Mega Man will only get a large energy refill after killing a boss, so use strategy. A chart that lists damage values for each boss in Mega Man 4. Rematch with the Robot Masters and Wily Machine 4 4. Tako Trash 3. A list of enemies and bosses that appear in Mega Man 4. Dust Man will do one of three things: leap towards Mega Man, fire a block of trash that breaks into four pieces of shrapnel when it reaches you, or pull you towards him. After beating a boss you can step back into the teleport pad to return to the main hub. Be sure to fire your charged shot after evading his attack. Thanks for using our Mega Man 4 Boss Guide! The Pharaoh Shot can be fired in many directions (like the Metal Blade from Mega Man 2) and you’ll have plenty of chances to hit this boss. From time to time, Mothraya will use the sharp spike on it’s break to destroy a layer of the floor. Mega Man X. Mega Man X. Mega Man X2. Battle through more than thirty robot masters in classic RPG style with either Dr. Light and Mega Man, Dr. Wily and Bass, or Dr. Cossack and Proto Man! If you really want to use the Skull Barrier, time your jumps so you land right next to him after he finishes charging and activate the Barrier while you are in the air. Mega Man 9. Happy reading! The shot will arc up if you are jumping or come in straight if you on on the ground. Using the Skull Barrier can block the boss’s shots or damage him, which can be helpful. Cockroach number two will either fire a slower moving spread shot or a fast energy ball that is aimed at Mega Man. Run up to the machine the moment the battle begins and stand as close to it as you can without touching it. Mega Man Boss Guides. Your email address will not be published. Web Spider Four or five hits should end this battle. Be careful not to stand directly under him, because he will try to grab you with the pincers on the bottom of his machine. 4. After a second or so the boss will stand up and expose itself to attack; stand about two body lengths away from it, hit it with the Ring Boomerang once or twice and slide under it the moment it jumps. The boss will next release a wave of energy that is about the height of Mega Man. After jumping or walking a few paces, he’ll start firing off drill bombs. Game info. It’s generally a good idea to slide back under Wiley after attacking, since his plasma shots come fast and you’ll have to do a lot of jumping and sliding to stay alive. The Dust Crusher also works, but this boss tends to wobble up and down when it’s hovering, which makes it hard to hit the orb on its head. The Time Stopper will freeze Pharaoh in his tracks, allowing you to blast away at him. Mega Man 2. This one is a bit tougher, so be on your toes. Dr. Cassock will move horizontally around the top half of the screen and occasionally fire a shot at Mega Man. Pharaoh Man Stage Map by KeyBlade999 2014. Mega Man. Take the opportunity to be aggressive and fire at Drill while he is on the surface even though his drill bombs are dangerous. Several balls of light come together and launch themselves at Mega Man every few seconds during this fight. Mega Man 5. If you did things right you’ll be standing in the boss’s blind spot and he won’t be able to hit you with his shots or by touching you unless you jump while he is firing his cannon. Mega Man. Even better, tapping the B button rapidly will ensure that the Bright Stopper will be reactivated the second it wears off. Jump over the ring and towards the boss slightly, then be ready to slide so the returning ring passes over your head. The Skull Barrier is often recommended as the best weapon to fight Dive Man with, but I have found that the Mega Buster is the best choice, because it destroys Dive’s torpedoes (in fact a fully charged up shot can cut through his torpedoes and got him) and does not require you to put yourself in jeopardy by getting close to the boss. The Weapon that will cause the most damage against a boss in units. 1. These projectiles move quickly so it’s best to move away from Skull Man and make short hops to avoid them. Watch the speed at which the pieces move closely, since the Square Machine will sometimes reassemble itself after only one fly by and the speed at which it moves indicates what it will do next. As usual you’ll have to face off against the eight robot masters just before fighting Wiley. Don’t fire any missiles at him at this point, they’ll just miss or bounce off of his armor. Toad will stop gyrating if hit one of the aforementioned weapons and either attempt Rain Flush again or jump. If time your attacks carefully, you should be able to cancel every one of his Rain Flush attempts. Notes []. This battle is significantly easier than the fight with Wiley Machine No. Games Movies TV Video. Dust Man often, but not always, uses the same move two or three times in a row, so if he fires a shot after jumping, it’s pretty safe to expect another. About six good power shots should be enough to end this battle. Metall Daddy 2. A red orb will appear in between the platforms near the top of the machine and start firing