski had traversed "the lowest point" of his existence, and had been subject to "one of the most delicate mysteries of poetic creation. [24][240] Macedonski is thus perceived as the author second only to Eminescu, and as his ideal counterpart—a relation Vianu describes as "the internal dualism [confronting] two familiar gods". [65] An early success for the new journal was the warm reception it received from Vasile Alecsandri, a Romantic poet and occasional Junimist whom Macedonski idolized at the time, and the collaboration of popular memoirist Gheorghe Sion. "[185] He continued to hope that Le Fou? Free PDF. Călinescu also renders the family's alternative theory, according to which their ancestors were, Călinescu, p.517-518; Vianu, Vol.II, p.339-341, Anghelescu, p.7; Călinescu, p.517; Vianu, Vol.II, p.330-332, Anghelescu, p.7; Călinescu, p.517, 519, 520; Vianu, Vol.II, p.330, 331-332, An amateur poet, she later married into the, Călinescu, p.518; Suciu, p.104; Vianu, Vol.II, p.342, Călinescu, p.518; Vianu, Vol.II, p.334-335, Anghelescu, p.8; Călinescu, p.518; Vianu, Vol.II, p.338, 344, Vianu, Vol.II, p.342-343, 365, 388, 394, 479, Anghelescu, p.9; Călinescu, p.518; Vianu, Vol.II, p.343-344, Anghelescu, p.9; Călinescu, p.518; Vianu, Vol.II, p.343, Anghelescu, p.9; Vianu, Vol.II, p.343-344, Călinescu, p.519; Vianu, Vol.II, p.347; Sandqvist, p.197. Thomas C. Carlson, "Poe in Romania", in Lois Vines (ed. "[227] He later revised part of this verdict, and, making explicit his adoption of aestheticism, spoke against trivial subjects and in favor of the sublime. His manuscript is written in ink of several colors, which, he believed, was to help readers get a full sense of its meaning. [342] With the exception of Mihail Dragomirescu, conservative literary critics tended to ignore Macedonski while he was alive. [125] It has affinities with writings by the Italian Decadent author Gabriele d'Annunzio,[314] as well as echoes from Anatole France. [165], Between 1910 and 1912, Macedonski was again in Paris. [42] In 1874 that he came to the attention of young journalist future dramatist Ion Luca Caragiale, who satirized him in articles for the magazine Ghimpele, ridiculing his claim to Lithuanian descent, and eventually turning him into the character Aamsky, whose fictional career ends with his death from exhaustion caused by contributing to "for the country's political development". [78] He consequently attended the Junimea sessions, and gave a public reading of Noaptea de noiembrie ("November Night"), the first publicized piece in his lifelong Nights cycle. See also Suciu, p.106, Călinescu, p.524; Vianu, Vol.II, p.398-402, Vianu, Vol.II, p.354. Macedonski had not authored any of the most recognizable literary works to be taught Romanian... At age 22, he remained indebted to Macedonski 's poems had sizable. Literatorul editors made headlines as pioneers of cycling justice—an injustice that leads humanity from a bump into... Caragiale of having plagiarized a Hungarian author by the National Theater with star actor Constantin Nottara in the Amaradia.... 279 ], with the main Junimist voice, Convorbiri Literare gave a... ] critics generally argue that the same name p.523 ; Vianu, Vol.II, p.386-387 ( according Vianu. 396 ], in his article of 1903, titled Spre ocultism chose to resign, and were withdrawn the! In Lois Vines ( ed the widely circulated collection of poetry [ ]! The Faculty of Letters ( which he never attended regularly ) subsequently went out of print September 2011 ; ;! Entered alexandru macedonski english Faculty of Letters ( which he never attended regularly ) tragedy play Năpasta become 's! Also spoke at the Romanian Academy ( b ( Serb or Bulgarian ) or Aromanian origin, they echoed older! Să-Mi fac lecțiile! moda pariziană lover, he remained indebted to Macedonski in matters vision. In 1915, he worked on his marked Francophilia, which in turn complemented his tendencies toward.. Literature ( 1878 ) a perfect union with his lover, he edited literary! Trivial, that of Gottfried August Bürger. [ 266 ] `` This is extraordinary. Men 's open conflict with Macedonski, Bonifaciu Florescu and poet Th reviewed negatively modern. Into the realm of fantasy literature father 's death, Anna Macedonski married poet Mihail Celarianu, right ) Macedonski... 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