A man asked his pastor, "If Jesus knew Judas was going to betray Him, why did He call him in the first place?" Jesus was accused of having a demon, yet He cast out demons. His sermons were published weekly by a syndicate in over 3,000 newspapers. Have you ever made up your mind by what name you will call Christ when you meet Him in Heaven? No one can know what is going on in my mind by examining my school transcripts. The world tries to stifle the name of Jesus. Every harp has its harper. But it doesn't stop him giving. Jan 15, 2021 - t's been said that the three guiding principles of effective preaching can be found in the three "I"s -- "Illustrate, Illustrate, Illustrate. Sermon Illustrations: Calling Anecdotes. "-Brown, Clinard,and Northcut, Steps to the Sermon "Think of all the good preachers you have heard, starting with the Lord Jesus. There is a story of a family whose house caught fire. Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver, yet He redeemed the world. I have seen a man bound hand and foot in sin; Satan, his hard taskmaster, in a bondage from which no human power could deliver him; yet at the pronunciation of that one word, he dashed down his chains and marched out forever free. To destroy the memory of that name of Christ, you would have to burn up all the Bibles and all the churches on earth, then, in a spirit of universal arson, go through the gate of Heaven, put a torch to the temples and the towers and the palaces; and after all that city was wrapped in awful conflagration, and the citizens came out and gazed on the ruin, even then they would hear that name in the thunder of falling tower and the crash of crumbling wall and see it wrought in the flying banners of flame; and the redeemed of the Lord on high would be happy yet and cry out, ”Let the palaces and temples burn; we have Jesus left!”. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord. This makes sense of why Jesus told his audience that anyone who labeled another person “Raca,” or fool, was in danger of the fires of hell (Matt. Will the delivered bondman of earth ever forget who freed him? Christmas is really has one theme and one central message--Jesus came to save people from their sins. It has to do with using God’s name in a way that’s inconsistent with His personhood. It is because I happen to know persons by those names who are cross, sour, snappish and unfriendly; while the persons you know by those names are pleasant and attractive. There’s no harm, directly, in most of life’s little … Dr. Stewart tells of a little company of Russian peasants who had met for worship, knowing full well their gathering was illegal. There will be other Dr. Paleys to write Evidences of Christianity, other Richard Baxters to describe the Saviour’s coming to judgment. Known as the American Spurgeon, Talmage was an emotional and passionate preacher. God knows our names and uses his beloved community to help form our God-given identities. Taking Isaiah's name for this child as our starting point, I want to take a look at the life of Jesus, from his conception to his resurrection, to see how the mighty power of God is at work in this mighty God we know by the name "Jesus." But the name of Christ is to endure forever. Taken from Run with the Horses by Eugene H. Peterson. We become a number and not a name. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187, www.crossway.org. 2:5-11 INTRODUCTION A. SERMON ILLUSTRATIONS. As each parent tried to grab a few belongings and a child’s hand to get out of the house as quickly as possible, the little daughter who was holding the father’s hand, broke free … The word ”Jesus” seems to fit the tongue in every dialect. Can it be, amid all the families represented here today, there is one household where the little ones speak of ”father” and ”mother” and ”brother” and ”sister” and not of the ”name which is above every name”? Millions live out the superficial sham of the entertainer and the greedy exploitiveness of the millionaire because, in part, significant people in their lives cast them in a role or fantasized an illusion and failed to hope a human future for them. I have seen a man hardened in infidelity, defiant of God, full of scoff and jeer, jocose of the judgment, reckless of an unending eternity, at the mere pronunciation of that name, blanch and cower and quake and pray and sob and moan and believe and rejoice. He preached in the Dutch Reformed Church in Belleville, New Jersey, in Syracuse, and in Philadelphia. Find The Name Of Jesus Sermons and Illustrations. It means “apart, or sanctified.” God’s name is thus hallowed. He was educated at the University of the City of New York where he studied law, but changed to theology and was graduated from the New Brunswick Theological Seminary in 1856. Preaching.com is a leading resource that provides tools and ideas for pastors and church leaders to help them lead well. Box 1400, Downers Grove  IL  60515-1426. www.ivpress.com. If a man knows precisely what he can do to you or what epithet he can hurl against you in order to make you lose your temper, your equilibrium, then he can always keep you under subjection. 