at Mega Man. MMKB, the Mega Man Wiki. Fast means it will probably do another pass, while slow indicates that it will likely stop. Cheats. X's Bosses will include the boss' attack patterns as well as how to defeat them, but Zero's will just have the method of defeating them. With that in mind, these strategies are quite effective and I hope they prove helpful. Pharaoh often fires a cluster of three orbs when he jumps and it’s best to move backwards or slide under him if possible. Mega Man 6. Winning will net you Rush Marine, which is helpful in Dive Man’s stage, and Rain Flush which is good for clearing the screen of foes. Mega Man Classic. Either fire a charge or regular shot to destroy any incoming torpedoes, don’t try to evade them, because they will follow you and make life tougher. It’s best to just stay still and jump over the chest level shot, while countering with Rain Flush. Mega Man 3. Mega Man X4. Mega Man Classic. If Willy appears above you just perform a short hop and hit him with the energy ball that appears above Mega Man’s head while the Pharaoh Shot is charging. Ring Man will do the exact same move on this side of the room, so jump over the first ring, slide, and jump over the boss as he charges towards you. Mega Man 10. All 4 items obtained: A5-B1-C1-C3-D1-F3: All bosses defeated with no adaptors: A1, A4, B5, E2, E3, E4: Bright Man defeated: A1 A4 B5 E2 F1 F3: Bright Man defeated with both Adaptors. Be sure to fire your charged shot after evading his attack. The right side of this boss’s room is elevated, which makes it a great place from which to fire the Dust Crusher or Ring Boomerang at Cassock. Tako will also lob bombs out of the port on top of his head like a mortar. Mega Man 2. Toad Man is pretty easy as bosses go in Mega Man 4. There’s also a chance the boss will slam down on top of you, which can be evaded by sliding. If Dust is in the center of the room you should stand as far from him as possible to avoid sliding into him when attempting to evade his projectile. Generally I recommend going through the room counter clockwise, starting with Drill Man and ending with Pharaoh Man. You’ll have to hop fast and be ready to jump over Drill himself if you want to avoid being hit. Information on the first eight bosses, including weaknesses, how to fight each boss effectively, and what each boss gives you after it is defeated. Description/background information of an enemy or boss. The good news is you can run or slide under Wiley’s ship to avoid being hit and catch a breather for as long as you like. 1. For more details go to the bosses' pages. Skull Man is one tough cookie and picking up the two E-Tanks in this stage will help. Charging up the shot will deal massive damage to Ring and you can even hit him with the glowing orb that appears over your head when the weapon is charged. Notify me about new: Guides. 1 Enemy Table Guide 2 Enemies 3 Sub-Bosses 4 Robot Masters 5 Bosses When Dive charges you, he’ll move to the spot where you are standing, then stop. Add new page. Bosses are an integral part to the Mega Man series, and in fact, any video game at all in general. While the bosses in these stages are very different from the eight Robot Masters, they still have weaknesses to certain weapons. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a5fe6fe98a00c330b913c57adcc6dc0a" );document.getElementById("ed7dea0fb5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); © 1. Jump: Skull will leap towards Mega Man like many other bosses. Mega Man IV follows the general pattern of previous Game Boy titles, combining content from existing NES titles with unique content and features. Wikis. Mega Man X. Mega Man X. Mega Man X2. Instead, slide under it and you’ll avoid being hit. Mega Man Boss Guides. This fan hack has completely reworked the original Megaman 4. The boss room is pitch black and you’ll be unable to see Wiley, except for a split second after he fires a plasma shot at you. Drill Man is a dangerous boss capable of causing quite a bit of devastation, but the Dive Missile will prove mightier. ~ tankMage (October 2016). While there are plenty of guides available for this game, I decided to write my own after learning to defeat every boss without having to use E-Tanks or even being hit in some cases. Be ready to leap over Ring Man since he will charge towards you. Mega Man Series Boss Chart by MetroidMoo 2004. In order to fire the wave, the boss must raise his arms above his head, if you are quick you can shoot him and move up to a higher part of the room to make jumping over his wave easier. Mega Man 8. Start charging the Pharaoh Shot up before you enter Ring’s lair and fire it the second the battle begins. A carefully timed jump will clear him and give a an chance to counter with Dust Crusher. If you use Drill Bombs, jump up, fire, and push the B button again to make the bomb explode just before it hits Wiley, which is the easiest and most effective way to damage him. The battle will almost certainly start with Bright jumping across three room, so run or slide under him and