True love, she confessed to Pedrito, who agreed with everything she said. In 1961, having obtained the annulment of her first marriage, Luz took as her wedded husband the poet Mauricio Cáceres, a regular contributor to American Letters, and an exponent of what he himself called the “neo-gaucho” style. —The folds of the curtain fabric issuing from beneath a broad entablature of rich gilt-work, encircling the room at the junction of the ceiling and walls. In short, Nazi Literature in the Americas helps to confirm that, like J.R.R. All of the writers are imaginary, although they are all carefully and credibly situated in real literary worlds. Chiefly landscapes of an imaginative cast—such as the fairy grottoes of Stanfield, or Chapman’s Lake of the Dismal Swamp—but also three or four female heads, of an ethereal beauty—portraits in the manner of Sully, each picture having a warm but dark tone. Set in a richly worked silver frame, it had pride of place in each of her successive living rooms, along with portraits by Argentinean painters, showing her as a child or a teenager, generally accompanied by her mother. —Outside the recesses, curtains of an exceedingly rich crimson silk, fringed with a deep network of gold, and lined with the same silver tissue used for the exterior blind. In dreams, she could still feel his strong arms and his warm breath on the top of her head. This time, there was nothing for it; she had to leave for Europe. The first letters of each chapter made up the acrostic: long live hitler. Suddenly Luz found the countryside and the artistic commune on the Paraná stifling. When it was published by Seix Barral in 1996, critics in Spain were quick to recognize the arrival of an important new talent. She rarely washed. He reproduced Poe’s furniture, wallpaper, and curtains as exactly as possible. At these suggestions the young poet burst out laughing, but there was nothing cruel in her laughter; if anything, it was tinged with sadness. —The only seats being two large, low sofas of rosewood and crimson, gold-flowered silk, and two light conversation chairs, also of rosewood. Her new book of poems European Hours (1923) was described in a local newspaper as “precious.” The nation’s most influential reviewer, Dr. Enrique Belmar, described her as “an idle, childish lady whose time and energy would be better spent on good works, such as educating all the ragged little rascals on the loose throughout this vast land of ours.” Edelmira’s elegant reply consisted of an invitation to attend her salon, addressed to Belmar and other critics, which was ignored by all but four half-starved accident-and-crime reporters. It was an impeccably accomplished book, and the censors sifted its pages searching for encrypted messages, in vain. She felt that she had found a soul mate in Poe: their ideas about decoration coincided. After two days spent in an utter daze, Luz realized that she was in love. And little by little a new book began to take shape in her mind. she asked, desperately lovesick. The failure of her marriage plunged Luz into despair. The first time, in 1945, the affair was to be decided, so he declared, on the little field he owned outside Pinar del Río, which had inspired him to write numerous pages about the deep joy of land ownership, a condition he had come to see as the ontological equivalent of destiny. What we know for certain is that Edelmira did not return to Argentina until 1955, by which time the rising star in literary Buenos Aires was her daughter, Luz Mendiluce. She visited Lourdes and the great cathedrals. Everyone was surprised when they announced their engagement, after only a few months. What cannot be cannot be, besides which, it’s impossible. Marriage, which ends the careers of so many promising women writers, quickened the pen of Edelmira Thompson. —Many paintings. Edelmira longed for the epic and its proportions, a literature unafraid to face the challenge of singing the fatherland. The second part is a treatise on good taste and interior design, which develops a number of Poe’s precepts. But she was intrigued by the idea of being mortal enemies.) She was young, she wrote poetry, and she was beautiful. In other words, she ceased to suffer. He was tall and energetic, but not handsome by any standard. Luz pulled away, with the image of Claudia fixed in the rear-vision mirror. He took revenge by cheating on his wife. Nazi Literature in the Americas (Audible Audio Edition): Roberto Bolaño, Jonathan Davis, Chris Andrews - translator, Blackstone Audio, Inc.: Audible Audiobooks Like a joke whose punchline is given in the title, the humour is undermined, and all that is left is a series of names, dates and titles that, since they don't come across as funny, become merely irritating [...] It is not enough to invent a character and lend it a name and a bibliography and a few circumstantial details; something must justify its existence on the page, which otherwise risks resembling an annotated phonebook. The scantily clad whores looked on from a corner of the room. Lacouture had to be hospitalized for fifteen days with severe concussion. “I screwed up,” Pérez Masón would say later. —More than usually massive rosewood framings. Her clothes were old and often ragged. The lines were resounding and looked to the future. She discussed the subject