93-94. ... Names for Christ: Billy Sunday, in a sermon, "Wonderful," quoted in The Real Billy Sunday: Names of Jesus: The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook, Walter A. Elwell, Editor, (Harold Shaw Publ., Wheaton , IL, 1984), p. 384 : Not Ashamed: C. H. … I may have even repeated it to myself. Names Sermon Illustrations. Cute? It was the Jeremiah “to whom the word of the LORD came” who realized his authentic and eternal being. Now, in the Bible a name … reveals the very essence of a thing, or rather its essence as God’s gift…. Still further, it is a mighty name. Jesus Sermon Illustrations . Nowadays, no one feels comfortable calling him Loser. ... Jesus is declaring to the disciples: Go into the world knowing who is in charge and what it will mean to act upon that knowledge! Taking God’s name in vain is the opposite of hallowing it. He was not a true expositor, as many on this page, but he was full of zeal and passion, and thousands responded. The mightiest names of the world have either perished or are perishing. I challenge you to come and kneel down with me at the altar of mercy. No king, with Him, finds greater favor, no barbarian lesser joy; no dignities or pedigrees enjoy distinctions of merit; to all He is equal, to all King, to all Judge, to all God and Lord. Notice this, when the apostles preached, they did so in the name of Jesus. Our objective friends do not understand that, since they move in a world of objects which can be counted and numbered. A Plain Question. Jonathan Andersen offers 14 Christmas sermon illustrations to help us contemplate Christmas, complete a sermon, or come close to the feet of Jesus in worship. In fact, when most of us pray we conclude with the phrase, "in Jesus' name." 2:9. … Jesus always takes the initiative. Take all the glories of book bindery and put them around the page where that name is printed. Share 75. Looser Lane succeeded. HEBREWS SERMON ILLUSTRATIONS OUR DAILY BREAD, et. You’ll also get access to our weekly resources, curated to match the church calendar and what’s happening in our world! SermonSpice.com is the original source for sermon illustration videos, worship backgrounds, and church countdowns. Jesus paid tribute, yet He is the King. “Timothy is my real name. ”A name which is above every name.”-Phil. ♦ In Jesus’ name (or through his accomplishments at Calvary) we have the privilege of coming into the very presence of God. ”Blessed be his glorious name for ever.”-Ps. -Brown, Clinard,and Northcut, Steps to the Sermon "It has been discovered that people remember illustrations in a sermon longer than they doany other of its elements. Jesus’ Call to Salvation Page 70 35. Years ago when I was a small boy, I was used to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, unable to speak, move or do anything for that matter. He couldn’t change/couldn’t alter his reality. But can you imagine any freak of intellect in which you could forget the Saviour’s designation? Oh, yes, it is a sweet name spoken by the lips of childhood, spoken by the old man. Taken From Lent Talks: Preparing for Easter, Bonnie Greer, SPCK. Inmate number OOR28Q7 has nearly three dozen arrests for burglary domestic violence, trespassing. Claim the victory in Jesus' Name . I wish the gospel story told you the next Biblical story after the Transfiguration. ♦ We are no longer outsiders and strangers, but forgiven, washed and justified. 5:13). They’re just easier to remember.” Dr. Hartounian said, “In Armenia, when my grandfather was baptized, they named him Hartounian which means ‘Resurrection.’ I am Joseph Hartounian and I will be a son of Resurrection all my days.”. We offer 30,000+ outlines and 10,000+ free sermon illustrations from top Christian pastors and communicators. But Christ’s name is extending everywhere, believed everywhere, worshipped by all the above enumerated nations, reigning everywhere, adored everywhere, conferred equally everywhere upon all. The name is the right address of a person under which he or she will respond. Getting Back Up It focuses on the compound Divine names and can be used to teach people about praise, prayer, and the nature of God all in one sermon. He told the peasant to say thousands of times each day, “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.” In this way the Jesus prayer slowly became united with his breathing and heartbeat so that he could travel through Russia carrying his knapsack with the Bible, the Philokalia (an anthology of Eastern Christian Mystical writings), and some bread and salt, living a life of unceasing prayer. When the voice in old age gets feeble, tremulous and indistinct, still this regal word has potent utterance. Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1995), 36-37. Preaching in the name of Jesus meant they preached as His representatives. Then the soul may look up, gradually accustoming itself to the vision, shading the eyes as from the almost insufferable splendor of the noonday light until the vision can endure it, then cry out, ”Thou art the Sun that never sets!”. Inspiring and insightful sermon illustrations on the topic of peace. Will you surrender now and forever to the Lord who bought you? Every throne has its king. The birth names of the Son of God For the last few weeks we have been looking at passages of Scripture that announce what the Christ child would be ''called.'' ( John 15:1 ) His illustration resembles what had been said centuries earlier about the nation of Israel, which was called Jehovah’s vine. He was aggressive, not concerned with the feelings of his hearers. In his book Forever Triumphant, F.J. Huegel told a story that came out of World War II. It is a man’s reaction to things that determines their ability to exercise power over him. The most noteworthy achievement of Winner Lane is the sheer of his criminal record. Hebrews 12 Resources. Gina (not her real name) had a call to go to the mission field. 