fire off a Rain Flush. Lists the amount of health an enemy has based on the amount of hits it takes from uncharged Mega Buster shots. The Drill Bomb is by far the most effective way to deal with Toad Man, since you will essentially shut him down and trap him in a jumping or Rain Flush attempt loop. 2 (gashapon); 2 (straight shot); 6 (contact), 1 (running/jumping variant); 3 (dancing variant), 4 (contact, eyes); 4 (contact, body); 2 (bombs), 16 (Kabatoncue); 2 (column piece); 1 (missile), 8 (contact); 3 (Drill Bomb); 2 (Drill Bomb explosion), 2 (Pharaoh Shot); 4 (contact); 6 (Pharaoh Wave), 4 (Dust Crusher); 4 (Dust Crusher shrapnel); 8 (contact), 8 (contact); 8 (torpedo spin); 4 (Dive Missile), 8 (contact); 4 (shots); 0 (Skull Barrier), 4 (energy shot); 7 (contact, body); 7 (contact, spike), 4 (bottom crush); 4 (projectile); 6 (jewel), 8 (contact); 4 (straight shot); 4 (diagonal shot); 4 (shot spread); 6 (large shot). Mega Man. Search this site. Weakness: Ring Boomerang (recommended), Dust Crusher. He’ll usually charge three times consecutively (but not always) and the best way to avoid him is to jump to a moderate height and slide away from him after landing to avoid his next charge, then repeat the process. I'll detail all attacks and all the different ways to beat them. Weakness: Mega Buster (Charged), Drill Bomb. Mega Man 7. Bright Man is a simple boss (for the most part) and most of his attacks are easily avoided, but his Bright Stopper can be highly dangerous, since I was unable to find a way to effectively counter or cancel it. Each boss strategy covers what weapon is best used on a particular robot master, the weapon/item you’ll receive after defeating it, and how to fight the boss effectively. Mega Man 4. Mega Man X. Mega Man X. Mega Man X2. Wiley will fire blue fireballs at Mega Man while staying at the far right side of the screen and hovering up and down. ← Mega Man 3 Enemies | Mega Man 5 Enemies → A list of enemies and bosses that appear in Mega Man 4. 2021 RetroMaggedon Classic Gaming, is not affiliated with any of the companies, entities, institutions, or organizations which are referred to on this website. You can also use the Drill Bomb or Ring Boomerang on this boss, but the Mega Buster seems to work just as well and doesn’t use weapon energy. Mega Man 10. Weakness: Mega Buster, Drill Bombs, Ring Boomerang. Hello and thanks for checking out my unofficial Mega Man 4 Boss Guide. With that in mind, these strategies are quite effective and I hope they prove helpful. Category:Mega Man 4 bosses; Category:Mega Man 5 bosses; Category:Mega Man 6 bosses; Category:Mega Man 7 bosses; Category:Mega Man 8 bosses; Category:Mega Man 9 bosses; Category:Mega Man 10 bosses; Category:Mega Man 11 bosses; Category:Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters bosses; Category:Mega Man 3 (PC) bosses; By this point Ring Man should have jumped and thrown a high ring (which won’t hit you, because you are sliding). It is also safe to get a quick shot in when he lands if there are at least two or more body lengths between you and Dust. After firing about four shots, the orb will fade away and the boss will disassemble itself, then move off the screen, so be ready to slide under the midsection wall again. Drill will burrow into the ground just after you enter the chamber. Tako only uses the two attacks described here, so this fight should not pose much of a challenge. Because he moves quickly and can be hard to predict, it’s best to be aggressive with the Dust Crusher and out damage Skull Man, just be sure to aim your shots well so they hit him and let his invincibility wear off before shooting again since Dust Crusher has a low rate of fire. Mega Man 6. This move renders Dust Man invincible and it will slowly draw Mega Man towards him. The order these bosses are listed in is a very loose recommendation and players can choose to fight them in a different sequence if they wish. Category:Mega Man 4 bosses | MMKB | Fandom. This is especially true for bosses who are easily foiled by the Mega Buster. Mega Man 8. The energy ball will vanish once it touches Wiley, but you’ll still be able to fire a fully charged shot at the boss when he appears again. Bomb Man This boss will simply float from one side of the screen to the next, occasionally firing a shot aimed at Mega Man that can be jumped over, slid under, or just walked away from. Make sure you are ready to fire a charged shot, since he may pause to fire a torpedo or two at random. Also provides some tips and a recommended order. Wiley can be hard to hit since you can’t see him, so charge up the Pharaoh Shot and walk around the room. Dr. Cossack's Citadel: 1. The boss’s fire balls will pass harmlessly over your head and you can easily jump up and hit the orb on Tako Trash’s head with the Ring Boomerang after he fires about three or four fireballs. Ring Man will immediately throw a ring that will fly towards you and then snap back to him. Just before entering Turbo Man's and/or Spring Man's boss chamber(s) equip the "Noise Crush" weapon. A recommended order in which to fight these bosses is also provided. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. If the platform is low when the Square Machine fires its next shot, jump up to avoid it and get another shot of your own off. Charge the Mega Buster up, wait for Wiley to fire about three shots (there is a pause between each volley) and hit him. Mega Man 5. 5,294 Pages. Each list has the bosses organized in an order which allows you to be able to use the correct special weapon or technique to defeat them with. Mega Man 4. Flash Stopper's offensive attack is an uncharged Mega Buster shot, so it can technically damage any boss that is damaged by the Mega Buster. Normally you should be able to get two hits in on this boss while it’s together. Metall will spend a few seconds hiding under his helmet and is invincible, like any other metool, while doing so. Hello and thanks for checking out my unofficial Mega Man 4 Boss Guide. Weakness: Drill Bombs (Recommended), Charged Mega Buster. As with the previous Game Boy entries, the Robot Masters are taken from two different NES titles, with the first four taken from Mega Man 4, while the latter four come from Mega Man 5. Slide under Cassock if he lowers his machine to grab you. Ultimately it’s best to present a strong offensive against Bright Man using Rain Flush, since he will have fewer opportunities to use his special attack if you kill him quickly. Search this site. Cossack CatcherWily Castle: 1. Instead jump onto Tako’s ledge; there’s a tiny part of the platform that Mega Man can stand on without taking contact damage from the boss. This time the superpowerful cyborg takes on a horde ... Mega Man. A3,A5,B3,C2,D1,F3: Dive Man defeated: A2 B4 B5 D2 E2 F3: Dive Man defeated with both Adaptors. The Ring Boomerang is useful for clearing the metools that fall to the ground, so don’t be shy about using it. Staying near this boss (about one body length) also helps guarantee that the missiles will lock into him and not his projectiles. A few good blasts should destroy the front end of the machine. Mavericks. Mega Man. You’ll want to fight these guys as efficiently as possible in order to conserve your resources for the final battle and knowing where each teleporter leads is a big help, since you can make sure your life is full as possible before fighting a boss you have trouble with. The charged Mega Buster and the Skull Barrier also work reasonably well against Bright Man. Try to run or slide under Dust if he jumps and, if possible, keep on the extreme right or left of the room, since this will give you more time to react to his attacks. There are two listings of the bosses here, one for X and one for Zero. For Mega Buster and Pharaoh Shot, the first number is when the weapon is fired normally; the second is when it is fully charged. Metall Daddy will repeat the exact same pattern throughout the fight, so hammer away with the Ring Boomerang, be ready to evade and the battle will end fairly quickly. This boss sits on an elevated portion of the floor for the duration of the battle. Skull generally does not move until you do something (at least at first), but if you fire at him, jump, or make a move, he will do one of three things. Weakness: Mega Buster (Charged), Skull Barrier (Not Recommended). Just look at that prime specimen. Introduction: A brief explanation of this guide. You can also dodge his shot by jumping towards the block just before it explodes, but this requires more space and timing. Toad will also begin shaking his hips which indicates that he is about to launch his Rain Flush attack, which will damage Mega Man regardless of what you do. Mega Man Classic. Currently, there are Robot Masters from Mega Man 1 to Mega Man 11. Mega Man 6. The Rain Flush fires slowly, so make sure you have an opening before using it; between Bright Man’s jumps, after he fires his chest level shot, and before he uses his Time Stopper are all great windows for your attack. These are my personal findings and may not be the absolute best way to defeat every boss. Reviews. Ultimately, this boss is fairly easy, just be sure that you jump inside of it before it assembles itself or you won’t be able to hit it. For the MaGMML games, bosses are generally split into several categories: . This is a laughably easy fight. He seems to leap very quickly, but it is possible to move out of the way or slide under him. Charge: Sometimes this boss will simply run across the room at high speed and try to slam into you. For more information, please visit our legal page: 2. He’ll also aim them at you, so be ready to jump or slide away from them. Luckily running or sliding in the opposite direction will keep you safe, so take this as an opportunity to get far away from him while charging your weapon. Jump over the Ring Boomerang charge ) a hit the walls and in. Tracks, allowing you to jump or slide under the bottom section shoot this boss will dig... Horizontally around the top half of the battle begins Wily Capsule there are small... 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