at length with Carozzone and Atilio Franchetti. It could also be any heavily built man. This section differs in tone from the rest of the book, rather than being delivered as a dry encyclopedic entry it is narrated by a character, named Bolaño, who was a witness to some of the events. That said, of all the writers in her family, she was the most talented. She was accompanied by her children, her servants, and the Buenos Aires philosopher Aldo Carozzone, who acted as her personal secretary. Fiction. An aura of mystery enveloped her. Pérez Masón defended himself haughtily: it was a simple coincidence. Luz had a sky blue Alfa Romeo sports car. Her reviews were feared, and eagerly anticipated by those who were not the targets of her venomous, barbed wit. She established a salon in Buenos Aires to rival those of the redoubtable Ximena San Diego and Susana Lezcano Lafinur. In 1953, the year in which Stalin and Dylan Thomas died, she published the collection Tangos of Buenos Aires, which contained, as well as a revised version of “I Was Happy with Hitler,” some of her finest poems: “Stalin,” a chaotic fable set among bottles of vodka and incomprehensible shrieks; “Self Portrait,” one of the cruelest poems written in Argentina during the fifties, which is no mean claim; “Luz Mendiluce and Love,” in the same vein as her self-portrait, but with doses of irony and black humor, which make it somewhat less grueling; and “Apocalypse at Fifty,” a promise to kill herself when she reached that age, which those who knew her regarded as optimistic: given her lifestyle, Luz Mendiluce would be lucky to reach the age of thirty. ", An Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain, Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right, In the Labyrinth: A User's Guide to Bolaño, "Nazi Literature in the Americas by Roberto Bolaño, translated by Chris Andrews", "The Beautiful Mind-Bending of Stanislaw Lem",, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Itinerant Heroes or the Fragility of Mirrors, Forerunners and Figures of the Anti-Enlightenment, Magicians, Mercenaries and Miserable Creatures, This page was last edited on 13 December 2020, at 03:59. Now she wrote like a madwoman, driven perhaps by a presentiment of what destiny had in store. They include The Witches, a misogynistic book full of stories opening onto other stories, which in turn open onto yet others, and whose structure or lack of structure recalls certain works of Raymond Roussel; The Enterprise of the Masons, a paradigmatic and paradoxical work, saluted on its publication in 1940 by Virgilio Piñera (who saw it as a Cuban version of Gargantua and Pantagruel), in which it is never entirely clear whether Pérez Masón is talking about the business acumen of his ancestors or the members of a Masonic lodge who met, at the end of the nineteenth century, in a sugar refinery to plan the Cuban Revolution and the worldwide revolution to follow; and The Gallows Tree (1946), written in a dark, Caribbean gothic vein, unprecedented at the time, in which the author reveals his hatred of communists (although, oddly, he devotes a whole chapter, the third, to the military fortunes and misfortunes of Marshal Zhukov, the hero of Moscow, Stalingrad, and Berlin, and that chapter, taken on its own—it has, in fact, little to do with the rest of the book—is one of the strangest and most brilliant passages in Latin American literature between 1900 and 1950), as well as his hatred of homosexuals, Jews, and blacks, thus earning the enmity of Virgilio Piñera, who always admitted, nevertheless, that the novel, arguably the author’s best, had a disquieting power, like a sleeping crocodile. When Sebastian Mendiluce died, in 1940, Edelmira was unable to travel to Europe, as she would have wished, because of the war. —One mirror, not very large and nearly circular in shape, hung so that a reflection of a person in any of the ordinary sitting places of the room could not be obtained from it. In short, Nazi Literature in the Americas helps to confirm that, like J.R.R. About Nazi Literature in the Americas, Bolaño told an interviewer: Although the writers are invented, they are all carefully situated in real literary worlds: Bolaño's characters rebuff Allen Ginsberg’s advances in Greenwich Village, encounter Octavio Paz in Mexico City, and quarrel with José Lezama Lima in Cuba. In the first category, two books deserve a special mention: Stale Hearts and Young Hearts, by Julián Rico Anaya, a novel that provoked a heated controversy both in Argentina and abroad on its publication in 1978, and The Invisible Adorers, by Carola Leyva, a collection of poems intended to put an end to the sterile debate about poetry that had been going on in certain Argentinean circles since the Second Surrealist Manifesto. . That was not to be Pérez Masón’s last visit to the jails of socialist Cuba. Nazi Literature in the Americas is a real curiosity; it has a surface simplicity, but few readers will be able to pin down a general unease about the book's purpose and meaning. The text no doubt reflected her unstable mental state. —The drapery thrown open, or closed, by means of a thick rope of gold loosely enveloping it, and resolving itself readily into a knot; no pins or other such devices being apparent. He attacked Juan and Edelmira when he saw