11 Sermon Illustrations on Prayer. _ Find more sermon illustrations here. Jesus Was About His Father’s Business Page 66 33. Many years ago when Lord Tennyson was Poet Laureate, he was walking one day with a friend in his garden talking on subjects of public interest of that time. Despite feeling we were in the endgame of a little chess match and that somehow, he had a secret move up his sleeve, I said, “So that’s your real name!” “No,” he said—and then theologically checkmated me! Mike Stone Luke 1:35 Part 4 of the series: What's in a Name? Wandering someday in the garden of God on high, the place abloom with eternal springtide, infinite luxuriance of rose and lily and amaranth, you may look up into His face and say, ”My Lord, Thou art the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley.”, Someday, as a soul comes up from earth to take its place in the firmament and shine as a star forever and ever, and the luster of a useful life shall beam forth tremulous and beautiful, you may look up into the face of Christ and say, ”My Lord, Thou art a brighter star-the Morning Star-a star forever.”, Wandering someday amid the fountains of life that toss in the sunlight and fall in crash of pearl and amethyst in golden and crystalline urn, when you wander up the round banked river to where it first tingles its silver on the rock, where out of the chalices of love you drink to honor and everlasting joy, you may look up into the face of Christ and say, ”My Lord, Thou art the Fountain of living water.”, Someday, wandering amid the lambs and sheep in the heavenly pastures, feeding by the rock, rejoicing in the presence of Him who brought you out of the wolfish wilderness to the sheepfold above, you may look up into His loving and watchful eye and say, ”My Lord, Thou art the Shepherd of the everlasting hills.”, But there is another name you may select. The meaning of a name is not discovered through scholarly etymology or through meditative introspection. Those of us who have been victims of identity theft or have been disfigured by name-calling dare not engage in such nefarious activity. A man asked his pastor, "If Jesus knew Judas was going to betray Him, why did He call him in the first place?" In the end, only God can identify a person’s condition and make a righteous judgment. My goal with the sermon is simple: I want to encourage each of us to look to and rely on Jesus as the mighty God, and to do, as Paul … And today with the arrow of God’s Spirit piercing your soul, you feel the truth of what I have been trying to proclaim. NAMES OF JESUS (CHRISTMAS) Dan Stevers. Billy Sunday, in a sermon, "Wonderful," quoted in The Real Billy Sunday. Institutions and enterprises have sometimes, without sufficient deliberation, taken their nomenclature. Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1995), 36-37. ... SermonSpice.com is the original source for sermon illustration videos, worship backgrounds, and church countdowns. Several years passed and the Lanes had another son. “Great to meet you, Garrett.” Seconds later, Wait, what was his name again? Jesus now presents a motivating illustration: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the cultivator,” he begins. I never had hallucinations but still, the experi… 19:1-3. She'd train as a nurse and that would put her in a … Sometimes we think of our negative emotions as … SermonSearch.com is an online resource for sermon outlines and preaching ideas. Will the blind man of earth forget who gave him sight? For unknown reasons (this is a true story), Robert named this boy Loser. The fever grows worse and worse, until in some midnight she looks up into your face and says, ”Mamma, kiss me good-bye. His names and titles (more than 250) are dual revelation to us. Jesus was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, yet He is the Good Shepherd. Or will you take some of the symbolic names which on earth you learned from your Bible? Peter was just as fallible as you and I, and yet Jesus made him the rock on which he built the church and … What Jesus’ Cross Did to Sin Page 72 This they call scientific history. It requires assertive, lifelong effort to keep our names in front…No one can assess my significance by looking at the work that I do. It is not validated by bureaucratic approval. No one can know me by measuring me or weighing me or analyzing me. Still further, I remark it is a beautiful name. What does that mean? Tom Hughes, Down to Earth: How Jesus’ Stories Can Change Your Everyday Life, NavPress, 2019, p.13. But in our twisted state, in our malformation, we would rather choose our own names and also mistakenly believe we can accurately name others. Jesus died, yet by His death He destroyed the power of death. -Brown, Clinard,and Northcut, Steps to the Sermon "It has been discovered that people remember illustrations in a sermon longer than they doany other of its elements. How tragic to doom the boys future prospects with the name Loser Lane. It pierced him in the heart. But what does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus? I am resting in the peace which Jesus Christ made in his atoning death upon the cross, and I don't have to make my peace with God for I am resting in the peace which Jesus Christ has already made. The position demands a certain level of recognition. Hope Sermon Illustrations. Good Name. All Rights Reserved. Jesus Was Different Page 56 28. “Come on, tell me, what is your real name?” Again, he replied, “Timothy.” So, I tried a different maneuver. His central message was the Christ, His love and sacrifice. In the introduction to Tim Chester’s Book Truth We Can Touch, Sinclair Ferguson shares a conversation he had with a doctoral student from the Far East: I knew him as “Timothy.” But one day, when I felt I had come to know him well enough, I asked him, “Timothy, what’s your real name?” He smiled and said, “Timothy.” I smiled back, knowing he would see that I wasn’t convinced this was the whole truth! Views: 5959. Find the perfect illustration for your next sermon today! I will kneel on one side of the altar, and you kneel on the other side of it, and neither of us will rise until our sins are forgiven and we ascribe, in the words of the text, all honor to the name of Jesus-your pronouncing it, my pronouncing it-the name that is above every name. How in the world does that happen? The Lord’s Prayer begins, “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name” (Matthew 6:9). Jesus ended His earthly ministry by being thirsty, yet He is the Living Water. He once said, "I shall take all of the Bible, or none." Jesus wept, yet He wipes away our tears. When Jesus Looks at You Page 60 30. The pastor answered, "I don't know, but here's a harder question: Why did He call me?" No sooner is it pronounced in your presence than you think of Bethlehem and Gethsemane and Golgotha. Gregory VI, Sancho of Spain, Conrad I of Germany, Richard I of England, Louis XVI of France, Catharine of Russia-they are mighty names that once made the world tremble; but now, none so poor as to do them reverence. Call my name. The poet's friend was a believer in the Lord Jesus, and sought as opportunities offered to testify for Him. Isaiah 9:6 - His name shall be CALLED, ''Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. CHAPTER 97 Illustration of the Workers in the Vineyard CHAPTER 98 The Apostles Again Seek Prominence CHAPTER 99 Jesus Heals Blind Men and Helps Zacchaeus CHAPTER 100 His Illustration of Ten Minas SECTION 6 Jesus’ Final Ministry Show more In the process of going along with such procedures I find myself defined by a label, squeezed into a role, functioning at the level of my social security number. We too will be blameworthy whether the offense is committed in our hearts, spoken with our mouths, or written with our hands. And what of the brother with the can’t-miss name? There is power in Jesus’ name to be forgiven and come … That’s the name I was given when I was baptized.”, Timothy taught me a great lesson that day. by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr. A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Lord’s Day Evening, December 20, 2009 “Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Rachel named her son Benoni which means son of my sorrow. But we do have a way of taking on the identities that are prescribed for us. When You Look at Jesus… Page 62 31. But contrary to all expectations. In that chapter, Jesus also demonstrated His great power. When I take an infant into my arms at the baptismal font and ask the parents, “What is the Christian name of this child?” I am not only asking, “Who is this child I am holding?” but also, “What do you want this child to become? ”Unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever” (Rev. While we may, through right behavior and Christian demeanor, outlive the fact that we were named with the name of a despot or an infidel or a cheat, how much better it would have been if we all could have started life without any such encumbrance. Isaac; laughter. ELEVEN NAMES TO SHOUT ABOUT By Eddie Lawrence. We can see there what it doesn't mean. Oh, that God today, by the power of His Holy Spirit, would roll over you a vision of that blessed Christ and you would begin to weep and pray and believe and rejoice! Page 58 29. They reduce the great names of the past to dust and ashes. The following sermon illustrations can be used in the sermon about the transfiguration. It … Sermon Illustrations provides sermon illustrations, sermons, eulogies, funeral helps, and counseling aids for ministers. What shall I say of the Romans themselves, who fortify their own empire with garrisons of their own legions, nor can extend the might of their kingdom beyond these nations? I know not whether you will accept it or not, but I will tell you one thing here and now: in the presence of angels and men, I own Him to be my Lord, my God, my pardon, my peace, my life, my joy, my salvation, my Heaven. Strange mistake. But above all, and more than all, that name will be embalmed in the memory of all the good of earth and all the great ones of Heaven. A great way to kick off a time… ... Jesus’ Brand of Peacemaking ... takes time. These three words powerfully touch the Father’s heart. Jesus, Son of God (4 of 4) Series: What's in a Name? Emotions are such a powerful force for us, which is why we must learn to stay in the balcony when we’re in the middle of tense situations. Home > Sermon Illustrations "Gladiator": Power of Jesus' Name Set in A.D. 180, Gladiator tells the story of General Maximus Decimus Meridius (played by Russell Crowe), who was about to be given reigning authority in Rome by the aging emperor, Marcus Aurelius. More strongly, peace creates time by its steadfast refusal to force the other to in. Be accompanied by hallucinations also, not in Charge in Brooklyn, where he drew crowds... Like Winner Lane is the King ’ the slave who ran away, Solomon Northrup has ability! Solomon Northrup has no ability to think of Bethlehem and Gethsemane and Golgotha God never us! Bible Truth by H. A. Ironside, Moody Press, 1978 meet,. 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