fit. Naturally Lezama spurned his challenge. Luz did not fare much better. Claudia’s friends said the army had taken her. Throughout her life she treasured the famous photo of her baby self in Hitler’s arms. It included a reproduction of Franchetti’s painting, showing a view of the room from the doorway. Nazi Literature in the Americas, a wicked invented encyclopedia of imaginary fascist writers and literary tastemakers, is Bolano playing with sharp, twisting knives.As if he were Borges’s wisecracking, sardonic son, Bolano has meticulously created a tightly woven network of far-right litterateurs and purveyors of belles lettres for whom Hitler was beauty, truth, and the great lost hope. In 1975, after many failed attempts, he managed to get out of Cuba and settle in New York, where he devoted his time and energy—working more than ten hours a day—to writing and polemics. Her first poems, as one might reasonably have guessed, were concerned with filial piety, religious meditation, and gardens. She entered into bitter, public feuds with certain Argentinean poets (all male and famous), cruelly satirizing their homosexuality (a practice of which she disapproved in public, although many of her friends were gay), their humble social backgrounds, or their communist convictions. In her roles as patroness of the arts and promoter of young talent, however, Edelmira remained as active as ever. Chris Andrews’ English translation was published in 2008 by New Directions and was shortlisted for the 2008 Best Translated Book Award. And those of the third paragraphs spelled: usa where are you. Half of the first number was devoted to Edelmira’s book The New Spring, which came out simultaneously. Part travel narrative, part philosophical memoir, the book reflected on the state of the world, and the destinies of Europe and America in particular, while warning of the threat that communism posed to Christian civilization. Claudia looked on from the doorway of the café where they had met, unmoving. Brisk and pseudoacademic, Nazi Literature in the Americas delicately balances irony and pathos. Her well-known poem “I Was Happy with Hitler,” misunderstood by the right and the left alike, dates from this period. Forerunners to this type of fictional writer biographies can be seen in the short stories of Jorge Luis Borges, particularly "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" and "An Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain". The action took place in the sixties, during the early years of the literacy campaign. . When the reconstruction of the room was complete, Edelmira judged that the time to write had come. The 30 writers portrayed range across the Western Hemisphere, from a … She said it had probably been one of the happiest moments of her life. Once again, she withdrew to her ranch in Azul, accompanied only by her daughter, the faithful Carozzone, and a young painter named Atilio Franchetti. —The frames broad but not deep, and richly carved, without being dulled or filigreed. Meanwhile Edelmira and her children were presented to Adolf Hitler, who held Luz and said, “She certainly is a wonderful little girl.” Photos were taken. For their honeymoon the couple went to the United States and Mexico, and in Mexico City Luz Mendiluce gave a poetry reading. Nazi Literature in the Americas ... and determining the character of the room. Edelmira’s later years were not prolific. And perhaps she was right. The group consisted of the painter Alcides Urrutia and the poet Juan José Lasa Mardones, two entirely mysterious individuals, probably invented by Pérez Masón himself, unless they were pseudonyms used by never-identified pro-Castro writers who at some point went crazy or decided to play a double game. Because I’m a Trotskyist and you’re a fascist shit, said Claudia. On this occasion, however, Edelmira was so sure of what she had written that the general incomprehension hardly affected her. The wallpaper proved more problematic, but the widow Mendiluce dealt directly with a manufacturer, providing a pattern specially designed by Franchetti. In the mornings she wrote or painted. All rights reserved. But things had changed, and Edelmira did not feel at ease in her country. Deranged by sorrow, she composed a death notice that took up a whole two-column page in each of the nation’s major newspapers, and was signed: Edelmira, the widow Mendiluce. About Nazi Literature in the Americas, Bolaño told an interviewer: Following Poe’s instructions to the letter, Franchetti painted a picture: an oblong room thirty-feet deep and twenty-five feet wide, with a door and two windows in the far wall. Reading and a bent for interior design gave rise to her finest work, Poe’s Room (1944), which prefigured the nouveau roman and much subsequent avant-garde writing, and earned the widow Mendiluce an eminent place in the panorama of Argentinean and Hispanic letters. Before leaving, she presented him with several of her own books and a deluxe edition of Martín Fierro. Claudia agreed: they could meet in Rosario in three days’ time. It was widely mocked and derided among the Argentinean intelligentsia. Apart from her Collected Poems (the first volume appeared in 1962, the second in 1979), she was to publish only three more books: a volume of memoirs, The Century as I Have Lived It (1968), written with the help of the ever-faithful Carozzone, followed by a collection of very short stories, Churches and Cemeteries of Europe (1972), distinguished by the author’s abundant common sense, and, finally, a gathering of unpublished early poems, Fervor (1985). this is explained in the introduction to the novel thus: Stacey D'Erasmo, in a review for The New York Times, describes Nazi Literature in the Americas as: “a wicked, invented encyclopedia of imaginary fascist writers and literary tastemakers, is Bolaño playing with sharp, twisting knives. Humiliated, she retired to her ranch in Azul, accompanied by a faithful few. Having shot at her husband and her husband’s friend, she shut herself in the bathroom and swallowed the contents of the medicine chest. In high spirits, Edelmira asked for the Führer’s advice: which would be the most appropriate school for her sons? She reached Crete one midday in spring. “They were too obvious, but if I’d made it harder, no one would have realized.”. She was defeated, but the young remained loyal. In 1921 she published her first book of prose, All My Life, an idyllic and rather flat autobiography, devoid of gossip, full of landscapes and poetic meditations. Buy a cheap copy of Nazi Literature in the Americas book by Roberto Bolaño. The literary Nazis—fascists and ultra-right sympathizers and zealots, most from South America, a few from North America—portrayed in that book are a gallery of self-deluded mediocrities, snobs, opportunists, narcissists, and criminals. Once again, Lezama failed to appear. Countless volumes included a foreword, a preface, or a postface by the widow Mendiluce; she personally financed the first editions of innumerable works. This new disappointment fueled the elaboration of another major poem, “Argentinean Painting,” in which Luz revisited the often stormy relationships into which she had entered with Argentinean painters in her various capacities as collector, wife, and (from an early age) model. It has also been claimed that she financed the magazine The Fourth Reich in Argentina and, subsequently, the publishing house of the same name. She was accompanied by a young Spanish poet, Pedro Barbero, who acted as her secretary and whom she called Pedrito. —Beyond these things, no furniture, except for an Argand lamp, with a plain, crimson-tinted ground-glass shade, depending from the lofty vaulted ceiling by a single slender gold chain and throwing a tranquil but magical radiance over all. With Cáceres in charge of the magazine, the Nazis, the embittered, and the sociopaths unanimously espoused the neo-gaucho style. It is not unreasonable to suppose that a sincere, mutual friendship had developed in the course of all those conversations. Amazon Significant Seven, February 2008: As with the emergence of W.G. The next day Luz set off for Buenos Aires in her Alfa Romeo. One afternoon, Claudia Saldaña visited the ranch with a friend. According to some critics, the acronym AWC secretly stood for the Aryan Writers of Cuba. At fifteen, Edelmira Thompson published her first book, To Daddy, which earned her a modest place in the vast gallery of lady poets active in Buenos Aires high society. Her hair came down to her waist. Soothed by rural calm and the conversations of simple, hardworking country folk, she set to work on the new book of poetry that was to be her vindication. In 1948, while continuing to publish Modern Argentina, Edelmira launched a new magazine, American Letters, giving her children, Juan and Luz, editorial control. During the day, a barbecue had been held there in honor of the Argentinean poetess; by night, the house had been transformed into a brothel, in honor of her husband. Featuring several mass-murdering authors, two fraternal writers at the head of a football-hooligan ring and a poet who crafts his lines in the air with sky writing, Nazi Literature in the Americas details the lives of a rich cast of characters from one of the most extraordinarily fecund imaginations in world literature. You have read 1 of 10 free articles in the past 30 days. The reductive force of summary after summary starts to have an effect that transcends the satire; the book begins to convey a sense of the vanity of human endeavor and the ease with which a lifetime's work might be flicked into oblivion by a witty remark."[6]. Composed of short biographies of imaginary pan-American authors (the nations with the most representatives are Argentina, with eight, and the USA, with seven), Nazi Literature describes, in fourteen thematic sections, the writers’ lives, politics, and literary works. The fifth part is a description of the reconstructed room, similar to but also different from the room conceived by Poe, with a particular emphasis on the light, the color crimson, the origin and state of conservation of various pieces of furniture, the quality of the paintings (every one of which is described, without sparing the reader a single detail). At all her jokes arrested him Wounded Eagle visited the ranch, returning to Rosario, she! Rosario was not anyone of strangers had kidnapped the young remained loyal: their ideas about decoration coincided and Mexico! Who were not the targets of her life literary ladies, the censors and the artistic commune the... 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